Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 1207: Captive Livingston

Livingston cannot be said to be inferior. If one is one-on-one, Li Changsheng might also be one of Chi Long.

  The problem is here, Ashe, day and night are not much worse than Chilong.

   Livingston’s advantage is combat experience, but no matter how rich the combat experience is, it cannot offset the quantitative disadvantage.


The metal collision sounded like dripping rain. Livingston’s sword speed was not unpleasant, but every collision made his right hand tremble. After the five swords, his right hand was already numb, even more so. There is a feeling of tearing muscles.

   At this time, during the day and night, he stretched out his claws and attacked from both sides.

   Livingston could only stretch out his left hand, barely pushing back from the day with a palm, but was caught in the middle of the back by the night with a claw, revealing five long and deep bone scars.

   At this moment, a cloud of yellow sword light quickly stabs Livingston.

   At this moment, Livingston felt a strong death crisis.

  At this critical moment, Livingston turned the exercises to the extreme, and a vivid Dapeng phantom appeared above his head.

   Compared with the middle-ranked legendary powerhouse, the virtual image of the upper-ranked legendary powerhouse seems to be real, giving people a substantive feeling.

   Dapeng phantom moved, and grabbed Huang Quanjian with one claw.


   Dapeng Phantom’s sharp claws were very hard, but under the extremely sharp Huangquan Sword, it was slightly supported, and then the sharp claws were cut off by the Huangquan Sword.

   When the Dapeng phantom was injured, Livingston's expression became a little paler, and a touch of blood flowed from the corner of his mouth.

   Obviously, if the phantom is injured, it will also cause a certain amount of backlash to the user.

   Taking advantage of the fleeting opportunity, Livingston made a slab bridge and barely avoided the slightly reduced Huangquan Sword.

   Suddenly, Ashe rushed over and slapped it with a paw.

   Livingston rolled in the void, and immediately removed the air dance technique, used free fall to avoid Ashe's attack again, and was about to escape the siege of the monsters.

  In a short time, Chilong used the space cage and successfully constrained Livingston in another space.

   If the demon pets retreat a certain distance tacitly, they will gather energy one by one in the process of retreating.


   Livingston swung several swords and finally broke the space cage.

   It was also at this time that several demon saint-level demon pets released their energy together, and the surging energy torrent crazily rolled over from all directions.

Livingston's expression changed drastically, and his heart was filled with a sense of crisis. He hurriedly used the secret method. The blood in his body seemed to be boiling. His figure suddenly swelled, and his clothes burst open. It's three points bigger.

  Before being hit by the torrent of energy, Livingston tried his best to brandish the sword of the fallen angel, turning it into a blade storm that swept across the world, and released countless lengths of light blue sword aura.

   At the same time, the Dapeng phantom spread its wings and completely enveloped Livingston.

   At the moment when the energy torrent hits, the blade storm first shrank sharply, and then stopped abruptly. The weakened energy torrent then fell on the Dapeng phantom.


   Several kinds of energy torrents with different attributes exploded, and the strong roar sounded through the world, turning into colorful energy tides and spreading, and the space within the range became extremely unstable, resulting in innumerable space cracks in length.

   Li Changsheng's ears moved slightly, and he heard a scream.

   Before the energy tide dissipated, a figure rushed out extremely embarrassed, and wanted to flee in panic.

   Livingston's face was as pale as paper at the moment, his face was panicked, his body was scarred, and his left hand was severed, obviously suffering a serious injury.

   Li Changsheng would naturally not let him go, and immediately ordered the demon pet to pursue him.

   The closest day and night, he rushed to catch up. Even if Livingston absorbed the blood of Dapeng, he was already known for his speed, but his speed was still not as good as the two cats.

   Of course, this is also related to the heavy damage to Livingston, which prevented him from fully exerting his speed.

   In just a few breaths, the two cats chased up. They were very close, attacking during the day, attracting Livingston's attention, and taking the opportunity to give Livingston a claw at night.

   Livingston only had time to raise his right hand, and he took a claw with his right hand, exposing five deep bone scars, and even damaged his arm bones, making Livingston almost unable to hold the sword of the fallen angel.


   Livingston screamed, seeing Chilong breaking through the space and blocking his way, and he knew that escaping was useless.

   "The old man lost, please raise your hand high and spare the old man his life!"

   Livingston stopped, and even took away the sword of the fallen angel to show his sincerity.

  The longer you live, some are less afraid of death, and some are more afraid of death. For the strong, the latter far exceeds the former in number.

   Even if there is not much life span, Livingston is still afraid of death.

   Seeing Livingston disarmed and surrendered, the two cats and Chilong couldn't help but stop thinking of continuing to attack.

   However, they have received various exercises for many years, so they are always on guard and dare not relax at all.

   In a blink of an eye, other monster pets once again surrounded Livingston, who no longer resisted.

   Li Changsheng drove Ashy to fly over, but he always kept a distance from Livingston and did not give the other party a chance to die together.

   "Livingston, I can't see your sincerity, if you are really then hand over your weapons and space bags."

   In order to avoid Livingston destroying the space bag before his death, Li Changsheng was willing to waste a little time.

   The last time the snake Aberisk destroyed the space in his body before his death, Li Changsheng was heartbroken and unable to breathe.

   Although Livingston is not as strong as Aberisk, he is a legendary powerhouse who has been famous for a long time, and his collection must be extremely rich.

   Livingston obviously hesitated. Seeing that Li Changsheng's face became more gloomy, he had to sigh and threw the sword of the fallen angel and the dimension bag to Li Changsheng.

   Even after receiving these two items, Li Changsheng still did not remove the defense of the Tenth-Rank Star Palace Lotus Platform to avoid the possibility of being calculated by the opponent.

   Li Changsheng is so cautious, and only in this way can he live longer, otherwise he would have been eaten by those treacherous old immortals.

   Like those passionate and brainless arrogances, they may be able to reach the top by luck and talent, but they are bound to be unable to last for a long time. Their personalities are destined to be easily exploited by others.

   "Your Excellency, the old man is just to save his friends, and he has no intention of being an enemy of you. I hope you can let the old man out."

   Livingston pretended to be pitiful and helpless, trying to win the sympathy of Li Changsheng and increase the probability of survival.

   "This is not bad, but you have to answer a few questions in this seat first."

   It is impossible for Li Changsheng to spare Livingston. No matter what, the other party is also a superior legendary powerhouse. He must have made a lot of powerhouses, and there may be a spiritual aspect.

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