Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 1243: Wrath of the Elf King

As the world turned around, the environment in front of him suddenly changed.

During the transmission, the two had separated, but for Ning Bizhen, Li Changsheng was relieved and there was no need to worry.

For the Secret Realm of Heaven, after Li Changsheng came once, he was no longer as unfamiliar as the previous one.

Here is still a white world, with a lot of clouds and mist, and the visibility is still very low.

In the outer area of ​​the Heavenly Dao Secret Realm, the mental power is still active, but it cannot be released outside, and can only be observed with the naked eye.

However, after becoming the king, Li Changsheng's vision has been greatly improved. With his current vision, he can clearly observe a radius of 500 meters, and it will start to become blurred if it is farther away.

For the first time, Li Changsheng randomly found a direction and started exploring.

According to the rules of the Mysterious Realm of Heaven, the outer area is like an isolated island, and there is no possibility of a second person.

In the process of exploring, Li Changsheng's eyes suddenly shrank, faintly shimmering, but he directly used the secret method of heaven, sight and earth.

Even if the effect is not good, it will allow Li Changsheng to explore this area faster.

In just a minute or two, Li Changsheng was already aware of this area.

Like the previous one, this area is only ten square kilometers, with a space channel connected to each of the four corners.

These four spatial passages have not yet been opened, and Li Changsheng cannot enter the next area for the time being.

By convention, these four channels will be automatically opened after an hour has passed.

Li Changsheng intends to use this hour reasonably, in addition to looking for treasures on this floating island, the remaining time is to purify the spirit king's essence and blood, so that Kailan can go further.

Li Changsheng appeared at the location of the treasure in the wind and speed switch.

Looking at the colorful radiance in front of the treasure tank, Li Changsheng pointed his index finger and touched the energy barrier outside the treasure tank.


Before the energy barrier trembles, Li Changsheng will break open with a single finger. It is true that Li Changsheng's body is too strong and far exceeds the energy barrier's bearing range.

Li Changsheng reached out his hand and touched the treasure tank, and found out the treasures stored in the treasure tank.

These are two boxes, Li Changsheng opened them at will.

Two treasures rushed out of the box, wanting to "fly freely", but unfortunately they were suppressed by Li Changsheng and hung in front of him obediently.

One of them was a piece of ore the size of a washbasin, shiny silver, and you knew it was not a common product at first glance.


Li Changsheng recognized it at a glance, but such a large Mithril was quite rare and could be described as priceless.

However, for Li Changsheng, it is not even the icing on the cake. There are mines of gold, mithril, and Shoushan red copper in Langya country. He can obtain a lot of them every year, and there is no shortage of such materials.

The second treasure is a golden bead the size of a baby's fist, which is also a treasure that can freely change its shape.

"Jin Rui Miao Zhenzhu!"

Li Changsheng played a bit and completed the appraisal in an instant.

Jin Rui Miao Pearl, Water Mu Miao Pearl, Fire Blazing Pearl are treasures of the same origin.

Jin Rui Miao Zhenzhu: The essence of heaven and earth, if absorbed by the golden demon pet, there is a high probability that the demon pet will enter the state of bloodline transformation. The higher the bloodline concentration of the demon pet, the lower the probability. Note: Non-metal demon pets cannot be absorbed, otherwise they may burst and die.

Although it is said to be the essence of heaven and earth, the value of Jin Rui Miao Zhenzhu is not inferior to that of ordinary heaven and earth treasures, but it is useless to Li Changsheng.

After collecting the two treasures, Li Changsheng cautiously arranged an enhanced version of the restraint of interest.

Although there are no other people here, it does not mean that there is no way to come here, or to monitor the movement here, it is better to be cautious.

There is only one hour before the space channel will be opened. Naturally, Li Changsheng didn't waste time. He took out the corpses of the Moon Elf and began to refine the essence and blood of the Elf King.

His refining technique is extremely skilled, the key is that these moon elves belong to the same race, and it is relatively simple to refine.

It took about an hour before Li Changsheng finally breathed a sigh of relief. Due to the tight schedule, Li Changsheng's hand speed broke the limit this time, and he was able to refine hundreds of moon elf corpses in just one hour.

There were two jade pots in front of Li Changsheng. One was already full and the other looked like 34.

Li Changsheng waved his hand, and nine more jade clay pots appeared in front of him. Eight of them were full, and one was about half of it. The total number of these refining pots together reached ten pots, with a little remaining.

If you want a demon pet with a majestic bloodline to evolve into a beast, you need about 10-30 cans.

The gap between mythical beasts and mythical beasts is still quite large. It can be divided into five levels: low, intermediate, advanced, top and super top. This is what Yum King uses to distinguish between mythical beasts.

The natural fairy queen belongs to the category of low-level beasts. Li Changsheng estimates that as long as ten cans can make Kailan complete the evolution. As for the super-top elf king, it is necessary to add 20 cans to the natural fairy queen.

When the ten pots of Elf King essence and blood were all opened, a powerful aura emerged, exuding a mighty hell-like pressure, causing Li Changsheng's heart to sink subconsciously.

In the next moment, countless silver brilliance floated out of the essence and blood, and instantly turned into a clear light and shadow that seemed to be substantial, appearing above the essence and blood.

Elf King!

Seeing the other party's beautiful face, Li Changsheng recognized it at a glance. Even if he had seen it twice before, he was still attracted by her charm.

When the light and shadow of the Elf King opened her eyes, her aura became stronger than before, looking at Li Changsheng with eyes full of anger.

Li Changsheng has long been no longer "Wu Xia Amen", not to mention that this is not directly facing the elf king's deity, such a degree of aura is still within his tolerance.

"Human, it's you again!"

Even if the Elf King gritted his teeth, her voice was still very nice, full of thrilling charm.

It was also at this time that a stronger will of heaven and earth came.

This time, the light and shadow of the Elf King did not collapse instantly, but like glass, with dense cracks on the surface.

She still stared at Li Changsheng quietly, her charming eyes filled with endless killing intent.

From beginning to end, Li Changsheng seemed to be okay, quietly admiring the thrilling face of the Elf King.


The light and shadow of the Elf King shattered and turned into a silver light, digging into the viscous blood.

"Kalan, I'll leave it to you next!"

Li Changsheng summoned Kailan, and after failing to break through the Demon Saint Level, Kailan's ranking has dropped significantly.

Looking at the ten pots of Elf King essence blood in front of her, Kailan was not as ecstatic as the other demon pets. Her disposition was relatively indifferent and her ambition was not strong, but for the sake of Li Changsheng, she was willing to become stronger.

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