Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 1240: Gentei Mausoleum Advancement?

Before you know it, time is already very close to the day when the Heavenly Dao Secret Realm opens.

After exploring the ruins of the demigod, Li Changsheng returned to the IELTS city-state capital to retreat and practice.

Using this period of time, his mental power has made some progress, and it is expected that he will reach the peak of the king in one or two months, and then he can try to break through the double-character king.

In addition, Li Changsheng's main energy is to digest the inheritance of the demigods and study the fragments of the gods.

After removing many irrelevant memories, to be honest, only a small part of Eric Robertson's demigod inheritance is useful to Li Changsheng, mainly biopuppetry and the cognition of the dawn world and other worlds.

As a top demigod, Eric Robertson has traveled to more than a dozen planes of different sizes, and even entered the main material plane, and has detailed records of the customs and customs of each major plane.

As for the fragments of the godhead, Li Changsheng completely immersed his consciousness in it according to Eric Robertson's comprehension method and wandered in a sea of ​​rules.

The only problem is that after consciousness enters the fragments of the godhead, mental power will continue to be depleted.

Fortunately, Li Changsheng is a demon master, and his mental power is not ordinary and vigorous. It can last at least one hour at a time, unlike the sad Eric Robertson, who can only last a quarter of an hour.

This is the difference between specializing in the physical body and specializing in mental power. In a sense, if Eric Robertson has a strong mental power, he might really have a chance to understand the rules in the fragments of the godhead and heal his injuries.

The rules in the fragments of the Godhead of Ural are mysterious and unpredictable, even more erratic and disorderly, giving people an elusive feeling. Perhaps this is because the broken relationship of the Godhead makes the rules incomplete.

Li Changsheng also didn't know if there were complete rules in this godhead fragment. He had been trying to link, but the difficulty was not generally large, and it mainly depends on luck.

Only by comprehending the complete rules, coupled with a lot of power of faith, can you ignite the fire, lift the throne, and become a god.

Although the complete rules were not found, it did not mean that Li Changsheng had no other gains. There are many rules in the fragments of the Uller Godhead. Even if they are incomplete, they can still bring a lot of inspiration to Li Changsheng and solve many problems for him.

It is not just a matter of creating new species, but even the principle of fusing imitation of the demon pot is a step forward.

It is a **** with a lifespan that is almost infinite, and the body will not easily step out of the kingdom of God, and can only retreat in the kingdom of God. The learning is not ordinary, covering almost all aspects, including refining tools, alchemy and so on.

The most important thing is that the computing power of the godhead is completely abnormal, and coupled with the exaggerated lifespan, this can make the gods almost omnipotent.

Even Li Changsheng who has taken the fruit of wisdom is still far inferior to the godhead in this respect.

Li Changsheng admires three aspects of the gods most, one is the theoretically unlimited life span, the second is the godhead, and the third is the **** clone with almost independent personality.

As for the Kingdom of God, the principle of this thing is similar to the secret realm. Both have their own advantages and disadvantages, and it is difficult to distinguish between the superior and the inferior.

In addition to these aspects, Li Changsheng's tentacles began to enter several countries near the death swamp, and secretly bought several caravans or mercenary groups to collect information for him.

Among them, the legendary powerhouse who traded the blood phoenix Ujin to Livingston has not yet received news, and it is likely that this guy has gone to a farther country.

On the contrary, a few years ago, Suzaku and Taotie had preliminary news. What was beyond Li Changsheng's expectation was that the Suzaku did not seem to escape, and it was probably already dead in the hands of Taotie.

In addition, there is the location of the gluttonous lair.

Li Changsheng has reason to believe that even if Gourmet kills Suzaku, there is a high probability that he will kill one thousand enemies, and he will damage himself eight hundred. It is possible that he has not fully recovered yet.

Even so, Li Changsheng didn't have the idea of ​​looking for gluttonous food for the time being. He decided to wait until he became the Queen of Double Characters.

Taking a step back, Li Changsheng would not be able to kill the opponent, even if it was a seriously injured gluttonous person, instead he might be killed by the opponent, not to mention that the gluttonous state was unknown.

It has to be said that the strength of the monster pets has also been improved, especially in terms of strength, which is mainly due to the bonus of the power top food.

In addition, the second batch of demon pets that failed to break through will soon pass the cooldown.

Most importantly, Kailan's opportunity has arrived.

During this period of time, Li Changsheng collected blood for those moon elves one by one, and obtained the second batch of Elf King Essence Blood. Now there are nearly nine cans, only half a step away from ten cans.

The moon elves and moon elves in the plane of the elves were almost wiped out by Li Changsheng, and it is difficult to obtain them. This time, Li Changsheng can only pin his hopes on Xiang Yutian.

In the past six months of accumulation, Xiang Yutian must have accumulated a lot, including Mingyuelian.

Li Changsheng chose to leave the customs, and after explaining the precautions of Gridi, he used the plane teleportation array to return to the fairy world-Langya Kingdom-Yecheng Palace.

For the first time, Li Changsheng summoned Zuo Qiulin and asked about the news during this period.

Since the extermination and occupation of Silent Forest, the trend of Langya Kingdom has been further stabilized, and Silent Forest has begun to produce some resources.

Silent Forest is extremely rich in resources, especially mineral vein resources. Several mineral veins have been discovered, including a precious mythril vein, and the scale is not small.

The territory of Langya country can be said to be relatively stable. During this period, there were no major events worthy of Li Changsheng's attention. It was nothing more than that foreign forces began to actively move into Langya country, and there were some frictions with local forces in Langya country.

The reason why these foreign forces moved into Langya country was mostly because they couldn't stay in the original country, or they provoked an unreasonable enemy. There are also forces that are optimistic about Li Changsheng, but only a handful of them are desperate.

There have been two major events overseas. One was the emperor's exit, and he recruited soldiers and horses. Many idle kings and double-character kings were included in the cut, including a top double-character king.

This top double-character king was originally attached to Emperor Wen, but he didn't know what benefits the Emperor had promised, so he changed to the banner of the Emperor.

This incident naturally caused an uproar, but because another major event happened just recently, the turmoil caused was eliminated a lot.

The second major event is that in a certain area of ​​Yuxiu Country Middle School near the central area, there are strong spatial fluctuations from time to time. It seems that there are large-scale relics that will appear in the near future.

"Sure it's in Yuxiu Country?"

Li Changsheng's tone became a little more excited.

"Yes it is."

Zuo Qiulin looked at Li Changsheng strangely, but he didn't ask much.

"Very well, you go down first."

Li Changsheng did not answer. After Zuo Qiulin left, he never concealed his excitement.

Because according to the clues he learned, Emperor Xuan's Mausoleum is near Yuxiu Country, and this unborn large-scale relic is probably the Xuan Emperor's Mausoleum.

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