Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 1274: Northland Dragon King

After opening the distance to the uninhabited island, Dijiang, who was incarnation of Li Changsheng, broke through the space again and looked at the surrounding environment.

It is still in the North Sea category, but it is farther north, closer to the extreme north.

The Far North is also known as Bei Ming. This is not the territory controlled by the North Sea Dragon King, but the territory of the Demon Emperor Kunpeng. It is rumored that this Kunpeng is still the main demon pet of the ancient emperor. Since the fall of the emperor, this has occupied the far north. Ground.

Kunpeng lives deep in the far north all year round, and has established an organization called the Demon Master's Palace.

The Dragon King of the North Sea had also thought of occupying the vast and far north, but Kunpeng was too fast and his personality was known for his cunning personality. Even if he united with the power of the Four Seas Dragon Clan, he could only repel it, unable to kill or seal Kunpeng.

Over time, the two sides can only stop the war, recuperate, and maintain the apparent peace.

This time, Li Changsheng went to the extreme north, because the third treasure left by the phoenix was on the edge of the extreme north.

Prior to this, Li Changsheng used the clever method of restraining the breath to make the aura he exudes no different from that of a king.

Li Changsheng summoned the Crown Mian Li Huoluan and asked it to search for the treasure place according to Phoenix's memory.

After a lot of effort, Guan Mian Li Huoluan finally locked his destination.

This is an Iceland, filled with a lot of thick ice crystals, it looks like a huge iceberg.

The extreme north is extremely icy and cold, and the species that survive are naturally dominated by ice-type and water-type goblins. As for the species with other attributes, they are very small. After all, who will come here to be abused.

After being promoted to the Queen of Double Characters, Li Changsheng's physical strength can be described as further, and the weather in the extreme north has no effect on him.


Just when Li Changsheng was about to step into Iceland, suddenly, the sea near Iceland exploded, and then a huge monster came out of the water, staring at Li Changsheng coldly.

This is a snow-white dragon with two horns on the top of the head, four claws under the belly, and a body length of about 300 meters, but it is a white dragon with four claws.

Judging from the momentum, this four-clawed white dragon was in the category of the Demon Emperor, which also made Li Changsheng's expression more solemn.

Judging from the color of its scales, the age of this four-clawed white dragon is at least four digits.

In addition, Li Changsheng also obtained information on the four-clawed white dragon.

[Fairy name]: Four-clawed white dragon (mature stage, magical beast, the power of the rules, the power of skills doubles, and continuous damage to the enemy; rule guard: exemption from partial damage, depending on the opponent's realm.)

[Fairy Realm]: Demon Emperor Tier 9

[Fairy Race]: The middle-ranked beast

[Fairy Quality]: Half-Step Legend

[Fairy Bloodline]: None

[Fairy Attributes]: Water

[Fairy State]: Healthy

[Fairy Weakness]: No "Xuanyu Ginseng Eliminates Attribute Weakness"

Li Changsheng also didn't expect this to be a half-step legendary four-clawed white dragon, which also made him not act rashly.

If it were an ordinary demon emperor-level four-clawed white dragon, Li Changsheng would still be able to stabilize it, but with half-step legendary quality, the outcome would be hard to say, and it would probably be a situation where both sides would suffer.

"Human powerhouse, this is the territory of Northern Dragon King Aorun. Please leave this place as soon as possible, otherwise you will be at your own risk!"

The four-clawed white dragon Ao Run's voice sounded, and the voice contained endless majesty, and the mighty dragon was ready to go.

Li Changsheng suddenly remembered something. He rolled his eyes and asked, "Ao Run, do you remember the phoenix posture of Nanli Volcano?"

Nanli volcano is the largest volcano in the southern region. Fengzi is naturally the name of the fallen phoenix, which is suppressed by Nanli volcano all year round.

From the Phoenix egg left by Fengzi, there are two bloodline marks, namely the Phoenix and the four-clawed white dragon, plus this is the third treasure of the Fengzi logo, and there is the four-clawed white dragon Ao Run sitting in the town. .

According to Li Changsheng's guess, Feng Zi is probably Ao Run's concubine.

Of course, it is also possible to be hijacked by Ao Run, just because of the nature of the dragon clan, how can he let Feng Zi go.


Hearing Feng Zi's name, Ao Run couldn't help but stunned, and a longing look appeared in her eyes. She couldn't remember how long she hadn't heard this name in the deepest part of her heart, hundreds of years or thousands of years. ?

" know her?"

In the twinkling of light, Ao Run transformed into a middle-aged human form, wearing a yellow robe with majesty in his eyes.

"It's a acquaintance too!"

Li Changsheng's tone was ambiguous, he couldn't say that he hadn't even seen Feng Zi.

"Where is she?"

There was urgency in Ao Run's voice.

At this moment, Li Changsheng had determined that Ao Run and Feng Zi had a leg.

"It may have fallen!"

Li Changsheng told the truth. According to the inheritance that Guan Mian Li Huo Luan obtained at that time, it is basically certain that the Phoenix has fallen, otherwise the Phoenix Nest and Phoenix Eggs would not be left there forever.

"How can it be!"

As if a thunderbolt blasted, Ao Run's expression turned pale, and her body shook for a while, obviously taking a hit.

"Impossible, how could she have fallen!"

Obviously, Ao Run couldn't accept such an answer, and looked a little crazy.

Li Changsheng didn't speak, and took Nuoda's Phoenix Nest directly from the secret realm.

Ao Run stared blankly at the familiar Phoenix Nest, and he naturally recognized that it was Feng Zi's Phoenix Nest.

"Who, who killed her?"

"Crown Li Huoluan, tell him what you know."

Li Changsheng shook his head, and then motioned to Guan Mian Li Huoluan to answer on his behalf, secretly letting it conceal the Phoenix Egg.

Guan Mian Li Huoluan and Ao Run talked, and Ao Run's face became more and more ugly.

According to Guan Mian Li Huoluan's narrative, Feng Zi had already suffered severe damage at the time and was about to go to the Flame Canyon to find assistance. Since it had not retrieved the Phoenix Nest, it basically meant that Feng Zi had fallen.

Ao Run still couldn't accept it, but after seeing the description of Fengchao and Guanmianlihuoluan, he had to believe it.

Li Changsheng continued to ask, "Ao Run, doesn't Feng Zi leave you a breath of soul?"

If there is soul aura, as long as it is preserved with artifacts, once the opponent falls, the soul aura will automatically dissipate.

Generally speaking, most people will save the soul breath in the ghost wood.

"It was originally there, but it has been destroyed."

Ao Run shook his head but this is more or less a good thing for him, at least it still retains the possibility of Feng Zi's fall in theory.

"Human powerhouse, what are you here for?"

"Treasure hunt."

Since the other party is a thousand-year-old dragon, Li Changsheng has not concealed it, so he can't say he came to find Ao Run.

Ao Run was silent for a while, and said, "Lonely take you there!"

After speaking, Ao Run took the lead.

Li Changsheng followed behind and kept a certain distance from Ao Run.

There is no way, Ao Run is too strong. If it suddenly breaks out, Li Changsheng may be hit hard. Everything is still safe.

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