
Chapter 714: Noisy scene

Chen Fei walked to the center of the speech platform and made a downward gesture with both hands, making the scene quiet. Such as

With this momentum, Jiang Lingyun couldn't help but frown again, feeling a little uncomfortable in his heart.

At this time, Chen Fei spoke: "I know you are very concerned about Alstom antibiotics, and today, I am here for this matter."

When I heard that Chen Fei was here for antibiotics, everyone at the scene couldn't help but became excited again, and became noisy again. "

Mr. Chen, are you going to continue mass production of health wine? "

"Mr. Chen, what do you think about this?"

"Mr. Chen, do you support our cooperation between Longjiang City and Jianghuhai Pharmaceutical?"...


With these questions, Jiang Lingyun also showed an expression of interest on his face at the moment.

However, Chen Fei's expression was cold, he glanced at Jiang Lingyun, and then sternly said: "Cooperating with Jianghuhai Pharmaceutical? This is impossible."

As soon as this remark came out, the reporters suddenly exploded. "

Mr. Chen, when you say this, do you oppose the cooperation between Longjiang City and Jianghuhai Pharmaceutical? "

"Mr. Chen, can you tell me your reason for objection?"

Mr. Chen, Jianghuhai Pharmaceutical has already offered such good preferential terms, and you even opposed it. I am a little disappointed. "...


Listening to these words, Chen Fei sneered: "Preferential terms? I don't know if you are really stupid or fake?"

A commodity whose original price was several hundred yuan has now risen to five or six thousand, and then the price will be reduced by a few hundred yuan for you. You just said that the conditions are favorable. Are all your maths taught by physical education teachers? "Chen Fei asked.

At that time, everyone at the scene fell silent, bowed their heads and became silent. very

Many people thought about it. Indeed, they were confused by the gimmick of price cuts at first, but now after hearing Chen Fei's words, they realized that this so-called price cut is nothing compared to the skyrocketing price. this

At that moment, Jiang Lingyun's expression was a bit unsightly, and he quickly winked at some people in the crowd. horse

Someone stood up and asked Chen Fei: "Mr. Chen, you are opposed to cooperation. Then I would like to ask, what should we do with the illness of ordinary people? Just drag it, or just buy Mr. Chen's health wine?"

After speaking, the person paused on purpose, and then asked seemingly unintentionally, "Mr. Chen's health wine, has the sales increased a lot during this time?"

In other words, the heart is extremely cruel.

Undoubtedly, he was suggesting to everyone that Chen Fei's objection to cooperation was to sell his own health wine. It was the merchant's instinct for profit, not for the sake of everyone.

Sure enough, upon hearing this, many people's eyes on Chen Fei changed, and the words of discussion changed one after another at this moment.

"I hadn't thought before that he produced the health wine."

Yes, as long as there is no cooperation, the sales of health wine will continue to rise. ""

I thought he was speaking for us, so he was still a business? "


How could Chen Fei fail to see the other party's strategy, his eyes were cold, and he glared at the person who was talking, and sternly shouted: "Nonsense."

My Chen Fei’s company’s health-preserving wine during this period is indeed a big seller, but I will never take the opportunity to drive up prices and earn everyone’s hard-earned money like some people do. ""

Mr. Chen is really pretty? "The man still looked unbelief, and continued to sarcastically. Chen

Feileng glared at him coldly, and then said: "Everyone suspects that my health-preserving wine is selling in order to make money. Then, I tell everyone, this is absolutely impossible."

Hearing this, he was about to speak and continued to refute Chen Fei. but

At this moment, Chen Fei immediately continued: "Think about it for yourself. Some time ago, the health-care wine was hot, and what is the price on the market. Now, what is the price of health-care wine in the market? Do you think that those retailers? , Will give up profits for no reason, and are willing to reduce prices?"

This question made everyone think about it. "

Indeed, some time ago, the price of health wine, 10,000 to 20,000 is cheap, and some 30,000 to 40,000 can get a bottle. "

"During this period, it seems that all have returned to their original original price, 500 yuan a bottle."

I watched the news because Mr. Chen severely cracked down on the price-raising behavior of many retailers, which brought down the price. ""

Mr. Chen didn't object to make money at all. Otherwise, he would directly increase the ex-factory price of health wine by one or two times, and everyone would not be obedient to buy it. "

"That guy, you misunderstood Mr. Chen, don't apologize yet."

Yes, quickly apologize! "

"No apology, did you mean it?"...


Faced with the pressure of the crowd, I just questioned that person, his face was sinking at the moment, and he could only bow his head to apologize to Chen Fei. Present

The situation on the field stabilized again. But Jiang Lingyun's expression was a bit gloomy at the moment. After all, the strategy he carefully planned and arranged seemed to work soon, but Chen Fei led a group of people to rush over and directly destroyed his good deeds. This

Jiang Lingyun was so angry that he didn’t want to drag on any longer. He directly looked at the responsibility of the relevant departments in Longjiang City and said: “Leaders, we have limited time for the press conference. My Jianghuhai Pharmaceutical just opened Conditions, don’t you know if you accept it?""

If we still do not accept it, we will immediately start the procedure and officially withdraw from the Longjiang market. "River

Ling Yun spread the words directly, unabashedly threatening the leaders of Longjiang City to make a decision. and

The scene that had just been stabilized by Chen Fei, following Jiang Lingyun's words, became noisy again at this moment.

"Mr. Chen's words are correct, Jianghuhai Pharmaceutical is indeed a black heart."

But we have no choice now. Without the antibiotics, could we just die like this? "

"Yes, Mr. Chen said it well, but he didn't provide a solution. We still have to be controlled by others!"

"Buy it. If you buy it, you can still save a life. If you don't buy it, you will lose your life. Then what do we need money for?"


Regarding the discussion of the people, the leaders of Longjiang City felt a sudden pressure at this moment, and their expressions became serious. and

Jiang Lingyun on the stage smiled, but at the moment he became more relaxed, "We don't have much time, please make a decision as soon as possible?"

Seeing that the situation was completely controlled by Jiang Lingyun again, but at this moment, the group of experts and scholars who came with Chen Fei came to the ears of the leaders of Longjiang City and said something softly.

Suddenly, the group's complexion changed drastically, with smiles and serious expressions on their faces, and they all relaxed. see

Jiang Lingyun on the stage felt something was wrong, and the muscles on his face twitched.

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