Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 1277: Exposed muscles

To put it simply, Ao Run wanted Guan Mian Li Huoluan to act as a ‘monster’.

Ao Run has strong eyesight, and he feels that Crown Mian Li Huo Luan has great potential. He believes that Crown Mian Li Huo Luan is probably Li Changsheng's most precious demon pet. With it as a ‘monster’, he believes that Li Changsheng will do his best.

It is a pity that Li Changsheng is not an ordinary demon master, the crown Li Huoluan is not even the top five in his hands.

"What if I say no?"

Li Changsheng couldn't help asking, he has the strength to counter Ao Run, so it is naturally impossible for Guan Mian Li Huoluan to act as a'monster'.

"Then I have to use the strong one."

Ao Run embraced her with her hands, with an expression that was completely overwhelmed by Li Changsheng.

"You may be underestimated. It seems that you can only show your muscles."

As Li Changsheng's voice just fell, the entrance to the secret realm opened, and the demon saint-level demon pets quickly rushed out, instantly surrounding Ao Run.

Including the two temporary demon pets, the Vientiane Spirit Devouring Rat and the secondary ancestral red dragon, a total of twelve demon saint-level demon pets exuded a powerful aura, enough to fight against Ao Run.

Ao Run's face changed instantly, his intuition was keen, and he felt a strong threat, he did not speak, and looked at the twelve demon saint-level demon pets.

At first glance, Ao Run looked at Chilong subconsciously, and he vaguely felt resonance from Chilong, the resonance from the bloodline, and he could not help but feel close to Chilong.

Legend has it that the ancestor dragon gave birth to nine sons, each of which is different, but in addition to the strangely-shaped nine sons of the dragon, the ancestor dragon has other descendants, and the current Sihailong king is the descendant of the direct blood of the ancestor dragon.

As the heir of the North Sea Dragon Prince, Ao Run also has the blood of the Ancestral Dragon, but the blood density is not as strong as the Sihailong King, so it is only a four-clawed white dragon, not a five-clawed dragon.

Even so, Ao Run's bloodline concentration still exceeds that of Chilong.

Ao Run's gaze then fell on Kailan. He felt a little threat on Kailan. He never expected that Li Changsheng would have a beast in his hands.

Soon, Ao Run looked at two cats that seemed harmless to humans and animals. He faintly felt that there was a special resonance between the two cats, and their auras were intertwined, and the threat to him was even higher than that of Kailan. .

As for the other Demon Saint-level demon pets, they are basically not ordinary ones. The twelve Demon Saint-level demon pets are connected together, and the momentum formed faintly overwhelms his dragon power.

If it is one-to-one, Ao Run thinks he can easily defeat Kailan, but if it really fought, the opponent would not be able to give him this opportunity.

Ao Run calculated it silently, and if there was a duel, he felt that his chances of victory seemed to be greater.

However, at this moment, two portals, one black and one white, appeared, releasing two rays of brilliance, which fell on the two cats respectively, making the aura of the two cats soaring.

"Langhuan Treasure!"

Feeling the aura of the combination of the two portals, Ao Run couldn't help exclaiming, never expecting the other party to have such a treasure.

Even if Ao Rungui is the son of the North Sea Dragon King and has accumulated for thousands of years, he does not have the Langhuan treasure of the same grade in his hands.

More than that, Li Changsheng's body shape suddenly undergone refining, incarnate as a two-hundred-meter-tall giant with one hundred arms, and after being promoted to the Queen of Double Characters, the strength to transform into a giant with one hundred arms is also rising.

Of course, Xuanwu and other changes are different, mainly due to the essence and blood. Only by collecting enough essence and blood can the power of the other kinds of changes be further exerted.

Each of the inner arms of the Hundred Arms Giant has a powerful treasure, two swords, two treasure mountains, three treasure tripods, a treasure lantern, a short bow, a lotus platform, a stone tablet and a pagoda. .

As a real dragon who regards wealth as fate, Ao Run can see the approximate rank of the treasure at a glance. Under this look, his longan suddenly dazzled.

Ao Run lay in his heart, and immediately judged that these twelve treasures were all Zifu rare treasures. He found that his treasures for thousands of years were far less than a king, which made him double. While feeling depressed, the winning side dropped sharply.

"Ao Run, I will try my best to complete the task you gave me, but Guan Mian Li Huoluan is my partner, I can't keep it here, what do you think?"

Li Changsheng's voice sounded. Because of his incarnation of a giant with a hundred arms, his voice sounded like a thunder in the sky, deafening.

Ao Run hesitated, and finally nodded helplessly.

Originally, Ao Run thought that Li Changsheng would be eaten up. As a result, the opponent was not only not weaker than him, but even stronger by one or two points. As a result, the situation was stronger than others, so he had to choose to compromise.

It's not that Ao Run has no arrogance, there is really no need for this. After all, he is confined here, and his father can't help this. Now only Li Changsheng can help him.

"Take it away, as a reward for you in advance, I hope you can reply as soon as possible."

Ao Run waved his hand and rose directly into the sky, turning into a four-clawed white dragon, pouring into the sea, disappearing.

Li Changsheng waited for a long time. After confirming that Ao Run had left, he turned into a human form again, but he still explained to the demon pets to be on guard. After all, the heart of anti-dragon is indispensable. The main reason is that Ao Run poses too much threat to him. .

Li Changsheng stretched out his hand and waved, 365 stars fell in the void, instantly forming a Hunyuan Heluo forbidden formation, covering the entire valley completely.

The next moment, the secret realm entrance opened again, and Xiao Guai led a group of Lingzhi Masters flying out.

As soon as they came out, the Lingzhi masters shook Lingling. It was too cold here, and their strength was relatively low, and it was difficult to work in such an environment.

At this moment, Li Changsheng stretched out his hand, and the Golden Hunyuan lamp shot out five-color flames, completely enveloping the spiritual planters and isolating the cold outside.

After all, the Xueappao Ice Crystal Tree is in a mature stage, and the root system is very developed. In addition, the ground here is extremely hard. Even with the assistance of the Vientiane Spirit Eater, when the Xueappao Ice Crystal Tree is moved to the secret world, UU看书www. uukanshu. Com time has passed for most of the day.

As for the Xuepa Ice Crystal Fruit, it wouldn't rot on the branches anyway, so Li Changsheng didn't move for the time being.

The harvest this time is not insignificant. The nearly forty Xuepaku ice crystal fruits alone cannot be measured by value, let alone the Xuepaku ice crystal tree that can continuously cultivate fruit.

The Xuepa Ice Crystal Tree gives birth to a fruit every 30 years. What is certain is that the time for cultivating the fruit will be greatly reduced after transplanting the secret.

After obtaining the Snow Soul Ice Crystal Tree, Li Changsheng withdrew the demon pet and suddenly transformed into Dijiang, breaking through the space and disappearing without a trace.

When he reappeared, Li Changsheng had already returned to the South China Sea, and immediately rode Aish through the Gangfeng layer and quickly returned to Langya Kingdom.

Li Changsheng did not return to Yecheng, but went straight into the Silent Forest.

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