Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 1076: Re-enter the Secret Realm of 0 Victory King

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When Ashe hovered and landed on Luojing Mountain, Ning Bizhen asked doubtfully: "Changsheng, what are we doing here?"

"You'll know in a while!"

When answering, Li Changsheng cautiously felt the neighborhood. After confirming that there was no one around, he opened the Yum King Secret Realm.


After seeing the statue of King Yum, Ning Bizhen could not help being full of surprise. Although King Yum had fallen for many years, his fame followed the three emperors and six emperors.

Without it, Yum King was called the first person under the emperor, and it was an undisputed existence. When his prestige was at its strongest, many people even treated him as the emperor.

He is not an emperor, but he is better than an emperor. He is talking about the Yum King.

But even for such an inexperienced prince of heaven, he ended up with an upset in the process of fighting for the throne. Not only was he robbed of the throne by the Profound Emperor, but he also suffered incurable injuries. I don't know where it went, and within a few days the Yum Son Throne in the Hall of Kings was even moved to the fall area.

"Yes, there is the Yum King Secret Realm inside, which is one of the reasons why I can improve so fast!"

This time, Li Changsheng did not continue to conceal it. In his opinion, the most important part of the Yum King’s legacy is The Book of Blood. The rest cannot be said to be insignificant, but it can only be regarded as icing on the cake.

In addition, with his current state, he is not completely sure to break the last three treasure tanks.

There is no way, Kailan, Day, Night, Billowing, and Crown Mian Li Huo Luan will have to cultivate for a while, temporarily unable to do it. This is one of the reasons why Li Changsheng brought Ning Bizhen here.

With Ning Bizhen's help, the last three treasure tanks are likely to be broken.

"My parents had entered the secret realm of Yum King, but unfortunately they were victimized by bad guys on the way. I still clearly remember that rainy night, when my father, who was already dead, gave me the secret realm key to me, and finally died in depression!"

Li Changsheng took out the treasure map, and the treasure map turned into a golden light, which fell on the chest of the Yum King stone sculpture in an instant, fitting perfectly together.

Suddenly, the entire Luo Jingshan shook violently, and within a few breaths, it stabilized again.

During this process, the void fluctuated violently, and finally turned into a five-meter-high space portal.

The two entered the secret realm of King Yum, led by Li Changsheng's light car, and soon came to the treasure room.

"This is Yuansha Tianluo's ten most wonderful real cylinders. I think it was made by Yum King imitating the treasure cylinders in the heavenly secret realm. Now there are only three left. This time, with the strength of the two of us, I believe it can be completely Break them!"

Li Changsheng pointed to the three remaining treasure tanks wrapped in Guanghua, faintly excited, with a feeling that he was about to complete.

As for the treasures in the last three treasure tanks, Li Changsheng faintly guessed that it was most likely Yum King’s personal belongings, perhaps his legacy, and maybe the cause of Yum King's fall.

It took Ning Bizhen a while to digest, and only then began to summon the demon pets with Li Changsheng.

Soon, a total of fifteen monster pets appeared on the court.

Li Changsheng: Ai Xi, Duan, Zixiao Leopard Lin Beast, Chilong, Vientiane Spirit Eater, Paradise Double Eyed Bird, Secondary Progenitor Golden Dragon, Secondary Progenitor Red Dragon and Secondary Progenitor Black Dragon.

Ning Bizhen: Big Sun Fire Crow, Long-eared Hanyu Rabbit, Xunfeng Express Cat, Blue-eyed Golden Clear Beast, Red Dragon and Eight-armed Naga.

None of the other demon pets that had reached the Demon King level were summoned.

In addition, Ning Bizhen's eight-eyed mink also needs some time to cultivate.

The treasure room that has been expanded again is more than enough to accommodate these monster pets.

Under the command of the two, the monster pets quickly dispersed and surrounded one of the treasure tanks.

This is a wind-based treasure tank. Last time Li Changsheng tried it when he came to the Yum King’s secret realm, among the last three treasure tanks, this wind-based treasure tank was the easiest to break.

Soon, the demon pets stood up and surrounded the treasure tank of the wind system.


Following Li Changsheng's order, including Ning Bizhen's six demon pets, the demon pets launched a fierce offensive.

Ning Bizhen's demon pets have all benefited from Li Changsheng, and are willing to obey Li Changsheng's orders.

The colorful brilliance continued to flicker, and the fifteen monster pets all released a long-range offensive. In an instant, beams of light, light balls, light beams, and light waves began to madly pour on the wind system treasure tank.


A large number of energy with different attributes began to explode at the same time, inevitably triggering an explosion, and the colorful energy tide spread rapidly, almost covering most of the treasure room.

The treasure room shook violently, and cracks began to appear on the ground.

Just like last time, these cracks squirmed like flesh and blood, and healed quickly.

In addition, the demon pets have also been negatively affected, but they are still within their tolerance.

A total of fifteen demon kings and even demon saint-level demon pets exploded with all their strength, and many of them were more powerful than demon saint-level demon pets, and the power of the explosion could be imagined.

Even so, the light curtain outside the wind system treasure tank was still not broken, but it was obviously weaker.

"carry on!"

While speaking, Li Changsheng is also paying close attention to the wind cylinder.

Once the light curtain outside the wind-type treasure tank is at the end of the crossbow, he will let the monster pets slow down and avoid ‘injury’ the treasure inside.

In just half a minute, with the efforts of the fifteen monster pets, the wind barrier surrounding the treasure tank flickered violently, and was finally broken open smoothly.


Following Li Changsheng's order, the fifteen well-trained monster pets stopped almost at the same time.

The next moment, Li Changsheng came to the wind-type treasure tank and took out the contents inside, but it was a pot.

This pot is quite familiar to Li Changsheng, isn't it just an imitation of the refining demon pot!

Li Changsheng didn't expect that Yum King would have a fake refining pot, and he didn't know how he got it.

"What use is it for you?"

Staring at the imitation demon refining pot in his Li Changsheng didn't know what to say.

He already has an imitation demon refining pot, and another one is the icing on the cake, and can only be used for body protection.

"How about fusing two imitation demon refining pots?"

Li Changsheng suddenly had such a thought in his mind. He carefully recalled the special refining technique of imitating the demon refining pot. It seemed that there was a real possibility, but it needed to be revised significantly, and the success rate might not be high.

However, in the imitation demon refining pot, Li Changsheng also found a parchment scroll full of words.

"This is not a refining technique that imitates the refining demon pot, is it?"

Li Changsheng thinks this is really possible, but he doesn't lack the refining technique that imitates the refining demon pot.

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