Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 1061: Li Changsheng's successor

Latest website: Hurricane Fortress!

"Xuanhuang! King Hades!"

After receiving Luo Yuanjun's Thousand Miles of Voice Transmission, Li Changsheng frowned, his expression calm on the surface, but MMP in his heart.

Fortunately, he didn't pin his hopes on Luo Yuanjun, otherwise the whole plan would be dead.

However, Li Changsheng still deeply remembered Emperor Xuan and King Hades. If he had enough strength in the future, he would definitely find a place back.

This is the so-called cause and effect!

Li Changsheng did not take the initiative to attack, and continued to wait for the arrival of the Dark Night King with Xu Wenhua and Zhao Yuanqing, lest the two of them were too nervous.

Zhao Yuanqing is not very nervous, after all, he is a dying person, but he is worried that if he fails to resist this time, he is afraid it will harm future generations.

Xu Wenhua was nervous. After all, he was once the principal of Yuanling Academy. He grew up listening to the story of the Dark Night King Dou Cangqiong since he was a child. Coupled with the realm advantage of the Dark Night King, it is strange that he is not nervous.

Whether the king or the double-word king travels, there will be visions, provided that there is no concealment.

The Night King and the two kings had no idea to conceal at all. For a while, purple gas rose from the horizon, and Huang Xia flooded the sky, rushing towards the hurricane fortress.

In less than half an hour, the Dark Night King led two kings appeared outside the hurricane fortress, looking down at the scene below.

The garrison at Hurricane Fortress has long been transferred by Li Changsheng, and now there are no more people except him, Xu Wenhua and Zhao Yuanqing.

Even if the hurricane fortress is destroyed, the country will not suffer heavy losses. After all, it is just a few buildings. As long as a large number of soil monster pets are mobilized, it will not take long to complete the reconstruction.

"Li Changsheng, today will be your death date next year!"

Dou Cangqiong looked down and locked Li Changsheng instantly, but he was cautious not to enter the hurricane fortress immediately and began to summon the demon pet.

The two kings who followed him, the King of Fury and the King of Oak, naturally looked at the night king's horse, and also began to summon the demon pet.

This time, Dou Cangqiong sent Yan King Qin Mingqing to the gate of the Twin Abyss that suppressed Yuanzhou.

However, although Qin Mingqing is good, it is difficult to compete with the two demons.

Therefore, Dou Cangqiong had to leave the three-headed demon saint-level demon pet to assist Qin Mingqing.

Even so, Dou Cangqiong still summoned five demon saint-level demon pets and his only demon emperor-level demon pet.

The Double Character King has a total of eleven demon pets. The reason why Dou Cangqiong has not summoned all the demon pets is mainly because the remaining two have not yet reached the demon saint level, and they will easily cause damage.

Li Changsheng carefully collected information on Dou Cangqiong's demon pets. After all, the other party is a veteran double-character king who has been famous for three to four hundred years, and he can't hide the basic information of the demon pets.

Li Changsheng looked at the fiery red ape floating in the air like a mountain, and he felt a little heavier in his heart. That was Dou Cangqiong's only demon emperor-level demon pet-Burning Mountain Ape!

The Burning Mountain Monkey has the bloodline of the majestic Akajiri Horse Monkey, and has inherited many abilities of the Akaji Horse Monkey, and its combat effectiveness can be described as brilliance.

"Dou Cangqiong, you have the ability to come down!"

Li Changsheng began to respond and hooked his finger at Dou Cangqiong.

As an enemy, there is absolutely no need to maintain the usual demeanor, how convenient it is.

Although Li Changsheng said so, Dou Cangqiong still did not act, carefully watching the layout of the hurricane fortress.

One side seems to have a huge advantage, but the other side also has the advantage of the home game. If you are not cautious enough, it is inevitable that there will be the possibility of overturning in the gutter.

As a veteran double-word king, Dou Cangqiong saw that there are several powerful forbidden formations in the Hurricane Fortress. This is the main reason for his fear. Moreover, Li Changshengru is still not changing his face, and he must be dependent on it.

The angry king and the oak king did not speak, and they also observed the layout of the hurricane fortress.

After a quarter of an hour, Dou Cangqiong finally relaxed. Although he didn't know which types of banned formations Li Changsheng arranged, he could roughly analyze their power.

Dou Cangqiong can be sure that there is no top ban that can threaten his life.

After discussing with King Fury and King Oak, the three initially worked out a battle plan, and rushed towards Li Changsheng and the others in the form of a demon pet.

As soon as the three of Dou Cangqiong entered the hurricane fortress, Li Changsheng immediately activated the three forbidden formations, namely, Fengtiansuodi, Chiyan Burning Heaven, and Boiling Antiying Heavenly Forbidden.

The three are high-level forbidden formations. Needless to say, the forbidden formation of Heaven and Earth, Chiyan Burning Heaven and Forbidden Formation can greatly increase the power of fire skills. Sense of vision and direction.

At the same time, Li Changsheng, Xu Wenhua and Zhao Yuanqing opened the secret realm entrance together, and the long-awaited demon pets rushed out.

When I saw Li Changsheng’s lineup, Dou Cangqiong’s pupils shrank slightly. I never expected that Li Changshengman would become a king in just over two months, and he would have three half-demon saint-level demon pets, which completely exceeded Dou Cangqiong’s expectations. .

"This son can't stay, even if he pays a high price, he must be kept!"

Dou Cangqiong was cruel, and Li Changsheng's progress made him feel scalp numb. He doubted if Li Changsheng was given a few more months, would the other party have the ability to compete with him?

At this time, the two sides were only a few hundred meters away, and they were about to enter the attack range.

What puzzled Dou Cangqiong and others was that Li Changsheng did not close the secret realm entrance like Xu Wenhua and Zhao Yuanqing did.

Before they could think about it, a beautiful shadow flew out of Li Changsheng's secret realm, and it was Ning Bizhen.

At the same time, two figures emerged from the backyard of Li Changsheng's palace. They were Xiang Yutian and Zuo Qiulin. He had just been within the scope of the enhanced restraint of interest rate, but he was not noticed.

"How can it be!"

Feeling the aura from the three of them, Dou Cangqiong and others were obviously taken aback.

Xu Wenhua and Zhao Yuanqing were equally surprised because they were also buried in the drum by Li Changsheng, but what followed was excitement. Now that there are three more kings, their confidence suddenly came up.

From three to three, it suddenly became six to three.

After Xiang Yutian traded with Li Changsheng, he hurriedly returned to the Kailing Empire and finally succeeded in breaking through the king.

As for Zuo Qiulin, three days ago, Li Changsheng secretly recalled him to the Dai Kingdom, gave him three pots of blood from the monk blood and a pot of blood from the red luan. Using Luo Yuanjun's channel, he sent Zuo Qiulin to the central area to try breakthrough.

As a result, Zuo Qiulin was successfully promoted to the king, and his appearance changed from old to middle age.

Whether it is Zuo Qiulin or Xiang Yutian, Li Changsheng has a heavenly contract with them, and he is not afraid that they will turn to war.

Among them, Xiang Yutian's contract of heaven is less restrictive, and if the battle situation is not good, he can leave at any time.

Zuo Qiulin's contract with heaven was much stricter. After all, his breakthrough resources were given by Li Changsheng, and he naturally had to pay a huge price, including freedom.

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