Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 1281: Feng Zi's Soul

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Among the soul gems, there is a red bird figure that seems to be true.

Hongqianlinhou, snake-necked fish-tail, zygomatic scorpion, dragon and tiger's back, swallowed chicken beak, five-color preparation, such obvious characteristics, who else can be if it is not a phoenix.

This is the soul of the phoenix, and it is different from the remnant soul of the phoenix of the dragon and phoenix burning the heavenly cauldron. It is going to be much more solid and its eyes are full of agility.

Li Changsheng couldn't express his surprise. He didn't expect that there would be a complete Phoenix soul in the soul gem.

From the point of view of value, ten remnants of the phoenix soul are not as good as a complete phoenix soul, especially for Li Changsheng, because the dragon and phoenix burning Tianding wants to be promoted to the highest treasure of Langhuan, besides the body, the dragon soul and the phoenix soul are also the key. .

A complete dragon soul and phoenix soul can greatly enhance the power of the dragon and phoenix burning heaven, and can also be counted as an alternative spirit.

And the remnant soul has no consciousness at all, just like a marionette, the key source is lost too much, and it can't help the Dragon and Phoenix Burning Heavenly Cauldron much.

The phoenix soul obviously possessed an amazing ability to react. When Li Changsheng was staring at him, the phoenix soul immediately looked at Li Changsheng.

Li Changsheng asked tentatively: "Fengzi?"

The Phoenix soul hesitated, and finally nodded.

Li Changsheng thought for a while. He didn't know what to say. He was now in a contradictory mood. He wanted to keep Feng Zi as the spirit of the Dragon and Phoenix Burning Heavenly Ding, but also wanted to reunite Feng Zi and Ao Run.

"Human, how do you know my name?"

Feng Zi didn't speak, and began to communicate with Li Changsheng.

Li Changsheng beckoned, summoned the crown, Li Huoluan, and took the blood vein compass by the way, and said: "My demon pet has inherited some of your inheritance. Not long ago, I met with Ao Run, the dragon king of the North. By the way, Ao Run also gave me a bloodline compass, so I must find you."

Feng Zi's soul glanced at Guan Mian Li Huoluan, and vaguely felt that there was a certain connection between the two. It was obvious that Guan Mian Li Huoluan had indeed acquired her inheritance.

As for the bloodline compass, Feng Zi sensed her own blood and Ao Run's remaining breath, and she couldn't stop her excitement.

"Is he okay?"

"No, Ao Run seems to be free, but he is restricted to an area by Kunpeng, unable to get out, so he can get rid of me and come to you."

Li Changsheng told the truth, not to mention that there is nothing to hide.

"What about the baby he and I gave birth?"

Feng Zi was referring to the phoenix egg. After she finished speaking, she became nervous subconsciously, with a hint of expectation in her heart.

"That egg has two opposing attributes: water and fire. It would be extremely difficult to be born without your gestation, let alone. When I discovered it, it was already a dead egg."

Li Changsheng didn't say clearly how to deal with this phoenix egg, but he believed that Feng Zi should feel it. After all, Guan Mianli Huoluan absorbed the phoenix essence and blood extracted from the phoenix egg.

In a sense, Guan Mian Li Huoluan and Feng Zi have a certain blood connection.

"Fengzi, I am curious why your soul is here?"

Li Changsheng said that he was not curious. It must be a lie. He even thought that after Feng Zi was seriously injured and escaped, she was picked up by Jerogagarde, so she threatened to lure Feng Zi into her possessions, and eventually became a very old man step by step. White dragon, and it is not an ordinary very old white dragon.

"When I was giving birth that year, King Netherworld learned the news somehow and came to the Silent Forest to besiege me. Due to production, my condition was very weak and my strength was not as good as before. As a result, I lost to King Netherworld."

Feng Zi fell into the memory, and continued: "I wanted to escape, and I wanted to go to the Flame Canyon to seek help from my companions, but King Hades did not give me this opportunity. In the end, I had to use Burning Blast and severely inflicted the King of Hades. He was also beheaded by King Nether You, only the soul barely escaped and clinging to Jerogagarde nearby, so that he could escape."

Feng Zi expressed the battle thousands of years ago in rather brief language, which is roughly the same as Li Changsheng's imagination, the only difference is that Jerogagarde is different from his imagination.

"Then what happened to this Blood Phoenix Wu Jin?"

Li Changsheng pointed to the bottle made of the blood phoenix black gold. The conditions for the birth of the blood phoenix black gold were extremely harsh. It had to appear in the land of phoenix fall, and the soul of the phoenix must be incorporated into it.

The question is, Feng Zi's soul is still there, and there is no defect, then what happened to the bottle made of Blood Phoenix Ujin.

Without the phoenix's soul, even the land of phoenix fall cannot form the blood phoenix black gold.

"This blood phoenix Ujin was originally formed after the fall of my grandmother, and was originally kept in my collection, but in order to protect my soul, I had to ask Jerogaard to refine it into a vessel."

Feng Zi didn't conceal her, she answered one to five to ten.

However, Li Changsheng still had a lot of doubts, such as how Feng Zi and Ao Run were made and fell in love, and how they were separated.

The most important thing is, why did King Mingyou, who had not yet become the Emperor Feng, want to kill Fengzi? Isn't she afraid of the Phoenix family's revenge?

Although the Phoenix clan is far inferior to the dragon clan, the number is still the number of hands. As a top beast, the Phoenix can reach the Demon Emperor level as long as it grows up.

In addition, there are sacred beast races such as Hongluan, Qingluan, and Bingluan, which belong to distant relatives of the Phoenix, and the power of the Phoenix family is second only to the dragon family and equal to the Qilin family.

Li Changsheng raised these doubts, Feng Zi hesitated, and finally gave an answer.

In ancient times, the human race was still a weak race. At that time, the protagonists of the world were the dragon, phoenix, and unicorn tribes. The dragon tribe ruled the world, the phoenix tribe ruled the sky, and the unicorn ruled the earth.

As the forces of the three tribes expand and increase in number the friction between them is also increasing, and their leaders all want to become the protagonists of heaven and earth, and enjoy the luck of the entire fairy world. This breaks the world's prison and goes one step further.

In this way, the war is inevitable.

In the beginning, the most fertile dragon tribe prevailed, and the Feng tribe and the Qilin tribe were forced to unite.

Even so, the dragon clan competed against the two clan with one's own strength, but did not fall into a disadvantage.

The end result was that the three tribes suffered heavy losses, and the ancestor dragon, candle dragon, phoenix ancestor, and lin ancestor all fell. The remaining tribesmen of the three tribes had to shrink their forces and were eventually picked up by humans.

Such a big hatred can be said to be imprinted in the inheritance of the three clans, but Fengzi and Ao Run are attracted to each other, and the result can be imagined.

No surprise, the elders of both sides resolutely opposed and beat the mandarin ducks, finally separating the two.

As for how Ao Run and Feng Zi looked at each other, Feng Zi was not embarrassed to say, and Li Changsheng did not ask. What is most curious about him is why King Underworld took a huge risk to kill Feng Zi? Could it be that the two sides have a sea of ​​blood and deep feud.

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