Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 1260: Promotion to blessed land

Li Changsheng didn't immediately comprehend the big deduction technique. Before that, he still had a lot to do.

First of all, Li Changsheng needed to purify the blood of the half-gold-winged Roc bird and the sacred bird into the blood.

Secondly, Li Changsheng is preparing to sublime the secret realm and become a blessed land, and by the way, he will improve his enlightenment-the gate of light and darkness.

Due to the refining of the Zhoutian Star Pan, the half of the golden-winged Roc bird’s body has lost its feathers and claws. If you don’t look at the size, it looks like a half-hairless chicken, where there is the image of a beast. .

Because there is only one blood mark in the blood of the golden-winged roc bird, the purification rate of Li Changsheng has reached about 50%.

It took some time for Li Changsheng to purify the half body of the golden-winged Roc bird. Without surprise, he extracted more than six cans of blood.

As for Bibi’s blood, it has two bloodline imprints in its body, which means that the purification rate can only reach 1/3. In the end, Li Changsheng obtained two cans of ancestral dragon essence blood, which is not a small gain. After all, in terms of value, the value of Ancestral Dragon's essence and blood is far higher than that of Golden-winged Dapeng bird.

After the purification, Li Changsheng entered the secret realm.

For the first time, Li Changsheng glanced at the Flood Dragon, which was still lying on the ground, slowly absorbing the power of Yinglong Dragon Ball.

At this rate, I am afraid it will take one or two months to fully absorb it.

After confirming that the Flood Dragon would not be burst, Li Changsheng began to upgrade the secret realm.

As Li Changsheng's thoughts moved, the world power accumulated during this short period of time poured into the secret realm center and began to be absorbed by the secret realm core.

The entire secret realm trembles slightly, and a large amount of soil emerges out of thin air on the edge of the secret realm, making the area of ​​the secret realm expanding at an extremely fast speed.

After a few hours passed, the secret realm had grown to its limit, and it seemed to be close to a radius of 10,000 miles.

In this process, top spiritual plants such as the hibiscus tree and the tree of life have made great contributions, making the secret realm stable.

Li Changsheng waited quietly until the secret realm entered a radius of thousands of miles, which also meant that the secret realm officially entered the category of blessed land.

Until this time, the entire secret realm shook violently, but there was no such thing as a dragon surging first. The wild goblins in the secret realm pulled out their nests one after another and ran around in panic.

Li Changsheng ignored them, just with such a sense of shock, the secret realm was extremely stable, and they would not suffer substantial harm.

Suddenly, the energy pouring from the void suddenly increased, causing the energy density of the secret realm to increase at a speed visible to the naked eye.

At the same time, the sky in the secret realm became higher, and the sun projection in the sky became more solid, and it was no longer as vain as before, and more sunlight was spilled.

At this time, countless grasses and saplings sprung out of the ground like bamboo shoots after a rain, leaving the entire secret realm without a wasteland, giving people a feeling of prosperity.

It was also at this time that Li Changsheng began to expend a lot of great power and began to change the original rules of the secret realm.

After being sublimated to a blessed land, the original rules seemed too weak, and naturally they had to be replaced by stronger rules.

With the depletion of the mighty power of heaven and earth, new rules were quickly derived, making progress in all aspects of the secret realm. For example, the effect of weakening opponents was stronger than before, and the increase on one's side was better than before, not to mention the others.

After changing the rules, the secret realm can be regarded as a blessed place.

Suddenly, a seed made of countless small runes burst out of Li Changsheng's Yintang acupoint.

This is the True Species of the Secret Realm. After being promoted to the Blessed Land, the True Species of the Secret Realm also began to change. The number of runes on it has become more, many of which are runes that have never appeared before, and they look quite complicated.

After transforming into the true species of Blessed Land, its volume increased several times, turned into a streamer, and re-entered Li Changsheng's Yintang acupoint, and disappeared.

In Li Changsheng's sea of ​​consciousness, the True Blessed Land reappeared above the soul crystal, releasing an increasingly mysterious aura.

Under the scouring of the mysterious aura, Li Changsheng’s soul crystal became more and more dazzling. He felt that if he tried to break through the Double Character King, the probability of breakthrough would definitely increase.

Soon, this change disappeared, and it was considered as a hidden benefit of promotion to the blessed land.

Li Changsheng flew over the secret realm and waited quietly.

Without waiting long, the core space in the secret realm changed, and a large cloud of light emerged.

Compared with the creation of the secret realm at the beginning, the volume of the light group is several times larger.

Now Li Changsheng faces two choices

1. Put the gate of light and darkness into it, and the light group will grow stronger.

Second, put in some materials, just like the gate of light and darkness that was conceived at the beginning, bred the second thing of enlightenment.

One thing must be reminded that even if the light group this time is several times as many as the previous level, if the second enlightened thing is bred, its upper limit is still the Purple Mansion Treasure Class, including the combined world wonders.

If you choose the first point, the upper limit is Langhuan's treasure.

Of course, the upper limit is the upper limit, and no one knows whether it can reach the Langhuan Supreme Treasure level in the end.

Generally speaking, most people will choose the second one.

No way, most of the enlightened things of the strong are not the Zifu Treasure level. If you want to reach the Langhuan Supreme Treasure level in one step, wash and sleep.

Relatively speaking, the second option may not be able to cultivate the enlightened things of Zifu's rare and precious level, but the probability is much higher than the last time.

Only a few strong people who possess the Zifu Treasure level enlightenment will choose the first type. Even if the probability of success is not very high, even if it fails, it will at least be the top Zifu Treasure.

If it is Langhuan's treasure, UU read www.uukanshu. Com is really a step up to the sky, after all, the value of Langhuan's treasure is far more than the value of Zifu's gems. Even ten pieces of Zifu's gems can hardly be exchanged for one Langhuan's treasure, even the most tasteless Langhuan's treasure.

Of these two choices, Li Changsheng naturally prefers the first one, which is also something that has been decided a long time ago.

Without hesitation, Li Changsheng resolutely threw the Gate of Light and Darkness into the light group.

In an instant, Li Changsheng drew the mighty power of heaven and earth in the secret realm, pouring into the light cluster as if it were not for money, and then was absorbed by the light cluster instead.

Li Changsheng didn't invest in other materials, because there was no need, and doing so would change the ability of the gate of light and darkness. Naturally, he couldn't be so stupid.

There are not a few good enlightened things like the Gate of Light and Darkness in the whole world of fairies. The key is that it can purify the abyss consciousness and obtain a steady stream of meritorious yellow energy and world power for Li Changsheng.

With this ability alone, the value of the Gate of Light and Darkness is not inferior to that of the ordinary Langhuan Supreme Treasure. Only when Li Changsheng is stupid will he invest materials to change the Gate of Light and Darkness.

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