
Chapter 772: Why fight

"Vicious?" Chen Fei sneered and glanced at Bai Qianli, "Is it vicious or you vicious, I believe you know it clearly in your own mind."

"What you lost to me by Pilimen, you want to repudiate it. So you slandered me and Chang Feiyuan for colluding with Chang Feiyuan and betraying the Zongmen."

"Not only that, you also asked your disciples and the people in the White Jade Palace to come forward and act on me, trying to kill people."

"You said these things, are you vicious or me vicious?" Wen

Yan Tianyuan narrowed his eyes slightly, his eyes flickered, and hurriedly said, "It's all this time, and you're still arguing. What kind of bet, what kind of murder, are all nonsense."

As soon as the voice fell, Chang Feiyuan on the side said directly: "Qian Tianyuan, I don't care how you end up in the end. But if you continue, you will bring the entire Thunderbolt Gate into the abyss."

Traitor, shut up! "Hearing Chang Feiyuan's words, Gan Tianyuan was a little flustered, and hurriedly screamed. No.

However, Chang Feiyuan was not afraid of him, and directly continued: "Everyone, a few months ago, we, Pilimen, lost Longyuan Medicine Field to Mr. Chen because of a bet.""

Just now, Mr. Chen came to ask for Longyuan Medicine Field, my original intention was to fulfill the promise. But Qian Tianyuan was unwilling to hand over the Longyuan Medicine Field, so he slandered me for colluding with Mr. Chen, expelled me from the division, and killed Mr. Chen. "One

Hearing this, everyone was surprised.

"Longyuan Medicine Field lost to Chen Fei, there is still such a thing!"

Don’t you remember the five-province martial arts conference a few months ago? ""

It turned out to be that. I heard that not only Pilimen lost the Longyuan Medicine Field. It seemed that the Yue family had lost half of their possessions. ""

If what Chang Feiyuan said is true, then this Chen Fei is not Master Chen from Longjiang City! "

"Master Chen, young master, the one who defeated Sun Fengqin?"


If Chen Fei is really Master Chen, Pilimen seems to be doing a little bit inauthentic! ""

Yes, after all, it was a promised bet, but now that he doesn't admit it, he wants to kill people, which is really too much. "

"So, Chang Feiyuan and Chen Fei were both wronged."...


Among the discussions, some people began to complain about Chen Fei and Chang Fei.

However, there are obviously some people who have different views from them. "

What does it mean to not be authentic? It is normal for Pilimen to do this. After all, it's something from your own sect, how can you give it away casually? ""

That is, for such a precious thing as Longyuan Medicinal Field, I don't believe it if it is said that a bet has been lost. ""

Even if it is true, it should be the responsibility of the person who lost at the time, instead of letting the whole Pilimen take the blame. "


Over time, there were constant discussions and quarrels, and there was chaos in the court.

At this moment, Qian Tianyuan had a complicated expression and frowned. he

Knowing that if this chaos continues, his prestige and position will be challenged. in

Yes, he suddenly said, "Everyone, don't be instigated by the villain to misunderstand us."

Immediately, Gan Tianyuan glared at Chang Feiyuan, and sternly questioned: "Chang Feiyuan, even if you are telling the truth. But don’t forget, Pilimen Centennial Foundation, Longyuan Medicine Field is the top priority among them. . In the end, you were tested and lost to others as a bet. Now you are ashamed to ask us to hand over Longyuan Medicinal Fields like you?"

At the beginning of being Qian Tianyuan, many other elders and disciples started screaming. "

That is, Chang Feiyuan is responsible for this matter himself! ""

Yes, it is ridiculous to use such a precious thing as Longyuan Medicine Field as a bet. ""

When he agreed, he didn't ask our opinion at all, and I don't admit it. "...


Not only the disciples of Pilimen's own elders, but at this moment, there are also many people from other sects who have also spoken out to speak for Qian Tianyuan and criticize Chang Feiyuan for a while.

These people didn't really think that Chang Feiyuan and Qian Tianyuan were right or wrong, but they were speaking from their own interests.

After all, if according to Chang Feiyuan's statement, the Longyuan Medicinal Field was directly lost to Chen Fei, then passers-by like them would not get anything.

And if they support Qian Tianyuan, at least, on this year's opening day, they will have a chance to get some elixir. surface

Regarding this kind of benefit choice, most people naturally stand on Qian Tianyuan's side.

For a time, the voices continued, and Qian Tianyuan's face was smug. often

Feiyuan turned red with anger, and defended: "Qian Tianyuan, when you said this, didn't you feel any guilt in your heart?"

"In the original competition, I promised to bet because there was a chance to win greater benefits. Moreover, before the event, you also agreed that I have full authority to deal with the five provinces martial arts conference."

As a result, now that the bet is lost, you will return the responsibility to me. "

"Then I would like to ask, if my original bet wins and I get benefits. Will you give me all those benefits?" Listen

When Chang Feiyuan asked, some disciples of Pilimen suddenly changed their colors, their expressions hesitated, and they began to think. dry

Tian Yuan looked cold when he saw this, knowing that things shouldn't be late, and late will change. Immediately he shouted sharply: "Chang Feiyuan, you don't need to quibble. The fact now is that you have exported our Longyuan medicine field in Pilimen, so you must take responsibility."

Disciples of Pilimen, these two colluded with each other to plot my Pilimen treasure. Are you willing to fight for the sect? "

Behind Qian Tianyuan, several elders who had a good relationship with Qian Tianyuan first shouted, "We are willing to fight for the Pilimen, and fight for the Longyuan Medicine Field."

Immediately, Gan Tianyuan looked at the martial arts disciples of the other sects, and said: "Dear martial arts colleagues, for the survival of the sect, for the justice of the martial arts, are you willing to fight these two villains with us?"

"If this battle is victorious, I will open my arms to you, Pilimen Longyuan Medicine Field."

As soon as these words came out, many people in the martial arts sect suddenly lit up, and immediately raised their hands and shouted, "We are willing, we are willing to fight for the Pilimen, and are willing to fight for the justice of the martial arts."

The scene suddenly became noisy, and almost everyone from the martial arts sect forces in the scene stood up at this moment, shouting for Qian Tianyuan and Pilimen.

Of course, their support was not for the so-called justice in words, but for the last promise made by Qian Tianyuan, Longyuan Medicine Field opened his arms for them.

After all, these sect forces, who came here today, originally came for the Longyuan medicine field on the day of opening the field. Now, Gan Tianyuan promised to open the Longyuan Medicine Field to them, and they naturally couldn't wait to agree.

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