
Chapter 942: Down star

However, when the concert was held in Long'an City, Lin Bai actually attacked Zhang Qiuyue, and finally angered Chen Fei and directly banned Lin Bai. Since then, Chen Fei has not heard about him. Unexpectedly, he came to Xiangjiang.

With a cold snort, Chen Fei looked at Lin Bai and said coldly: "Why, I can't go on being blocked, I've come to Xiangjiang to mix."

When it came to the ban, Lin Bai couldn't help but his face sank, and his expression looked very ugly. Lee

Han also saw Lin Bai’s discoloration, and immediately smiled, and introduced to the reporters and Xiangjiang people around him, "This is Lin Bai, a famous singer in mainland China, who has the title of Prince of Love Songs. "Dear, I'm here." "You should have heard this song, it is Mr. Lin's work."

This song "My Dear, I'm Here" is regarded as Lin Bai's masterpiece, and it is also well-known in Xiangjiang. When Li Han said this, the attitude of everyone around him to Lin Bai suddenly changed. Lee

Han also introduced it along the way, and at the same time it was regarded as a matter of breaking the siege for Lin Bai. "This time Mr. Lin came to Xiangjiang and was invited by our Meizi Cosmetics Company to participate in the exhibition as the spokesperson of our Meizi Cosmetics Company. "Have

After stepping down the steps, Lin Bai, with a gloomy expression, suddenly showed a smile on his face. Looking at Chen Fei disdainfully, he said: "I won't talk about the previous things. This is Xiangjiang, and I am now the spokesperson of Meizi Cosmetics. But some people can't even enter the venue, but instead Setting up a stall outside is really ridiculous. The products and people of the Autumn Group are nothing more than that!"

When Lin Bai spoke like this, many reporters swarmed over and raised various questions one after another. "

Mr. Lin Bai, may I ask, do you have any grievances with the Autumn Group? "

"Mr. Lin, you said Qiuqiu Group's products, but so, is there any problem?"...


Amidst embrace, some reporters also came to the stall and asked Chen Fei and Wei Ling various questions at once.

"Boss Wei, may I ask you Autumn Group, why didn't you participate in this exhibition?"

"You were kicked out of the exhibition because of quality problems?"

"What do you think of your peers?"


All kinds of difficult and weird questions rushed up, causing Wei Ling's face to sink, her expression a little ugly. and

The more so, Lin Bai and Li Han's faces became more and more proud, with a smile on the corners of their mouths, looking at them condescendingly. eye

Looking at the situation, it’s almost impossible to turn around. Li Han helped his glasses, and then raised a disdainful smile at the corner of his mouth, and said: "This kind of small company, let's not waste any more time, let's go in." Lin Lin

Bai also glanced at Chen Fei triumphantly, preparing to walk into the venue.

At this moment, a louder voice came.

Car horns, horns, shouts, messy footsteps.

All kinds of voices were mixed together and approached here. Crowd

Hearing this movement, people couldn't help but turned their heads and looked over. A black-faced Mercedes Benz car drove to the front of the exhibition hall, and then out of the car, a slender woman in a formal dress walked out.

As the woman got out of the car, the black fans who followed immediately yelled frantically.

"Anita, I love you."

"Anita, welcome to Xiangjiang."

Anita, we will definitely support the products you recommend. "

"Anita, Anita!"...


In the frantic cheers, everyone recognized it, and the person here was the international singer Anita.

It is said that Anita came to promote the exhibition booth at the invitation of the organizer of a certain exhibition, the Hong Kong Business Association. This is also one of the main reasons why Anita returned to Hong Kong from England. Look

As Anita was overwhelmingly popular, the people around her changed their eyes, showing flashing light and different thoughts in their hearts. on

Even Li Han, who walked to the door, had a calm look in his eyes. At this moment, he was a little regretful. He couldn't help but muttered: "Anita is so popular, she is also from Xiangjiang. If our Meizi cosmetics can invite her to endorse, that popularity is absolutely It's a big increase! It's a pity that Anita is unwilling to accept this kind of endorsement, and even international big-name endorsements have refused.

With emotion, Li Han and Lin Bai, the current spokesperson of Meizi Cosmetics, couldn't help but look a little ugly at the moment. and

Moreover, this hot scene reminded him of his once beautiful scenes involuntarily. Perhaps, he can't compare to Anita, but in China, if he continues to develop, Lin Bai is confident that he can become a popular singer.

As a result, he did not expect that because of Chen Fei, his future was ruined, and he finally had to accept one-tenth of the previous price and came to Xiangjiang to endorse a small company like Meizi Cosmetics.

With regret and resentment in his heart, revenge flashed in his eyes.

However, when he saw Chen Fei who was guarding the small stall at this time, he immediately felt a sense of revenge. from

Although he has fallen, he is still a star, and he can still be sought after in Xiangjiang. But Chen Fei, now the company can't even enter the exhibition hall, standing on the street with flyers, it is really sad. This

After thinking about it, Lin Bai felt much better in his heart, and his face improved. and

At this moment, Anita greeted the fans and walked towards the entrance of the exhibition hall under the protection of bodyguards. when

When she walked to the entrance, she happened to see Chen Fei who was setting up a stall next to her. She couldn't help being startled. Then she stopped and said in surprise: "A Fei, why are you here?" Chen

Fei was also a little surprised when he saw Anita's appearance. He already understood the situation, so he explained with a smile: "My company is also in the cosmetics industry. I came to Xiangjiang this time to prepare to participate in the exhibition."

"Participating in the exhibition, then why are you outside?" Anita asked strangely. Say

At this point, Wei Ling couldn't help but feel angry and looked at Li Han. Chen Fei also glanced at Li Han, Shen Sheng explained to Anita: "It is some people who used nasty means to forcibly occupy our qualifications for participation."

Anita followed Chen Fei's gaze and looked at Li Han, and suddenly understood something. and

The many reporters who came because of Anita, and at this moment also because of Anita, filmed all of this. Lee

Han knew that things could not be exposed in this way, otherwise it would have too much influence on his company. He immediately squeezed out a smile and explained to Anita: "Miss Anita, my name is Li Han, I belong to Meizi Cosmetics Company, and I am also Li. People at home. Regarding the conspiracy that some people have just said, it is a complete lie. It is a slander on us. Please Miss Anita not to believe this lie."

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