Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 1306: Re-enter the Star Palace

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"Rolling, you will become stronger if you drink it!"

Li Changsheng pointed to a pile of jade earthenware pots on the ground. The blood above these earthen pots condensed and condensed into the image of raccoon and Philip.


The rounded spirit is invigorated, even if it pays far less attention to strength than sleeping and eating, but as a three demon pet with ideals, revenge, and belief, it is still in droves.

In the next moment, Yuankuun opened his big mouth, and a huge suction force was generated, and the essence and blood flew up with the clay pot, all pouring into the big round mouth.

Chunkun couldn't help but blinked his mouth, revealing an expression that was still unfulfilled.

After a few breaths of work, his round look suddenly changed, and he hurriedly pushed up his **** and lay on the ground, concentrating on digesting the blood in his body.

In this process, the blood mark in the body of the ball is rising rapidly.

At the same time, the light spots representing the roundness are gradually becoming brighter and brighter.

It didn't take long for the **** breath to emerge from the pores of the chubby body surface, and soon the chubby was completely wrapped and turned into a huge blood cocoon.

Just like a beating heart, the blood cocoon begins to beat regularly. With each beating, the color of the blood cocoon will become thicker and the color will be darker.

When the blood cocoon accumulates to a certain extent, two lights and shadows rushed out of the blood cocoon and turned into the illusion of a wind raccoon and Philip, which gave people the feeling that they were real.

The two quasi-god phantoms quickly pulled together, and at the moment of contact, they became abnormally distorted, and finally turned into an image with a civet cat's head, a round body, and a long hairy tail, which was seven or eighth similar to Yuan Gunun.

Click~ Click~

It was also at this time that the huge blood cocoon began to appear cracks, and then suddenly burst open, and countless blood sludge flew in all directions.

Li Changsheng's eyes were certain, and all the blood and mud shot at him was held in mid-air by him, and after the kinetic energy disappeared, it sprinkled and fell down.

Looking at Yuan Kuan Kuan, his image at this time is exactly the same as the illusion just now, which represents that Yuan Kuan Kuan's success has taken a step further, and it has completely inherited the characteristics of the wind raccoon and Philip.

The agility and physical strength of the wind raccoon, and the resistance and tolerance of Philip, can be said to have completely inherited their advantages.

After the fusion of the specialties of the two quasi-gods, they have completely surpassed the semi-divine beasts and reached the category of the beasts.

Of course, not just the fusion of the two quasi-gods will reach this point, and their specialties must be complementary.

[Fairy name]: Filipino beast (growth period. Absorb colorful beads to gain flying ability; comprehend Qibao Xumi divine light, which can reduce a certain amount of damage. Absorb Yuansha Snow Soul Crystal, the ice element is more condensed, and the freezing ability is greatly improved . Condensing the source of Upanishad, greatly enhance the power of skills; Guardian of Upanishad: Partial damage exemption, depending on the opponent's realm.)

[Fairy Realm]: Demon Saint Tier 6

[Fairy Race]: The middle-ranked beast

[Fairy Quality]: Epic

[Fairy Bloodline]: None

[Fairy Attributes]: Ice + Wind

[Fairy State]: Healthy

[Leprechaun Weakness]: None

After perfectly inheriting the blood of the wind raccoon and the fibula, the round blood column has turned into nothing, which means that it can continue to integrate into the new blood.

However, Li Changsheng still needs to think carefully about which kind of beast's bloodline he fits into.

One thing is certain is that the new bloodline specialties are either complementary to the specialities of Kuankuan, or further strengthen the specialties of Kuankuan, so as to maximize the strength of Kuankuan.

At this time, Li Changsheng began to check the chubby physical fitness.

Chuankuang perfectly inherited the agility of the wind raccoon. Although it was inevitably weakened due to the size and weight of the raccoon, it was also faster than before. It can be called a sensitive fat man.

In addition, the characteristics of Rumbling have undergone a certain change, and the number of characteristics is still three, but the swift characteristic has become a resolute and popular characteristic.

Resolute and Resolute: Increase the movement speed and attack speed significantly, and is immune to all slowing effects.

From the point of view of the increase in movement speed, the swift characteristic is equivalent to the speedy wind, but the speedy wind can also increase the attack speed and is immune to the deceleration effect. The latter can be said to be far more cost-effective than the former.

In addition, Yuankunkun also inherited all the skills of the wind raccoon and Philip, and his strength has risen sharply, which is enough to compare to the ordinary demon emperor level demon pet.

After sending out the silly chubby training, Li Changsheng went to Daiguo to give the female six-winged scorpion beetle to Zhao Yuanqing. At the same time, there are several treasures that can help break through the demon saint level, mostly the blood of various sacred beasts.

Whether Zhao Yuanqing can go further, luck is very important, after all, the auxiliary breakthrough probability of these treasures is not very high.

The female six-winged fire beetle is special. It takes a certain amount of time to break through, and it takes a lot of time to give birth to the fairy eggs.

Zhao Yuanqing is naturally grateful to Li Changsheng. If it weren’t for Li Changsheng, he would have died because of the exhaustion of his life. Now Li Changsheng not only adds life to him, but also gives him the possibility of becoming a double-character king. This is no different from that. The grace of reconstruction.

Without much gratitude, Zhao Yuanqing once again swears to the Dao of Heaven, that he will look forward to Li Changsheng's horse for the rest of his life, and never betray, otherwise his soul will fly away.

This can be said to be the most serious oath, and with the urinary nature of the fairy world, once Zhao Yuanqing really betrays Li Changsheng, it will really make his soul fly away.

Li Changsheng didn't stop him, letting Zhao Yuanqing swear that this was not so hypocritical, not to mention that if you want to get something, you must lose something. There is no free lunch in the world.

He did not leave Daiguo, but directly moved into the palace in Daiguo, and took out the lotus platform of the tenth-grade star palace.

After the Tenth-Rank Star Palace Lotus Platform was activated a spatial channel suddenly appeared, Li Changsheng and Ning Bizhen stepped into it, and disappeared.

The two entered the Star Palace again, and compared with the last time, there was no change here.

At this moment, Li Changsheng flew up and began to look for the position of the natural disaster king.

This time, Li Changsheng not only wanted to gain further inheritance of the Star Emperor, but also to get rid of the Scourge King, so as not to fall behind the Sun King.

True Monarch Sun is very important to the Star Palace, and his position is second only to the Palace of Ziwei, which is equivalent to True Monarch Taiyin, and is a very important part of Zhou Tian's Star Dou. How can Li Changsheng leave such an important position to others.

Using heaven, sight and earth to listen to the secret method, Li Changsheng soon found the king of natural disasters.

The other party did not leave the star house, but still stayed in the sun star house.

As the top double-character king, the natural disaster king's intuition can be said to be extremely keen, and he immediately noticed the abnormality, left the palace in one fell swoop, and rushed in the direction of Li Changsheng.

Of course, this is also related to Li Changsheng's failure to cover up.

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