Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 1226: Purple gold with cloud pattern

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By the time the expansion of the secret realm ends, the secret realm area has exceeded eight thousand miles, and the goal of the blessed land is only two steps away.

As the area of ​​the Secret Realm grows, the degree of difficulty will become higher and higher in the future.

According to Li Changsheng's speculation, with the current progress, it is estimated that it will take three or four months before the secret realm can be advanced to the blessed land.

After finishing everything, Li Changsheng returned to the death swamp, summoned Mihalovich, and began to receive resource points in the death swamp.

Li Changsheng is naturally reluctant to bear the resource point, after all, this is the hen laying the golden eggs, and can continuously create benefits for him.

Because the resource point cannot be moved, Li Changsheng can only continue to occupy the death swamp.

As a result, the territory under his control expanded again.

Of course, the meaning here is different. After all, Death Swamp is located in the surface world, which can be regarded as a nail in the surface world, which can collect information on the surface world, especially information about the **** of the night.

Regarding the layout of the Emperor of Humanity in the dawn world, Li Changsheng said that he was not curious, it must be a lie.

After confirming the occupation of the death swamp, Li Changsheng specially released dozens of dragons to control the situation in the death swamp.

It has to be said that only some of these dragons are dragons from the original death swamp, and the rest are dragons completely tamed by Li Changsheng.

The reason why Li Changsheng did this was to better control the death swamp.

As for the leader of the death swamp, Mihalovic will temporarily assume the role. If he does not do his job well, he can change the dragon at any time.

Not long after, Mihalovic took Li Changsheng to a basin, which was the only treasure-level resource point in the area of ​​Death Swamp.

At this time, there is a big hole.

The big pit is dark and full of black crystals. If you look closely, you will find that from some gaps, strands of purple light are diffused, condensing in the center of the big pit, forming a small ball of purple light.

Mihalovic pointed to the big hole and said: "This is the resource point for producing Zi Yao Yun Wen Jin. One can only be produced every ten years. Zi Yao Yun Jin can increase the blood concentration. Back then, the dragon swallowed it. A gold with purple and cloud pattern can evolve into a secondary ancestor red dragon, but it has no effect on the current dragon."

Hearing Mihalovic's explanation, Li Changsheng understood that Ziyao Cloud Pattern Gold is obviously a treasure of bloodline metamorphosis. It can make the demon pet complete the evolution with a certain probability, but it cannot evolve into a divine beast.

Li Changsheng thought for a while, and asked, "Does the Ziyao cloud pattern gold have any effect on other races?"

"Yes, this is how one troll evolved into three trolls, and became the leader of the trolls."

For the three trolls, Li Changsheng was also very impressed. After all, he was also the first time he saw a troll with three heads, and its size was much larger than that of an ordinary troll, and it was almost as high as a mountain giant. It is comparable to a dragon.

"In addition to the three trolls, there are also a few non-dragon creatures that have absorbed the purple cloud pattern gold. The strange thing is that all of them have evolved successfully. Unlike our dragons, there is probably only a 20% probability to complete the evolution."

Li Changsheng has already understood the effect of the Ziyao cloud pattern gold, it is nothing more than the bloodline below the rich level must evolve, while the rich bloodline has only a 20% probability to evolve.

There is no doubt that this is a very valuable resource point, perhaps this is also the reason why some nearby countries have joined forces to attack the death swamp from time to time.

Like the Zhong Lingshi resource point last time, Li Changsheng began to know no restrictions in order to increase the output of Ziyao Cloud Gold.

After finishing the arrangement, Li Changsheng roughly estimated that it was only possible to produce one Ziyao cloud pattern gold in ten years, but now it has become two or three pieces every ten years, which has improved significantly.

Later, Li Changsheng went to check other resource points, and also placed corresponding restrictions on these resource points.

Before stabilizing the situation in the death swamp, Li Changsheng took out the Dinghai Dragon Blood Fruit.

Since Dinghai dragon blood fruit can only be absorbed by the water attribute dragon, in this way, only three dragons and the ancestral black dragon in Li Changsheng's hands are eligible.

The three dragon heads of the three dragons have the attributes of gold, water and soil respectively, which can be considered as meeting the requirements.

In the choice of two demon pets, Li Changsheng is obviously inclined to the three giant dragons. After all, one is a formal demon pet and the other is a temporary demon pet. Naturally, priority should be given to the formal demon pet.

What I have to say is that the three giant dragons are progressing rapidly, and they are now the demon pets of the Demon King's 9th rank, and they can try to break through the Demon Saint rank.

Dinghai Dragon Blood Fruit is not a breakthrough treasure, but its rank has finally reached the low-grade world strange thing rank, which can more or less increase the probability of breaking through the demon saint rank.

The three giant dragons belong to the epic-quality monster pets, and they have a 30% probability of breaking through the Demon Saint level. If the Dinghai Dragon Blood Fruit is added, Li Changsheng is expected to have a 40% success rate. This probability is not low.

Li Changsheng hesitated, but still took out the crystal of water.

With this water crystal, the probability of the three dragons breaking through the Demon Saint rank will be as high as 90%.

When the three dragons flew out of the secret realm, under Li Changsheng's signal, they swallowed the Dinghai dragon blood fruit like a jujube. The dragon's claws pinched the water crystals and began to absorb the energy.

After a few breaths, the expressions of the three giant dragons changed slightly, and they lay down on the ground in a hurry, trying to digest the Dinghai dragon's blood fruit, and at the same time they were constantly absorbing the crystallization of the essence of water.

Soon, Dinghai dragon blood fruit was digested, and the aura of the three dragons was improved to a certain Manipulating the energy of the water system became even more like an arm.

The surface of the three giant dragons was full of aqua-blue brilliance, and the nearby water system energy madly pulled over. Soon, the three giant dragons were covered by the aqua-blue light cocoon, making it difficult to see the scene inside.

As more and more water system energy is absorbed, the volume of the light cocoon is also rapidly increasing.

When the light cocoon stopped spreading, countless water blue energies began to spontaneously condense into the phantom of the ancestral black dragon.

That's right, it's not the nine-faced dragon god, but the ancestral black dragon.

The phantom of the ancestral black dragon contains a certain source of the profound meaning of water, which is the source of the profound meaning of water extracted by the three dragons from the crystal of the source of the profound meaning of water.

In an instant, the phantom of the ancestral black dragon swooped down and disappeared when it touched the three dragons.

In the depths of the sea of ​​consciousness of the three giant dragons, there are a total of three oceans of profound meaning.

At this moment, the phantom of the ancestral black dragon suddenly appeared in the profound ocean of water, and began to make waves.

With the help of the ancestral black dragon phantom, countless water essences are condensed, which is also mixed with strands of water origin.

Driven by the source of the profound meaning of water, the essence of the profound meaning of water began to condense, causing the energy density to rise rapidly.

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