
Chapter 753: Open field day

Finally, the middle-aged man sighed and said to the girl: "Anyway, you go back with us!" Thanks

Yuchen pouted and wanted to say something, but her mother came over and said helplessly: "Yuchen, don't blame us, we are also for your grandfather."

Hearing Grandpa, Xie Yuchen couldn't say anything, so he could only stand up and walk towards the middle-aged men and women.

Upon seeing this, the middle-aged men and women nodded and prepared to take the girl away. on

When she was about to leave, the girl suddenly thought of something, turned around and walked towards Chen Fei.

Standing in front of Chen Fei, the girl bowed to Chen Fei, then smiled and said, "I'm sorry, I troubled you just now. My name is Xie Yuchen." Chen

Fei froze for a moment, and then a faint smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, nodded gently, and said, "It's okay, my name is Chen Fei."

"Thank you, Chen Fei!" The girl nodded and thanked, and then she was about to leave. but

At this moment, Chen Fei shouted to her, "Xie Yuchen, wait a minute."

The girl turned her head to look at Chen Fei, a little curious, "Uh, Chen Fei, you--"

At that time, Xie Yuchen's parents also looked over with caution. It seems that as long as Chen Fei makes a little unruly action, they will rush forward and beat Chen Fei violently.

However, at this moment, Chen Fei did not act excessively. He just handed Xie Yuchen a business card and smiled softly: "I am a doctor. If you need it, you can contact me."

Xie Yuchen obviously didn't expect Chen Fei to say such a thing. It seems that he heard about his grandfather's condition just now.

For a moment, Xie Yuchen took the business card, nodded, and said, "Well, thank you, Chen Fei!"

That is, the girl turned around and walked to her parents.

The parents suddenly asked with some alertness: "Yuchen, what did he give you?"

Xie Yuchen showed the business card in his hand and said: "His name is Chen Fei, he is a doctor. If I need it, I can contact him."

"Doctor!" When Xie Yuchen's parents heard the words, they couldn't help turning their heads to look at Chen Fei, then frowned slightly, and said, "We don't know how many doctors there are after seeing them. Don't just believe them."

Obviously, they didn't believe in Chen Fei's medical skills, or even that Chen Fei was a doctor, thinking that he was only using this method to strike up a conversation with his daughter. although

Although Xie Yuchen didn't have much confidence in Chen Fei's medical skills, after all, the other party was kind, so she carefully put the business card away and put it in her purse. thank

Yuchen and his parents left, and Chen Fei continued to eat and drink for a while, then immediately looked for opportunities to chat with others. No

How long did Chen Fei finally figure out about the opening day they were talking about?

It turns out that this opening day is a tradition in Pilimen for many years, and it is held every four years. At the right time, after the medicines of Longyuan Medicinal Field in Perak Gate are mature, the medicinal fields will be opened and people from outside will be invited to Perak Gate. he

We will set up some tests. As long as those who pass the test, they can enter the Longyuan Medicine Field and choose a drug at will.

You know, Longyuan Medicinal Field is a place where herbs are carefully planted in Perak Gate. The worst of these herbs is valuable medicinal materials worth millions on the market. Not to mention the cherished medicinal materials, they are completely priceless. No money can buy it on the market.

Therefore, every opening day of Pilimen Gate attracts many people to participate. After all, this kind of opportunity to cherish medicinal materials is possible, and no one wants to miss it. It is good to try your luck. listen

At this point, Chen Fei couldn't help but feel a little surprised, and then continued to ask: "This kind of good opportunity, wouldn't everyone have to go. With so many people, one person, one plant, can Pilimen stand it?"

When the people around heard this, they immediately laughed and said, "Little brother, you think too much. How can people go to Pilimen without restrictions? Those who are now qualified to go are either martial arts colleagues, or The rich and the rich.""

Ordinary people like us have no chance to go up and pick herbs. "

"No, even if we have the opportunity to participate, we will not pass the test of Pilimen!"

"Yeah, after all, when they open the field at Pilimen, they are not kindly sending medicinal materials, but they have ideas."

Ideas, what ideas? "Chen Fei asked casually.

Others said: "Little brother, you are still young, and you don't understand the sinister society!"

Although the Pilimen is a mysterious force, the martial arts sect. But just like our society, if there is no benefit, you can't get it early, and there is no benefit. How can they do it for so many years! ""

That is, although the Pilimen opening day seems to be a free delivery of medicines, you must know that those who are eligible to participate are not ordinary. They got herbs from Longyuan Medicinal Field, how could they not remember the kindness of Pilimen. "

"In the future, if there is any need for Pilimen, they will naturally help out. Those who have the money will contribute their money, and they will contribute forcefully. This is the wishful thinking of Pilimen."

Hearing this, Chen Fei couldn't help but suddenly realized. clap

It is impossible for Limen to do business at a loss. This so-called opening day is to use Zongmen's medicinal materials to make friends and expand his power. Do not

It was clear to understand, but at this moment Chen Fei felt an uncomfortable feeling in his heart. want

I know that in this Longyuan Medicine Field, Pilimen had already lost to himself a few months ago. Now, Yaotian is his own thing.

As a result, the people of Pilimen actually used their own things to open the field. Isn't this something to give him Chen Fei, and then seek benefits for himself! miss you

At this point, Chen Fei's eyes were slightly cold, and he snorted in his heart, and muttered to himself in a low voice: "Chang Fei Yuan, Chang Fei Yuan, it seems that if I am not here to deter you, you will forget my methods!" Drink

After the wine, Chen Fei said goodbye and returned to the hotel. Times

Day is the first day of the opening day. Chen Fei left early in the morning and headed towards Leishan. with

Like Chen Fei, many people came to open the field. Along the way, Chen Fei met many wealthy martial artists, all of them were very excited and excited.

Chen Fei restrained his breath and walked forward by himself. Row

Halfway through the entrance, a call suddenly came from behind, "Chen Fei, Chen Fei——" Chen

Hearing the sound, Fei turned his head to look, only to see a car slowed down, slowly driving from behind him. The car door opened, revealing a pretty face of a girl inside, waving her hand to greet Chen Fei, who was Xie Yuchen who I saw at the food stall yesterday.

Chen Fei saw Xie Yuchen with a smile, raised his hand and said hello, "Xie Yuchen, hello!" Xie

Seeing Chen Fei's response, Yuchen continued to wave and smile: "Chen Fei, Chen Fei. Are you going to Pilimen? Come and get in the car and walk with us!"

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