Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 1204: No different from a target

Suddenly, a huge boulder as big as a house smashed through the air from the front, but it was a Demon King-class cyclops who wanted to stop Li Changsheng's footsteps.

   Ashe didn't evade, even the speed didn't drop, and she continued to rush forward.


  When the boulder flew, Li Changsheng thought, Huangquan sword turned into a misty sword light, like cutting tofu, instantly smashing the boulder.

   Huangquan Sword was cast unabated, and before the Demon King-level Cyclops could react, it directly penetrated its chest, and came out from behind with a puff of blood.

   Although the blood hole is not very big, it pierced the heart of the Cyclops.

   The Cyclops shook violently a few times, like pushing a golden mountain to a jade pillar, and fell to the ground unwillingly, never moving again.


   After running a short distance, Ashe turned into a golden rainbow and flew towards the capital of the city-state of Lena.


   At this time, the voices of the two thunder ancestor Titans sounded, and they all turned into a huge silver electric light, and the momentum was astonishing to catch up.

   Among the ancestor Titans, the Thunder ancestor Titan who controls the thunder and lightning naturally masters the thunder escape skill, can incarnate the thunder and lightning, and is even above the Aishi who is in the state of the white tiger transforming the rainbow.

  Of course, Ashe must be better for long distances.

   Unfortunately, Li Changsheng is very aware of the flaws in Lei Dun's skills.

   Lei Dun is famous for its explosive power and can last for a period of time. The only downside is that it cannot perform micro-manipulations. This also leads to the fact that Lei Dun is of little significance in actual combat and can only be used to escape.

   To put it simply, there is no difference between the Thunder ancestor Titan and the target in a state of thunder.

   When the two Thunder ancestor Titans were about to catch up, Ashe controlled by Li Changsheng changed the direction. The two Thunder ancestor Titans couldn't control it, and they rushed forward for a certain distance before turning their directions to continue chasing.

   Seeing this, Li Changsheng smiled and continued to steer Ashe to change direction.

   After playing a few times, there was a distance between the two Thunder ancestor Titans.

   It was also at this time that Li Changsheng sensed the opportunity and immediately took out the Bi Luo Sword.

   After consuming a lot of mental power, the two swords of Biluo and Huangquan spun around. The two swords combined, like a dragon, rushing towards the thunder ancestor Titan in front.

   At the moment when the two swords of the blue and yellow springs merged, the ancestor of Thunder felt a strong crisis, and there was a faint feeling that once the two swords were stabbed to the point, the consequences would be unimaginable.

   Because of being in a state of thunder, the ancestor of Thunder Titan could not stop at all, or even evade it.

   In this case, he could only try his best to stimulate his muscles with electric currents, so that his body was lifted up a bit, making the chest that the two swords had originally pierced into the abdomen.

  Biluohuangquan Shuangjian directly ignored the electric current on the surface of the Thunder's ancestor Titan, and then easily broke through the fleshy fascia on the abdomen, and pierced deeply.

   The body of Thunder's ancestor Titan's body is too strong, even if the two swords are combined, it still can't penetrate his body.

   Even so, the Thunder ancestor Titan still felt a sharp pain in his abdomen, and saw a blood hole two to three meters in diameter on his abdomen.

   Such a large blood hole is deadly for ordinary creatures, but it is not heavy for the Thunder ancestor Titan who is more than 300 meters in size.

  In a short time, the Biluohuangquan swords rushed out of the abdomen, and they were instantly recalled by Li Changsheng.

   Li Changsheng secretly said a pity, and continued to drive Ashe to escape.

   Thunder ancestor Titan was obviously frightened. If he did not react in time, he would not have his chest broken directly by the double swords. Once he pierced his heart, he would suffer severe damage if he did not die.

   Mythical beasts are not good. Even if their hearts and brains are damaged, their perverted vitality is often not enough to kill them. As long as they cultivate for a period of time, they can become vigorous.

   At this time, Li Changsheng raised his double swords,

The injured Thunder ancestor Titan was startled, thinking that Li Changsheng was going to repeat his tricks again, so he subconsciously stopped and got out of the thunder escape state, and hurriedly called the Thunder ancestor Titan who fell behind, so as not to be accompanied by Li Changsheng’s. Tao.

   Until this time, a city with a very large area appeared in front of him. This is also the capital of the city-state of Lena.

   Without hesitation, Li Changsheng rushed into the capital with Ashe.

   Although Ai Xi's size is far inferior to the Thunder's ancestor Titan, he is also a huge monster, which naturally caused a lot of people to panic.

   For a time, there were countless screams, and people ran away in a panic, lest they would be eaten by Ashe.

   Under the control of Li Changsheng, Ashe stopped, turned to look at the two Thunder ancestor Titans, and let out an astonishing tiger roar, trying to draw them over.

   The two Thunder Ancestor Titans couldn't help but look at each other. To Li Changsheng's expectation, the Thunder Ancestor Titan, who was injured in his abdomen, grabbed the companion who wanted to come forward, his mouth moved, and he didn't know what he said.

   The amazing sword just now left the injured Thunder's ancestor Titan with lingering fears. He couldn't help but regard Li Changsheng as an opponent on the same level, and he saw that Li Changsheng could escape, but he wanted to stop, thinking that there must be a calculation.

  The injured Thunder ancestor Titan thought about Although the lost treasure was more precious, it was of no use to him. It seemed that there was no need to fight the opponent.

   Just when the two Thunder ancestor Titans were hesitating, the strong in the capital city of Lena finally reacted, and a group of figures flew out of the capital.

   Their eyes are mostly on the two Thunder ancestor Titans, after all, their size and power are far surpassed by Ashe.

Headed by    is a legendary powerhouse with white beard and hair. He is the leader of the Lena City State, Sith. His aura is stronger than Horns, but he has not surpassed the category of the legendary powerhouse.

   When seeing the two Thunder ancestor Titans, Sith complained in his heart, as if he was facing a great enemy, as the leader of the Lena City-state, how could he not recognize the two Thunder ancestor Titans.

   The Sith admits that even if he gathers the power of the Lena city-state, he is not the opponent of the two Thunder ancestor Titans.

   Just as the Sith was thinking of countermeasures in distress, the two Thunder ancestor Titans unexpectedly chose to leave.

   Sith was obviously relieved, he was really afraid that these two Thunder ancestor Titans would go crazy, and the loss would be great by then.

   Until this moment, Sith looked at the uninvited Li Changsheng.

   From this look, Siston was shocked. He had seen a portrait of Li Changsheng, how could he not recognize that this was the target he secretly hired assassins to kill.

   The other party specially introduced the two Thunder ancestor Titans here, and it is likely that he knew that he was the real murderer behind the scenes.

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