
Chapter 810: Yuejia Zhenfu

Amidst the discussion, Yue Qingwu, who was sitting in the main seat, had a pale face and an extremely gloomy expression. end

Yu, he couldn't hear the noise in the hall anymore, so he slapped the handrail with a palm and sternly said, "Shut up all of you."

The scene suddenly became quiet, and everyone's eyes were cast on Yue Qingwu.

Yue Qingwu said with a cold face, "Immediately go through the formalities and send 80% of the family property to Mr. Chen."

As soon as these words came out, the scene that had just quieted down became noisy again. "

Father, how can this work! "

"80% of the family property, this is too much!"

Grandpa, if we do this, our Yue family is over! "...


Yue Qingwu glared at these noisy people, his complexion flushed, and he shouted: "It's over? If you don't give it, our Yue family will really be over."

The words shocked everyone, but there was still distrust in his expression.

Finally, Yue Qiaoxi asked, "Dad, is there really no room for change?" Yue

After hearing this, Qingwu was silent for a while, then shook his head, his face was full of silence, and slowly said, "No. The ending now is already considered good for our Yue family."

This, but—"Some people still don't understand. Yue

Qingwu stared, and said cruelly: "Do you know how terrifying Chen Fei's strength is. I can survive because he left his hands."

Do you really think that if I take this old life in, the Yue family will be able to repel him? "this

As soon as the words came out, everyone present couldn't help but be overwhelmed with consternation.

Although Yue Qingwu lost to Chen Fei, it was in their impression. Both Yue Qingwu and Chen Fei were warriors at the early stage of the prefecture level. Even if Chen Fei wins, they are only slightly better than the master Yue Qingwu.

They didn't expect that Old Yue would actually say such a thing.

"Dad, this, this is impossible! You are an early master at the prefecture level, even if you put it in the entire Huaxia martial arts world, you are still a master!" Yue Qiaoxi was still a little unbelievable, and asked aloud. Yue

Qingwu's face was sullen, leaning on the back of his chair, and said solemnly: "Before, I thought so too. But after fighting against Chen Fei, I realized how stupid and arrogant this idea is."

When Chen Fei and I did their hands, they didn't use their full strength at all. They just improved a little according to my strength, and gave up after pushing me over. Now, I still don't know his true strength. But definitely above the early stage of the prefecture level. ""

He, he didn't use all his strength. "Now, not only Yue Qiaoxi, but the Yue family in the entire hall are all shocked.

At this time, Yue Qingwu continued: "Furthermore, the true essence red sword used by Chen Fei to break through my giant hammer at that time had a very thick and solid true essence aura. The quality level and my true essence aura are not at the same level. "

"Plus you, Yue Qiaoyu, once said it after coming back. Then Chen Fei still has a token of Wushuanglou."

"Don't you feel scared if you link this information?"

When everyone heard what Yue Qingwu said, their complexions suddenly changed, their faces were full of horror, they were dumbfounded, and they were completely speechless.

"Well, can it be said that Chen Fei is a disciple of the Heavenly Force Wushuanglou?"

"If it is a person cultivated by a heavenly power, it is not impossible to reach the realm of a prefecture-level master at such an age."

Heavenly power, that, that is not something that our Yue family can resist at all. "


Qingwu looked at the shocked people and said, "Even if he is not a disciple of Wushuanglou, the background and identity behind him are definitely not bad."

"Now, you guys understand why I have to give in and give up!" Gang

The people with their faces full of dissatisfaction didn't dare to say anything at this moment. They looked at Yue Qingwu one by one and were silent. Yue

When the old man saw this, he sighed and said: "Look at it for the better, our Yue family, after all, survived, this can be considered a blessing in misfortune."

Next, immediately go to prepare the formalities and send it to Mr. Chen. "

"Also, what requirements does Mr. Chen have, you all have to meet, understand?"

"Understand!" The crowd nodded and then dispersed.


When there was tension in the Yue family hall, Chen Fei took Yu Qingmei's hand and walked out of the Yue family compound and onto the street. Chen

Fei looked at Yu Qingmei with a smile, and said, "Sister Qingmei, I said, I will rescue you."

Yu Qingmei nodded, smiled happily, and said, "I have always believed in you."

"Sister Qingmei, where are we going now? Back to Yu's villa?" Chen Fei asked. Yu

Qingmei couldn't help but shook her head when she heard this. Although his marriage with Yue Qiaoyu, as Chen Fei surpassed the Yue family, it was concluded.

But during this incident, Yu Qingmei felt a bit of chills with the attitudes and practices of those in Yu's family toward them. She didn't want to go back to that cold family with only benefits.

Chen Fei saw the sad expression in Yu Qingmei's eyebrows, shook Yu Qingmei's hand slightly, and said, "Sister Qingmei, then we won't go home. Let's find a place to rest."

Yu Qingmei nodded, and said yes. Chen

Fei was not familiar with Yuqing City, so I looked around and saw a good-quality hotel hundreds of meters away, so he pointed and said, "Sister Qingmei, or else, let's go to that hotel to rest! "

"Hotel!" Yu Qingmei was a little startled when he heard the hotel, and then looked at Chen Fei, with a strange light in his eyes, "Brother Chen, if you take me to the hotel, you shouldn't think--"

As soon as Chen Fei heard this, he knew that Yu Qingmei had thought of other places, and quickly waved her hand to defend her. Take a good rest. That’s why I said to go to the hotel to let you rest. Besides, there are restaurants in the hotel where you can eat. I—"Yu

Qingmei looked at Chen Fei's hastily explaining, she couldn't help but smiled softly, "Okay, no need to explain. I know you didn't mean that."

Chen Fei breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the words.

As a result, Yu Qingmei put a hand on Chen Fei's neck, winking, and said softly: "Of course, Brother Chen, if you have that interesting, I didn't say I don't want it!"

Hearing this, Chen Fei, who had just relaxed, his body tightened again. "

Okay, I won't tease you anymore. Let's go to the hotel! "Yu Qingmei said.

Chen Fei nodded without saying a word, and came to the hotel with Yu Qingmei.

At the front desk of the hotel, Yu Qingmei walked directly over and said, "Open a room for us!"

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