Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 1232: Thunder Ancestor Titan's Death

The lightning speed of the Thunder Ancestor Titan is not unpleasant, and I am afraid that only Ashe, Chilong and Big Sun Fire Crow can catch up, and the speed difference is not big.

In an instant, Ashe turned into a golden rainbow, and the big sun fired the golden crow to transform the rainbow. Chilong directly broke through the space and moved the space, chasing the Thunder ancestor Titan with all his strength.

"Can you escape?"

Li Changsheng did not move, and a pocket-sized golden bridge flew out of the sea of ​​consciousness.

With a lot of spiritual energy injected, the golden bridge of space was exploded, and it instantly extended to the sky.

In an instant, a golden bridge spanning hundreds of miles was born. The other demon saint-level demon pets were already prepared to cross into the golden bridge with Li Changsheng and Ning Bizhen.

The two and the demon pets all turned into streamers, and the scene before them passed by like floating lights and shadows, and appeared at the end of the golden bridge at an extremely exaggerated speed.

In a short breath, the two and the demon pets spanned dozens of miles and just appeared in front of the Thunder Ancestor Titan.

The longest space golden bridge can span hundreds of miles, but the longer the distance, the more mental power it consumes, not to mention that the Thunder ancestor Titan may not change direction on the way.

When the two and their demon pets suddenly appeared and blocked the way, the Thunder ancestor Titan, who was in a state of thunder escape, was obviously taken aback, and subconsciously wanted to detour.

It's a pity that unless the Thunder's ancestors on behalf of the Titans terminate the use of Thunder Dunn, they cannot be operated on the way, which is also the biggest flaw of Thunder Dunn.

In this way, there are only two ways left for the Thunder ancestor Titan.

One, terminate Lei Dun, change direction and escape.

Second, maintain Lei Dun, and ran into it directly.

Of the two options, the ancestor of Thunder chose the second one. If Thunder Dunge is terminated, it will be difficult to cast Thunder Dunge again in a short time, and the opponent will not necessarily give it this opportunity. Once Thunder Dunge is terminated, it is no different from looking for death.

The Thunder ancestor Titan can only sprint with all its strength. Only by hitting the enemy blocking the way can it escape. It does not believe that Li Changsheng can continue to use this method.

Li Changsheng really couldn't use it again in a short period of time, mainly because most of his mental power was consumed. As for the mental power stored by the Jiuqiao Ding Yuanzhu, it was used up after he exploded.

However, this does not mean that he can't stop the Thunder ancestor Titan.

"Three dragons, stop it!"

Under Li Changsheng's order, the three giant dragons took the initiative to meet the Thunder ancestor Titan.

As the Thunder Ancestor Titan is in a thunderous state, its impact can be imagined. The three dragons must not be opponents, and they are likely to be hit hard.

However, at this moment, the tenth-grade star palace lotus platform, the Hunyuan Heluobao umbrella, the Hunyuan golden lantern, and the nine-day Qingqi tower all fell on the heads of the three giant dragons, and the light curtains released instantly envelop it. .

Seeing this layer of light curtains, the Thunder Ancestor Titan couldn't help showing desperate eyes.

In an instant, the two sides collided.

Boo~ Boo~ Boo~

The five-color light curtain formed by the Hunyuan Golden Lantern broke first, and then it was the turn of the Nine Heavens Qingqi Pagoda. The starlight barrier of the Tenth-Rank Star Palace Lotus Platform was maintained, and it was also broken by the Thunder Ancestor Titan.

However, after breaking the light curtain of the three exotic treasures, the Thunder ancestor Titan became the end of the crossbow, and was dissolved by the light curtain of the Hunyuan River Luobao Umbrella.


At the moment when the Thunder ancestor Titan stopped, Hun Yuan He Luo Bao Umbrella retracted the light curtain, and the three giant dragons slammed into it, and then the three dragon heads bitten wildly.

The brilliance of different colors appeared in the three dragon mouths of the three giant dragons, directly initiating multiple elemental bites.

The Thunder Ancestor Titan cannot avoid it, and can only bear it abruptly.

Not waiting for the Thunder Ancestor Titan to counterattack or retreat, a black and white strip of light wrapped the Thunder Ancestor Titan's lower limbs.

At this time, Ashe, Chilong, and Big Sun Firecrow finally caught up, and launched a long-range offensive together with the other Demon Saint-level demon pets.

The three dragons flew back quite tacitly for a certain distance. As soon as the Thunder Ancestor Titan broke free from the shackles of light and darkness, his eyes were flooded with brilliance.

The Thunder Ancestor Titan was not good at agility, so at this time, there was no way to avoid it. He only had time to put on a Thunder shield and was overwhelmed by the brilliance of various energies.


The energy tide spread wildly, and the screams of the Thunder ancestor Titan's screams sounded from it.

Before the energy tide dissipated, day and night, **** and heaven were displayed, and a gray circle began to take shape, flying straight to the direction where the Thunder ancestor Titan was.

Due to the huge size, even if the energy tide has not dissipated, part of the body of the Thunder's ancestor Titan is still revealed.

The Thunder Shield on the surface of the Thunder ancestor Titan has long since disappeared, and his body is covered with scars and has been severely injured.

When the gray light circle flew, the Thunder ancestor Titan felt the ultimate danger, and the thunder light bloomed on his right hand, which was an uppercut.

However, how could the fusion skills of the two cats pressing the bottom of the box be destroyed so easily? Under this punch, there were a few more cracks in the gray aperture, which completely resisted the punch and continued to sink.

Before the Thunder Ancestral Titans continue to take action, the second wave of long-range offensives of the monster pets has once again condensed, and a torrent of various energy rushes towards the Thunder Ancestral Titans.

At the same time, Li Changsheng once again took out the Biluohuangquan Swords, transformed into a stegosaurus, and rushed towards the neck of the Thunder's ancestor Titan.

The Thunder's ancestor Titan has the ability to explode, and its companion has died, Li Changsheng does not intend to catch it alive.

The most important thing is that he doesn't have a demon pet with the bloodline of the Thunder's ancestor Titan, even if the opponent belongs to a divine beast, there is no need to keep him alive.

Like this kind of sacred beast that has lived for countless years, let alone Li Changsheng, even in the face of the ninth-order demon master, it is impossible to obediently obediently.

In this case, the Thunder's ancestor Titan has no way even before it has time to explode, it is overwhelmed by the torrent of energy.

Among them, the stegosaurus formed by Biluohuangquan's double swords accurately penetrated the throat of Thunder's ancestor Titan.


Before the energy dissipated, the ancestor of Thunder Titan fell from the air, its eyes widened, and its hands subconsciously covered the blood hole that penetrated its neck, still unable to stop the crazy flow of blood.

Before dying, the ancestor of Thunder Titans endured the pain and wanted to explode, but in this state, it was impossible to concentrate at all, let alone condensing energy, and eventually ended in fruitless.


The huge and anomalous Thunder ancestor Titan smashed heavily on the ground, slamming a big hole tens of meters deep, directly changing the nearby landform.

Li Changsheng looked down quietly until the Thunder ancestor Titan died completely, and his mental power could no longer sense the light spots that belonged to it, so he steadily led Ning Bizhen and the demon pets down and began to clean the battlefield.

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