Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 1289: The birth of a new species-dog demon

"Let go of that demon pet (!

PS: Book friends reminded me that I forgot to write the ability of wood attribute sacred fruit on Kailan's panel. The wood attribute sacred fruit is called the thorns sacred fruit, which greatly enhances the power of wood skills, strengthens the restraint ability, and slightly improves the recovery ability.

Li Changsheng allowed the demon pets to move freely and get acquainted with the body after breaking through the realm as soon as possible, otherwise it would be difficult to exert all their strength.

When the demon pets take control of the body, Li Changsheng will take advantage of the protection period of the heaven to go out to implement the plan, improve his abilities as much as possible, and narrow the gap with Emperor Wu.

No way, the tomb of Emperor Xuan is about to open.

For the refining demon pot, Li Changsheng can be said to be determined to win, if the three emperors and six emperors also enter, he is afraid that it will be extremely difficult to win with his current strength.

On the one hand, Li Changsheng can only improve his strength as soon as possible. On the other hand, he can only hope that the Emperor Xuan's Mausoleum will restrict the entry of the 9th-order Demon Master like the Huoyan Secret Realm.

If the ninth-order demon master is restricted, even if the three emperors and six emperors have dark hands, Li Changsheng is afraid that it will be difficult to have an opponent in the tomb of the Emperor Xuan.

Of course, if the Emperor Xuan's Mausoleum is really restricted, the King of Shuangzi might also be included. If this is the case, it can only rely on Ning Bizhen.

With the strength of Ning Bizhen, it is also one of the best among kings.

When the demon pets were working hard, Li Changsheng was not idle either. Due to the relationship that the Profound Emperor's Mausoleum would be opened in the near future, he did not focus on fusing the imitation demon refining pot for the time being.

Even if the imitation demon refining pot blends well, it is far from the genuine refining demon pot.

In the secret realm, Li Changsheng came to the room he named the gestation room.

The room was filled with transparent cylinders, which were full of viscous green liquid, and strangely shaped embryos were faintly visible.

These embryos have been born for several months, and each embryo has been placed with a purified demon soul. At the same time, these embryos have also been implanted with purified homologous demon essence and blood, so that the soul and the body are as close as possible.

Li Changsheng used the form of a mother to slowly create new species. After several months of cultivation, embryos with a shorter cultivation time have shown signs of "broken shell".

He just waited quietly by the side, observing these embryos from time to time.

This wait is more than an hour.


Suddenly, there was a collision sound from one of the transparent cylinders, and a lot of signs of cracks appeared on it.


It didn't last long, and the transparent cylinder burst open, and countless sharp glass shot all around.

With Li Changsheng's thoughts, the kinetic energy of the broken glass was instantly exhausted, all hovering in the air, and slowly falling to the ground.

After being promoted to the Double Character Queen, his mental power has been further improved and can reach the point of moving the hill.

At this time, a creature with wings on its back and two horns on its head landed on the ground. It was about one meter tall and had a sharp tail. It looked a bit like a dog with wings, and its mouth was always khaka. The sound feels like grinding teeth.

Even if it was just born, the creature's physical strength is far greater than that of a normal adult, and it can stand on its own, temporarily unable to fly, so that it can break the transparent cylinder.

Because the soul and blood have been purified, the creature is not as chaotic and evil as the devil, so it did not take the initiative to attack Li Changsheng, but has an admiration for Li Changsheng.

With a wave of Li Changsheng's hand, a puff of powder floated out and instantly poured into the creature's mouth and nose.

Soon, the creature fell into a deep sleep.

Li Changsheng placed it on the experimental platform not far away and began to check the state of the creature.

After a long time, Li Changsheng smiled.

The creature's soul and body fit extremely well, and are in good condition in all aspects. It is no longer as difficult to control its body as it used to be, and it feels like a vegetative person.

In addition, the vital signs of the creature are all normal, and it will not die as quickly as before.

As for its upper limit of life, it is hard to say.

The only thing that made Li Changsheng upset was that the creature had no reproductive organs.

Li Changsheng checked several times and determined that the creature was unable to reproduce offspring like ordinary creatures.

This makes people uncomfortable. The value of species that can reproduce offspring far exceeds that of species that cannot. There is a huge gap between the two.

For Li Changsheng, this is not much different from the failed product.

Wow! Wow!

At this time, a few more transparent cylinders shattered, and a few creatures just like the ones rushed out of it.

Li Changsheng did the same, hypnotizing all these creatures and placing them on the experimental table.

Like the one just now, these creatures are also infertile.

"Forget it, let's call it the Inumon!"

Li Changsheng muttered to himself and named these new species.

Unexpected and reasonable things happened. The golden clouds in the sky of the secret realm were permeated, and the scale was huge, condensing a group of mysterious yellow air mass, and quickly fell to Li Changsheng.

This is naturally the aura of Xuanhuang merit, and only by doing things that are beneficial to the heavens and the earth, the way of heaven will bestow it.

Li Changsheng stretched out his hand and waved this group of profound and yellow merits into the sea of ​​consciousness.

This group of Xuanhuang Gongde Qi seems to be a lot, and it is just a few days of light and dark gate.

Even so, it is quite a lot for other double-character kings, not less than what Luo Yuanjun got when he was the chief examiner.

The problem is that these species can be replicated.

Well, Li Changsheng can draw gourds according to the types of demons, purify their souls and blood, and cultivate embryos, so as to obtain the vitality of the mysterious yellow merit, which is called the barbarian to control the barbarian.

"Good luck is really a big killer for obtaining the qi of the black and yellow merit. This is just a dog demon that cannot reproduce. If a species that can reproduce is created, the qi of the black and yellow merit must be more than ten times that of it."

Li Changsheng was in high spirits. As for how many times it would be, that was something God should consider.

However, how to ensure that new species have the ability to reproduce, rather than random nature, this is a big problem.

"It would be great if you have the great supernatural power of good offices."

Li Changsheng is a bit dissatisfied. With his current technical level, it is impossible to ensure that the life in the embryo has the ability to reproduce.

Without the great power of good fortune, Li Changsheng can only find another way, such as using treasures to increase the probability.

It took a lot of time for Li Changsheng to build a large number of transparent cylinders, put small embryos into them, and smoothly put some treasures with good fortune such as Sanguang Shenshui into the embryos. Whether it can go smoothly or not. Wait a few months to talk about it.

This time the results came out, indicating that the plan was feasible. Li Changsheng began to greatly expand the scale according to the type of devil, hoping to obtain a large amount of Xuanhuang merit at one time.

However, Li Changsheng has only dozens of demon souls and blood essences, and he needs to obtain the blood and souls of other demon species.

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