
Chapter 911: Fans turn black

The little girl's shout attracted a lot of people's attention, and they looked over.

I saw the pictures of Duan Feixuan on every page of the album. All are sketched with pencil, and every detail is very fine. It can be seen that this little girl definitely worked hard.

For a while, even the other fans stopped crowding with the little girl, and instead screamed for her.

"Duan Feixuan, accept this gift!"

"The painting is so good, if I have this ability, I will also paint for Feixuan."

Feixuan, we love you. "


No one was crowded, and the little girl squeezed to the forefront. With a look of expectation on her red face, she walked towards Duan Feixuan, wanting to give Duan Feixuan the picture album she had drawn by herself. but

At this time, Duan Feixuan just glanced back at the picture album, then turned his head directly, and said to the staff in a cold voice: "Time is running out, let's move on to the next link."

This indifferent attitude made the little girl startled at once, she froze in place, holding the picture album, looking at Duan Feixuan in disbelief.

After returning to her senses, the little girl thought Duan Feixuan hadn't heard her words, so she yelled, "Duan Feixuan, this is a painting I personally painted for you. Please accept it. I hope you like it."

Many other fans also shouted for help. I want Duan Feixuan to come back and get this picture album. but

Duan Feixuan didn't mean to turn his head. Instead, he waved his hand impatiently and said to the bodyguard, "Stop them, don't let them come close."

Suddenly, several bodyguards rushed over fiercely and drove the fans back. small

The girl didn't expect to bother herself, but it turned out to be like this. For a moment, with red eyes and tears in his eyes, he looked at Duan Feixuan on the stage and said with a cry: "Duan Feixuan, I, I just want to give you a present. I--"

As a result, she didn't wait for the little girl to finish. The bodyguard made a rude push and pushed the little girl to the ground abruptly.

The picture album in the little girl's hand suddenly fell on the ground, and in the chaos, the bodyguards stepped heavily on her feet, and she suddenly became embarrassed. "

No, my picture album! "The little girl was anxious and rushed to protect the picture album. But how could she hold the burly bodyguard, she was squeezed to the ground, her hands and knees were on the concrete floor, and her hands bleeds.

This situation confuses the scene.

"Someone fell, don't push anymore."

Quickly, bleeding, quickly help her up. ""

You are still not humans. I didn't see the little girl falling down and still pushing people! "...


In the chaos, Chen Fei squeezed to the little girl's side, helped her up, and asked with concern: "It's okay!"

The little girl patted the blood stains on her hands, glanced at Duan Feixuan on the stage with complicated eyes, with tears in her eyes, shook her head, and said, "I, I'm fine. It's just—"

As she said, she looked at the picture album that had been trampled on the ground, the tears in her eyes could no longer be controlled, and she fell down. and

At this time, Duan Feixuan did not intend to stop, waved to let the bodyguard continue to push people.

Upon seeing this, Chen Fei became angry and directly pushed the two bodyguards in front of him with force, and then sternly shouted: "I haven't seen anyone falling down, and they are still pushing people, do you have any conscience!"

"Also, Duan Feixuan, the little girl is very kind, and she painstakingly drew a picture album for you, and wants to give it to you. You don't need to accept it, but let the bodyguard push people, what kind of attitude is this!

As Chen Fei asked and asked, many people on the scene also burst into anger, including many Duan Feixuan fans. "

Duan Feixuan, what you did this time is too wrong. ""

That is, we came here very kindly, you are short on time and don't want to interact, but don't you have time to collect an album? ""

I really didn't expect that the sunshine and warmth of him in the TV series would be so cold-blooded in life. "


Apologies, apologies! ""

Must apologize. "

"Too disrespectful, we ask for an apology." One

At the time, the voices against Duan Feixuan suddenly gathered into a shout, directly screaming for Duan Feixuan to apologize to the little girl.

As a result, the upcoming signing ceremony on stage had to be suspended.

Boss Zhu from Meijie Company looked at Duan Feixuan with an unhappy expression, winked at him, the meaning was obvious. You can quickly resolve the riots you have caused by yourself. Do not

At the moment, Duan Feixuan glanced at the surging fans below, but he didn't mean to apologize and admit his mistakes. Instead, he said coldly: "My time is precious, and I don't have time to mess with you."

After that, Duan Feixuan looked at Boss Zhu and said, "Prospective boss, there are only five minutes left, let's sign the contract." Zhu

The boss turned red with anger and was speechless for a while.

Many of the fans below turned black at the moment, and yelled. The little girl next to Chen Fei couldn't help it anymore, and the tears in her eyes dripped down.

These are tears of grievance and disappointment. She didn't expect that she was an idol she had worked so hard to support. To my fans, it turned out to be this kind of indifference and even contempt for disdain.

I think of him as the sun, but others regard them as weeds, and don't even look at them, and even step on them.

All of a sudden, the opposition grew stronger.

"Apologize, apologize immediately!"

"Duan Feixuan, I misunderstood you. I didn't expect you to be this kind of person."

Disgusting, I actually like you, I'm blind. "

"Apologize, apologize to us!"...


During the shouting, Duan Feixuan frowned, almost angry. At this time, the heavy makeup female agent said a few words to him, and then said to Boss Zhu: "Boss, I don't care about these unimportant people, let's sign the contract."

Engraved wish boss, his face sank, his expression a little hesitant.

Duan Feixuan's incident will definitely have a negative impact. At that time, it will be impossible to judge the result of his company's products. but

If you don't want to sign, I am afraid that the previous investment and publicity will be directly invalidated. This is not a small loss for him. still

He hesitated, I wish the boss will be sure, ready to sit down and sign. After all, he didn't want to waste his previous investment. segment

Upon seeing this, Feixuan showed a smile on his face, not taking the scolding and roar of the fans below seriously. After all, he has a lot of fans, many hundreds of people on the scene.

As long as this endorsement contract is signed, the income of 20 million will be obtained. This is definitely a big contract for him. segment

Feixuan signed the contract, and then, I wish the boss is ready to sign.

But at this moment, a cold shout sounded from the crowd below, "I wish you boss, don't sign."

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