Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 1130: Continuous small probability event

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After becoming a demon pet with double bloodlines, Ah Dui still closed his eyes, and while the state had not faded, he hurriedly broke through the Demon Saint level.

On the other side, Da Sun Huo Crow also digested the origin of fire, and also entered a breakthrough state.

As expected by Li Changsheng, the quality of Da Sun Huo Crow has successfully risen from a half-step epic to an epic.

The other demon pets have already entered a breakthrough state first, turning into colorful **** of light, which expand and contract, giving people the feeling that something is gestating.

In the process of breaking through, the monster pets frantically gathered nearby energy, but this energy was only a drop in the bucket for them.

Li Changsheng had to break a large number of middle and high-level demon cores, so that the demon pets could enter the breakthrough state faster.

In this process, Xuankun's good fortune monument was activated long ago, repelling all the power of the nearby planes, allowing the monster pets to make a breakthrough with all their strength.

After the demon pets had absorbed enough energy, Li Changsheng and Ning Bizhen looked at each other, squeezing the Yin Jue together, causing the space above their heads to fluctuate.

In the void, the projections of the scarlet fire dragon scale tree, the five-color glazed fruit tree of the mysterious sky and the water shadow splitting tree began to emerge, exuding countless auras, and enveloping the monster pets with the same attributes.

Due to the inconsistency of attributes, Li Changsheng did not release the projections of the tree of life and the fruit tree of the big Zhoutian stars.

As for how much effect these top spiritual roots have, it is also doing everything and obeying the fate.

In addition, Li Changsheng also took out a group of profound and yellow merits for the demon pets to absorb.

The rest of the process was nothing more than waiting. After three minutes passed, the few demon pets had not yet shown any signs of breakthrough, which also made the two of them more eager.


Suddenly, Da Sun Huo Crow let out a slightly sharp scream, and its momentum rose to a higher level.

At this moment, in the ocean of profound meaning of the great sun fire crow, a large amount of the essence of fire has gathered into a fiery red rock, which means that the great sun fire crow has entered the stage of false demon saint level demon pet.

As long as this piece of rock is polished into a crystal, it can become a true demon saint-level demon pet.

Due to the increase in quality, the area of ​​the Ocean of Great Sun Fire Crow has increased by 50% compared to before, and a large amount of the essence of Fire has been generated.

Under the control of the Big Sun Fire Crow, countless fire essences once again gathered from the pupa from all directions and turned into a golden-red flame, completely enclosing the fire-red rock.

During this process, the volume of the flaming red rock is rapidly shrinking, but its quality is gradually increasing, and the trend of crystallization begins to appear.

This time, there was no accident with Dasunhuo Crow, and the fiery red rock was smoothly calcined into a diamond-shaped fiery red crystal.

At the moment of successfully condensing the crystallization of the origin of fire, a true origin of fire escapes from the crystal, rapidly strengthening the physical quality of the fire crow.

At the same time, the Upanishad Guardian on the surface of the Great Sun Fire Crow was gradually transformed into the Upanishad Guardian.

When all the changes disappeared, Da Ri Huo Crow opened his more and more majestic eyes, but after seeing that other companions were still trying to break through, he quickly curbed his desire to vent.

After Da Ri Huo Crow was promoted, it also represented that Ning Bizhen had harvested the first demon saint-level demon pet. As for the long-eared cold jade rabbit, it was still at the pseudo-demon saint level for the time being, and the symbolic meanings of the two were different.

Until then, Ning Bizhen trembled all over, her body was rapidly strengthening, her bones made a sound like fried beans, and her blood was more golden than usual.

[Fairy name]: Big Sun Fire Crow (mature stage, semi-sacred beast. Condenses the source of the profound meaning, greatly enhance the power of the skills; Guardian of the source of the profound meaning: exempt part of the damage, depending on the opponent's realm.)

[Fairy Realm]: Demon Saint Tier 1

[Fairy Race]: High Master

[Fairy Quality]: Epic

[Fairy Bloodline]: Three-legged Golden Crow (virulent)

[Fairy Attributes]: Fire Element

[Fairy State]: Healthy

[Fairy Weakness]: No "Xuanyu Ginseng Eliminates Attribute Weakness"

With the demon saint-level big sun fire crow, Ning Bizhen’s strength has doubled. From the perspective of strength, even if the long-eared cold jade rabbit plus the remaining demon king-level demon pets, it is probably as great as the epic quality. Sun Huo Crow opens five to five.

After Da Sun Huo Crow completed the breakthrough, Li Changsheng's gaze was mainly focused on Dui. After all, from the perspective of success rate, Dui had the highest breakthrough success rate.


However, at this moment, something unexpected happened, and the body of Vientiane Devourer swelled frantically like a balloon, and its momentum skyrocketed.

"No way!"

Li Changsheng felt incredible. He never expected that the next breakthrough would be the Vientiane Spirit Eater, instead of the higher probability dumb, big head and nine-day Xunfeng cat.

Thinking about it, it's still being cleaned up. After all, when everyone is lucky, although there is only a 10% probability of breakthrough, there is still a possibility of breakthrough.

"Who will be next?"

After the surprise of the Vientiane Spirit Eater, Li Changsheng couldn't help but stared at the other monster pets with expectant eyes.

Of course, there may be no next.

At this point, five minutes have passed, and if it fails to break through within ten minutes, it means failure. Most demon pets can't even last for ten minutes. This is closely related to the quality of the demon pet.

In the seventh minute, the secondary ancestor Black Dragon opened its eyes and showed disappointed eyes. It only had a 3% breakthrough probability. After this breakthrough failed, the probability of breaking through the Demon Saint rank next time was only 2%.

Without waiting for Li Changsheng to comfort the black dragon of the second ancestor, at this time, there were signs of breakthroughs in the demon pet.

"Why is it a small probability event again!"

When Li Changsheng looked at each other, he was speechless for a long time, because this time it was the eight-armed Naga.

Like the Vientiane Spirit Eater, the eight-armed Naga is also of half-step epic quality, and both have a 10% breakthrough Ning Bizhen covered her mouth, her eyes filled with ecstasy, this is too Makes her happy.

Li Changsheng felt that Ning Bizhen's lucky value might have broken through the sky, and the key here is the dawn world.

It didn’t take long for the Vientiane Spirit Devouring Rat’s momentum to skyrocket again. Originally, Li Changsheng thought that the Vientiane Spirit Devouring Rat would probably not be able to condense the original crystals at one time. As a result, it succeeded once and officially became a Demon Saint-level demon pet. Surprise.

After completing the breakthrough, the Vientiane Spirit Eater became the first temporary demon saint-level demon pet in Li Changsheng's hands.

Soon, ten minutes came.

The few demon pets who were still breaking through had to open their eyes, and all showed disappointed eyes.

The eight-armed Naga became a pseudo-demon saint-level demon pet anyway, but Dumb, Big Tou, Nine-Tian Xunfeng Cat, and secondary ancestor black dragon all failed to break through, and they didn't even touch them.

This was really an unexpected result, but it was always going in a good direction, and a total of two half-demon saint-level demon pets were harvested.

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