Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 1283: Indigo Ding, 9 days of Qingqi

"Let go of that demon pet (!


Li Changsheng was stunned by his own saliva. There was no way, Ao Run's words were too shocking.

With his current strength, he was comparable to the top double-character king, and he couldn't beat Emperor Feng at all. The Phoenix that Feng Emperor relied on for fame made him go all out.

The key is that Emperor Feng is more than a phoenix. She holds the treasure of the Phoenix clan in her hands. She may also have distant relatives of the Phoenix clan such as Hongluan, Qingluan, and Bingluan in her hands.

With such an arrangement alone, even among the six emperors, Emperor Feng is definitely one of the best.

Taking a step back, even if Ao Run can make a move, it's not Fengdi's opponent, let alone kill, let alone the dignified emperor, there are many methods, defeatable, and extremely difficult to kill.

"I reject!"

Li Changsheng was very self-aware, and he directly chose to refuse, not to mention that he still had to face the Xuanhuang family with all his strength, where he would dare to stand up strong enemies.

"I also know that this request is too difficult, but I am not asking you to kill Fengdi right now. I only hope that you can help me when you have enough strength. No matter whether you succeed in the end or not, as long as you agree, I Part of the remuneration will be paid in advance, what do you think?"

Ao Run sighed lightly. He also knew that this was too embarrassing for Li Changsheng. He only hoped that Li Changsheng could give him a promise.

As for whether Li Changsheng will fulfill his promise, he actually has no idea.

However, now Ao Run can only believe in Li Changsheng.

Although Ao Run is the son of the dignified Beihai Dragon King, and his talent and strength are also top-notch among several brothers, he is now Kunpeng's proton, unable to meet the Beihai Dragon King face to face, and even unable to make contact.

The most important thing is that Ao Run is very aware of his father's nature, and the North Sea Dragon King cannot agree to this.

As for other relatives and friends, let alone.

Li Changsheng was different. Ao Run was shocked when he learned of Li Changsheng's age. He had the ability to contend and even defeat him when he was only 20 years old.

Therefore, Ao Run can only pin his hopes on Li Changsheng.

"You are not afraid of me going back."

Ao Run didn't talk about the contract of heaven. Obviously, it was just a verbal agreement. If Li Changsheng regrets not doing it, there will be no punishment.

"I have no other choice. Don't be too busy to refuse, wait until you finish reading this part of the reward before making a decision."

Ao Run shook his head with a wry smile, and took out two objects from the inner space. They were an ice blue small tripod and a glass bottle.

When the ice blue cauldron appeared, the Zi Ning Ding and the blue cauldron in Li Changsheng's sea of ​​consciousness trembled violently.

Obviously, the ice blue small tripod is also one of the nine tripods.

Ao Run pointed to the ice-blue small tripod and said, "This is one of the nine tripods, the indigo tripod, can release absolute zero and freeze the enemy in ice."

Not long ago, Ao Run saw the Blue Ding and Zi Ning Ding in Li Changsheng's hands, and only then would he reward the treasured Indigo Ding to improve Li Changsheng's persuasiveness.

Li Changsheng naturally moved. If he gets the Indigo Ding, it is possible to reach the level of Langhuan's Supreme Treasure if he gathers the power of the Indigo Ding. This is definitely a great temptation for him.

However, he did not immediately agree, and continued to watch Ao Run introduce the next treasure.

"This bottle itself is not surprising, but it contains five parts of Nine-Day Clear Qi. Only above nine days can the Nine-Day Clear Qi be collected. If the world is closed today, these five Nine-Day Clear Qi can be said to be orphans."

Ao Run paused, and continued: "The effect of Nine Heavens Purifying Qi is very simple. It can quickly raise the small realm of the demon pet, but it is not effective on the big realm, and there will be no side effects."

For ordinary demon masters, Jiutian Qingqi is no different from chicken ribs. For them, the growth rate of demon pets is basically not as fast as demon masters, and it can't save them time at all.

It was different for Li Changsheng. After breaking through to become the double-word queen, none of his demon pets reached the 9th level of the demon saint, so naturally he could not try to break through the demon emperor level.

If he had nine days of fresh air, Li Changsheng could quickly make the demon pet reach the 9th level of the demon saint.

Originally, Li Changsheng estimated that it would take about two months for the fastest monster pets to try to break through. Now that he has nine days of refreshment, he can save a lot of time.

Of course, the premise is that Jiutian Qingqi must be strong enough.

Ao Run seemed to see Li Changsheng’s doubts: "I have seen several of my brothers who used Nine Heavens Cleansing Qi, if it is Demon Saint Tier 1, only two Nine Heavens Cleansing Qi is enough to reach Demon Saint Tier 9; It is Demon Saint Tier 5, as long as one copy is enough."

After hearing the specific effect of Jiutian Qingqi, Li Changsheng's eyes brightened and he had an urge to try.

Although there are only five nine days of refreshment, three or four demon pets can try to break through the demon saint level in advance, which can save him a lot of time and achieve the goal of greatly increasing strength in the short term. This is also a very good thing for him. Big temptation.

It's done!

Li Changsheng made a decision. In addition to rewards, it was also related to the fact that there was no time limit for this task. Otherwise, even if it was Indigo Ding and Jiutian Qingqi, he could only abandon it.

"Ao Run, I can agree to this, but I have a premise."

The heart of anti-dragon is indispensable. For the sake of safety, Li Changsheng needs to prepare in advance.

"As long as it is a reasonable condition, I agree."

In order to avenge Feng Zi and her unborn child, Ao Run is willing to pay all the price.

"You and Feng Zi must swear by the way of heaven and must not disclose anything related to this to others."

Li Changsheng had to guard against this. If Ao Run was eager for revenge, or if he found that Li Changsheng had enough strength to counter the Emperor Feng, he might reveal the news.

In this way, Li Changsheng is likely to face the Emperor Feng. At the very least, Emperor Feng will be wary of it. He may even unite with Emperor Xuan. When that happens, he will be sitting on the wax.

Ao Run and Feng Zi looked at each other, and finally agreed.

When the Heavenly Path Contract was over, Li Changsheng finally let go of his heart, took away the indigo cauldron and the bottle containing the Jiutian Qingqi, and released Jerogagarde by the way.

Not surprisingly, Jerogagarde will serve as Ao Run's general.

"Yerogagarde, you will stay here from UU reading, don't want to return to the Arctic Ice Sheet."

It's not that Li Changsheng doesn't want to subdue Yellogaard, mainly because he doesn't have this opportunity.

All the fairies who have reached this state are all lords, all of them are very proud, and many of them are Lords who would rather die than surrender.

With Feng Zi coming forward, Ao Run's subjugation to Jerogaard was no problem at all.

After everything was over, Li Changsheng controlled Ai Xi and turned into a golden rainbow, ready to return to Langya Kingdom.

PS: Except for my dad, all members of the family have acute gastroenteritis. I think it should be a problem with roast duck, because my dad alone did not eat roast duck.

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