Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 1293: Different Dimensional Space

"Let go of that demon pet (!

Bai Ze was silent for a while, and finally said: "If you want to know about the master, you have to beat me."

"This is what you said!"

Li Changsheng pulled a smile from the corner of his mouth, and then under Bai Ze's frightened gaze, the entrance to the secret realm opened, and the demon pets rushed out.

When Bai Ze saw Kailan, he couldn't help taking a breath. Its sensitiveness was very keen. He felt a strong threat from Kailan. Even if it was one-to-one, it might not be Kailan's opponent, especially it. Still in the aging stage.

The senescence period can only play 70% of the ability of the heyday, the key is not sustainable.

Not only Kailan, but Bai Ze felt a stronger threat from day and night.

Just seeing the opposing team's lineup, Bai Ze was shocked, this is a fart, not an opponent at all.

At the same time, Bai Ze also refreshed his understanding of Li Changsheng.

Just when Kailan waited for the demon pet to rush towards Bai Ze, Bai Ze suddenly shouted: "Hold on, stop fighting, my old bones can't stand the twists and turns!"

Bai Ze is not arrogant, he can stretch and bend. Although it is a bit embarrassing to do so, it is better than being beaten up by the opponent. He can only comfort himself like this.


Li Changsheng was a little disappointed, he was ready to concoct Bai Ze and search for Bai Ze's blood.

Under Li Changsheng's order, the demon pets stopped one after another, but they still surrounded Bai Ze and gave it enough pressure.

"My master is Yu Yuanhua, the king of the universe. He died due to exhaustion of his longevity. It has been nearly two thousand years."

Bai Ze fell into the memory, and his eyes became a little sad.

"The Universe King Yu Yuanhua!"

Hearing this name, Li Changsheng couldn't help feeling a little familiar.

In the title of King of Double Characters, King of Universe is absolutely in the first sequence, and the strength can be imagined.

In addition, even if the King of Universe has fallen for nearly two thousand years, Heaven has never given the title of other double-character kings.

Bai Ze continued to introduce the deeds of the King of Universe. Yu Yuanhua, the King of Universe, was the top double-character king at the time. He had killed the demon lord many times and was never defeated in the battle with other double-character kings.

According to Li Changsheng's words, the lower limit of King Qiankun's strength is the king of natural disasters, and the upper limit is the king of Yum.

"You don't have a token. If you want to get the inheritance of the master, you must pass the test set by him."

It didn't take long before Bai Ze finally finished talking about the deeds of Qiankun Wang Yu Yuanhua.

Li Changsheng tilted his head and asked, "Nothing?"

"No, don't you want to ask what the test is? However, I am not clear about it."

Li Changshang pointedly said: "Bai Ze, put the test aside first, I just want to borrow something from you?"

Bai Ze's heart tightened, but on the surface he was calm, pretending to be puzzled, and asked, "What?"

Bai Zesheng was afraid that Li Changsheng would borrow its head. As the saying goes, all sacred beasts are treasures, let alone monsters of the Demon Emperor rank.

"Don't worry, I won't borrow your head." Li Changsheng smiled sharply, as if he saw Bai Ze's thoughts, and continued: "I just want to borrow the secret token!"

The secret realm token can manipulate the secret realm. After the owner of the secret realm falls, the importance of the secret realm token becomes extremely prominent.

"I don't have a secret realm token on me."

Bai Ze was a little surprised, it didn't expect the other party to know that it had a secret realm token on its body.

"Bai Ze, don't pretend it anymore, the secret realm token is on you, do you take it out by yourself, or am I going to get it myself?"

Li Changsheng used a determined tone. From the feedback of his mental power, he found an abnormality in Bai Ze's body, felt a special energy fluctuation, and had a close connection with Qiongze Fudi.

Such a close connection can only be met by the Secret Realm Token.

"Human strong, how do you see it?"

Bai Ze didn't continue to deny it, but what made it strange was that the secret realm token was clearly covered by the secret method, so why could it be seen through by the other party at a glance.

"Secret, take it."

Li Changsheng pointed to Bai Ze's furry abdomen, where the secret realm token was there.

Regarding why Bai Ze concealed the secret realm token, Li Changsheng naturally guessed that the secret realm token can control Qiongze blessed land, which often means that the secret realm token can directly pass the test.

There is no way, the master of the Secret Realm has fallen, unless the test set by the master of the Secret Realm does not require energy maintenance, otherwise as long as the Secret Realm token cuts off the energy supply, the test will be self-defeating.

"Give you!"

Bai Ze waited and watched. After seeing Li Changsheng's demon pets preparing to launch an offensive, he couldn't help but sighed lightly. The situation was stronger than others, and he had to hand over the secret realm token hidden under his belly to Li Changsheng.

Li Changsheng checked and found that this secret realm token had the highest authority, he couldn't help but smile.

With this secret realm token, not only can the test be skipped with a high probability, but also Qiongze can be better integrated into his secret realm.

Even if Qiongzefu land has shrunk a lot, it is far inferior to its heyday, but the foundation is still there, and the area is still not to be underestimated. The key is that there are a large number of high-quality fairies.

Once integrated into the secret realm, the area of ​​Li Changsheng's secret realm will also increase.

Of course, the premise is to live in the secret realm.

Due to the promotion of the Double Character King, Li Changsheng's secret realm has become more and more stable. Even if he integrates into Qiongze Fortune Land, it is not a big problem, at best it is a little vain.

However, how could Qiongze Fudi not have the top spiritual root.

According to Li Changsheng's speculation, judging from the area and energy concentration of Qiongze Fortune Land, at least one middle-grade top-grade spiritual root or two or three low-grade top-grade spiritual roots are required to maintain the current situation.

Li Changsheng instantly left his own soul mark on the secret realm token, and then directly activated the secret realm token.

The secret realm token shot out a light and fell in the sky of Qiongze Fortune Land.

The next moment, a huge palace appeared in the sky.

This is the method set up by Yu Yuanhua, the king of the universe, to open up an extra-dimensional space in Qiongze Fudi, concealing the palace in it, and it is difficult for people to find it.

But just give Li Changsheng a little It doesn't take much time to find this other-dimensional space.

Soon, Li Changsheng took back the demon pet, his figure suddenly disappeared from the place, and when he reappeared, he had already appeared in the palace.

The palace has its own powerful forbidden formation guard, but unfortunately, it is unimpeded by Li Changsheng who possesses the secret realm token.

There are many rooms in this palace, such as the refining room, incubation room, alchemy room, and elixir garden. Finally, there is a road leading to the depths of the palace, where the inheritance of Universe King Yu Yuanhua is likely to be there.

Li Changsheng went straight to the nearest spiritual medicine garden. At first glance, he was attracted by a towering tree.

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