Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 1098: Scarlet Vertical Eyes


   In the sky, the three-legged firebird uttered a mournful cry. Its wings were pierced by the double-eye bird of paradise, and it fell straight down from the air.

   Before the three-legged firefinch fell to the ground, the double-eye bird of paradise released a milky white beam of light, instantly submerging the three-legged firefinch, causing it to lose its ability to fight again.

   Li Changsheng didn't kill the three-legged firefinch. After all, there were too few goblins with the three-legged golden crow bloodline. They couldn't do things like killing chickens and eggs.

   So, like the bronze Bimon and the Aoki longevity cat, the three-legged firefinch was also imprisoned in the secret realm.


  Following the three-legged firefinch, the Demon King Silver Dragon was slapped to the ground by the sub-ancestor Black Dragon, and also lost the ability to fight.

   The sorrowful Demon King Silver Dragon couldn't exert its full strength at all. It was no different from the sandbag in front of the secondary ancestor black dragon, and it was solved in twos or twos.

   Due to the dragon's cave, Li Changsheng also captured this demon king silver dragon.

He has three giant dragons, black dragons, red dragons, and golden dragons. Even if the Demon King Silver Dragon is extremely arrogant, he must obediently and be able to serve him like the Demon King White Dragon. The captive Demon King-level goblin can hardly be used by him except for regular blood supply.

   Not far away, the seven-tailed jackal flees awkwardly, but can't get rid of the golden dragon, the second ancestor.

   After a few breaths, the sub-ancestor Golden Dragon easily defeated the seven-tailed fox and captured it back.

   The seven-tailed fox raised its scarlet eyes and looked down at Li Changsheng pitifully.


Li Changsheng did not move at all. On the one hand, the seven-tailed fox was useless to him, and on the other hand, the fox-like fairies were famously cunning. Don't look at them now and pitiful. It is impossible to guarantee that they will not secretly connect other Demon King-level fairies in the future. It would be very bad to have an inside and outside attack with the enemy.

   In addition, the suppression power of the secret realm is limited, and it cannot suppress too many demon king-level goblins. Naturally, Li Changsheng will reserve precious places for the goblins who are useful to him.


   The sub-ancestor Jinlong faithfully executed Li Changsheng's orders, pinching the seven-tailed fox's dragon claws and twisting it hard. The seven-tailed fox's fragile neck broke instantly, and blood was constantly flowing from the corner of its mouth.

   The seven-tailed fox's eyes were wide-open, and his eyes were filled with unbelief, pain, and panic, and he didn't understand until he died. They are all Demon King-level goblins, which is too different.

   Li Changsheng took away the body of the seven-tailed fox, and then stared into the distance.

The Great Hundred Ape is too big, but its speed is too slow. The key is not to fly. It was soon overtaken by the secondary ancestor Red Dragon. It had to stop and want to face Xier Asuna .

   Xier Asuna glanced contemptuously at the Houndsky Ape, and had no idea of ​​melee fighting with the other party. Like the Behemoth, Houndsky Ape is also a famous melee race.

   Same as the Behemoth, although the Huntian Ape is strong in close combat, it is not only unable to fly, but also lacks long-range offensive methods and is restrained by kite tactics.

   No matter how the Great Ape screamed, Shir Asuna remained unmoved. More than a year of training allowed it to control its emotions well without letting anger affect its mind.

   Relying on faster speed and flying ability, Xier Asuna continuously exhales the flame dragon breath around the Hundred Sky Ape, occasionally mixed with bursting fireballs, walls of fire, and flame storms, constantly playing with the Hundred Sky Apes.


   Soon, the Huntian Ape fell to the ground and did not move again.

  Like the seven-tailed fox, Li Changsheng had no idea of ​​capturing the Huntian Ape.

   Although the mountain great ape has a strong bloodline, there is a certain gap between it and Huang Jinbeimeng. How can it be compared to a hundred-armed giant, not to mention that he and Ning Bizhen have no demon pet of the mountain great ape bloodline, and there is no need to be captured.

   In less than five minutes, the five demon king-level goblins ushered in the ending of three prisoners and two deaths.

   Of course, such a big movement also alarmed the nearby lords and several high lords in the core area.

   Under the secrets of the heavens, the earth and the earth, the movements within a thousand miles can't be hidden from Li Changsheng.

Tens of miles away, the huge figure of Lonos, a Thunderbolt tank, appeared. It also saw Li Changsheng, and his face was full of anger. Last time Li Changsheng severed its lifeblood and compensated for its Xuepaku Lifesaving Pill. Insufficient, although the root of life has grown again, but the length, thickness and hardness are obviously far less than before, how can it face the giantess again.

"you again!"

   Kronos roared and rushed to Li Changsheng regardless.

   Not far away, the demon saint-level beast Bregas said to the horned dragon Sildion: "Oops, he has become the king in such a short time."

   "His progress is so fast. If you don't get rid of him, our Silent Forest may be uprooted in the future. Hurry up and call on other high lords and nearby lords."

   The horned dragon Sildion understood the priorities, and Li Changsheng's progress was completely beyond his imagination.

   At this time, Li Changsheng finally found the horned dragon Sildion, as if he were in front of his eyes under the secret method of seeing and hearing.

  In an instant, Li Changsheng found the bleak contract mark on the dragon head of the horned dragon Sildion.

   At this moment, he was already convinced that the horned dragon Sildion was once the demon favorite of Yum King, but he didn't know if he could convince him.

   It’s been hundreds of years since the King of Yum Sang had fallen. After so many years, Sir Dion, the horned dragon, has become accustomed to his current life, and it is really unlikely that he will act as a dragon traitor.

   But even if the chance of success is small, Li Changsheng has to try again.

   At this time, Bregas the beast uttered a cry that resounded throughout the world, wanting to call on the nearby high lords and lords to fight Li Changsheng together.

   At this moment, UU reading Li Changsheng's expression moved slightly, his body shook slightly, his face was full of solemnity.

   At that moment, he saw a gap in the core area, revealing a pair of huge scarlet vertical eyes, and glanced at him from a distance of hundreds of miles.

   Just this glance made Li Changsheng feel like he was facing a big enemy, and he felt like facing the big terror.

   If nothing else, the master of this pair of vertical eyes is the divine beast Teng Snake that formed the Silent Forest. After so many years, it is unknown whether it has broken through the Demon Emperor level.

   For the sake of safety, Li Changsheng decided to avoid the edge for a while, and immediately ran on Ashe.

   Because even if Teng Snake didn't break through, he couldn't help the opponent temporarily.

   Ash turned into a golden rainbow. In less than two minutes, he rushed out of the Silent Forest, leaving the high lords of Silent Forest helpless.

   Under Li Changsheng's "gaze" from a distance, the scarlet vertical eyes have disappeared, and I don't know why the opponent did not choose to pursue.

   After confirming his safety, Li Changsheng stopped and sent his two heads into the secret realm.

   In the secret realm, looking at the **** heads of the Seven-Tailed Fox and the Hundred Ape, Bronze Bimeng, the Aoki Longevity Cat, and the Three-legged Firebird all shivered.


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