Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 1093: Yin Yang Fish

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Promea did not care about the white sword light, even if he knew that the Biluo sword was a great threat to it, but at this moment it had no choice but to highlight the encirclement as soon as possible, otherwise the longer stay here, the possibility of fall The bigger it is.

In an instant, Promea exploded the magic energy in his body with all his strength. These magic energy entangled and instantly turned into five hundred-meter-long magic giant pythons, trying to forcefully break a gap.

Round-rolling and the Zixiao Leopard Beast were the first to bear the brunt. The Zixiao Leopard Beast immediately spewed the mysterious thunder of the Demon Extinguishing God, and saw a thick golden thunder pillar rushing straight towards Promia.

In an instant, the golden thunder pillar collided with one of the devilish giant pythons.

Under Promiya's surprised gaze, the devilish giant python resisted slightly, and was scattered by the golden lightning pillar.

Promea had to control the second devilish giant python against the golden thunder pillar, but it was still defeated by the thunder pillar, but the thunder pillar was also weakened by half. It was the end of the crossbow, and was immediately beaten by the third devilish giant python. burst.

Even so, the size of the third devilish giant python also shrank by half.

For the power of the golden thunder pillar, Promea was unexpected, but it can only continue to bite the bullet and continue to charge.

At this time, Chuankuang had already condensed three thick and unusual ice walls in front, and its huge body blocked Promia's retreat.

Bang~ Bang~ Bang~ Wow~

The devilish giant python collided with the ice wall, and the sound of three ice walls breaking almost sounded at the same time.

During this process, the energy of the third devilish giant python was exhausted, and the fourth one shrank a little.

Compared with the achievements of the Zixiao Leopard Beast, Yuan Gungun is inevitably inferior in this respect. No way, the former is simply a demon nemesis.

Chuankuang didn't retreat, but instead ran into it actively.

The fourth devilish giant python was violently defeated by Yuankuangkuan, and was then slammed into the air by the last devilish python. The whole body was filled with a layer of black light, making a sizzling corrosion sound.

In an instant, the skin on the surface of the round body was completely corroded.

However, the chubby flesh and blood squirmed quickly, and the skin tissue on the body surface reappeared, starting a tug of war with Heimang.

The Zixiao Leopard Beast did not retreat either, its body was filled with golden thunder, and it accelerated to crash against the last devilish giant python, barely crushing it.

Promia swung out a large part of the leather whip in anger, and directly took the Purple Cloud Leopard Beast away, leaving a deep scar, enough to see the squirming organs and the white bones.

With just a casual blow, the Zixiao Leopard Lin beast was hit hard, but under the combined force of it and the roundness, it successfully dragged Promea.

It was also at this time that Biluojian finally got close. To Promia's expectation, Biluojian did not attack the torso protected by the black leather jacket, but the demon wings without any protection.


The white sword light smashed through the roots of the devil's wings, and directly cut Promia's demon wings from the roots.

Not only that, there is still light energy in the fracture, just like sulfuric acid corroding objects, sizzling, causing secondary damage to it.

Promea let out a scream, losing the demon wings and its speed dropped abruptly.

Without giving Promea a chance to rest, Ashe who turned into a golden rainbow rushed forward again. The white tiger and rainbow technique is not only for running and chasing, but the extremely fast speed is inherently powerful and abnormal.


Ashe came so fast, Promia didn't even have time to react, and felt a sharp pain coming from her back. At the same time she was knocked into the air, she opened her mouth and spouted blood.

However, Promea was not surprised and rejoiced. Ashe's impact was strong enough to knock it hundreds of meters away.

It’s a pity that Li Changsheng had been prepared for a long time. At the moment when Promea was hit by Ashe, a large purple cauldron fell on Promea. The powerful force of suppression enveloped Promea, forcibly offsetting the damage on it. impact.

At this moment, Mian Li Huoluan spouted a pillar of flame and instantly enveloped Promia, and Promia's screams resounded again.

Double swords together!

Li Changsheng didn't give Promea a chance at all. His mental power instantly consumed most of his energy. The Biluojian and Huangquanjian spun around, turning into a black and white sword light, and a large yin and yang fish pattern floated above the sword light. Rush to Promia.

Under the successive blows, Promea has been hit hard. Feeling the movement behind, Promea turned her head with difficulty, and Hua Rong instantly lost her color.

"Do not!"

The black and white sword light came too fast, and Promea's pupils shrank violently, and only had time to let out a desperate cry, and was hit by the black and white sword light.


The black leather jacket spontaneously showed black glow, but it collapsed instantly under the black and white sword light. Then the sword light broke open the leather jacket and drilled out of Promiya's chest, leaving a blood hole half a meter in size.


Promea's chest and abdomen almost disappeared, leaving only a little skin and flesh connected. Such a serious injury, unless it has abnormal resilience or healing medicine, there is only one way to fall.

Promia looked down at the blood hole in his chest and abdomen, his expression filled with disbelief, and he fell straight down from the air.

The devil commands the powerful vitality, so that Promia will not die immediately, but if it is not effectively rescued, it will only be greeted by death.

"Save me, I am willing to sign a slave contract!"

Promea did not give up the hope of life, and stretched out his right hand like a sheep's hoof to Li Changsheng with difficulty.

Li Changsheng didn't answer, but instead cut its neck with a sword, and Promiya's head flew high.

Even though the corpse was separated, Promea still did not die immediately. After knowing that there was no possibility of surviving, Promea stared at Li Changsheng with bitterness.

"You killed Lord Bernama will never let you go!"

This is the last word that Promea left in the world. The Lord Bernama in its mouth is the demon lord who is a descendant of Dagon.

Li Changsheng didn't know the relationship between Promea and the descendants of Dagon, but it didn't mean that he couldn't help it.

With the movement of his mind, the original light flew out and fell on Promea's head.

Soon, Promea's panicked soul was drawn out, and then was drawn into the original light.

The original light radiated slightly, and began to purify Promea's soul and extract its memory.

With the strength of Promiya's soul, Primordial Light can only extract a small part of the memory at most. Even so, it is enough for Li Changsheng to deepen his understanding of the abyss and the descendants of Dagon.

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