Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 1325: 5-fold purgatory gate

The Hunyuan Heluo Forbidden Array was activated, and for a while, the world changed, and the scene of the ancient fairy world appeared.

Bernama stared at the surroundings in dismay. If it hadn't felt the gaze of the abyss without any suppression effect, it might have thought it had fallen into the world of fairies.

However, at this moment, with the power of the Hunyuan Heluo Forbidden Formation, the demon pets disappeared, making Bernama feel very troublesome and wanted to destroy the Hunyuan Heluo Forbidden Formation.

Naturally, Li Changsheng would not give it this opportunity. Suddenly, two hills came as fiercely as cannonballs and smashed against Bernama.

Bernama hurriedly waved two tentacles to resist, and the suction cups on it instantly attached to the two hills.


Even so, the strength attached to the hill was so great that Bernama's huge body was obviously leaning backwards.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the demon pets all appeared together, and in such a short period of time, they had already approached Bernama.

During the day and night, he tried his best to form a black and white composite lightsaber with a length of 100 meters, and a sword slashed towards Bernama.

Bernama's expression changed suddenly. It could feel the terrifying energy contained in the black and white lightsaber. Once it was hit by it, even it would suffer serious trauma.

Five-fold purgatory gate!

Countless magical energy gathered in an instant and turned into a black light portal with a demon image on five sides, blocking the front of the black and white lightsaber.


The black and white lightsaber pierced the black light portal on all sides with a single sword, and was no longer able to break through the fifth side. It only pierced some, making Bernama breathe a sigh of relief.

However, at this moment, the black and white lightsaber burst into light and exploded.


The strong explosion directly shattered the last black light portal, causing Bernama to be affected, and the extremely huge body turned a somersault before stopping.


Suddenly, Kailan held a green light blade tens of meters long, and cut off one of Bernama's tentacles with a sword, and countless green blood spurted out from the fracture.

Bernama's blood contained strong corrosiveness, causing the dark green lightsaber to instantly become riddled with holes, breaking into several pieces.

On the other side, chubby stretched out his chubby hands and hugged the end of one of the tentacles.

Dumb stirred the wind and thunder wings, and flew like electricity. The four cold glows flashed one after another, successfully cutting off this tentacle.

Compared with them, the other demon pets have done little, just added some injuries to Bernama.

Among them, the secondary ancestor red dragon Xier Asuna was smashed into the air by a tentacle, and when she fell to the ground, she lost her fighting ability.

Compared with Bernama, Shir Asuna is undoubtedly too weak, but fortunately the skin is thick and thick, otherwise she would be killed directly.

Angry, Bernama immediately launched a counterattack, and the remaining four tentacles danced wildly.

Ashe, Kailan, day and night have no hard resistance, use speed to dodge constantly.


A tentacle hit the ball, even with an astonishing weight, it was still the end of the ball.


Duan did not escape the end of being hit, especially it also cut off a tentacle of Bernama, which naturally became a key target.


Ning Bizhen's blue-eyed Jinqing beast could not dodge, and was also smashed by the tentacles, but it was much stronger than Shier Asuna, and it did not lose the fighting ability, but it was also severely injured.

For safety, Ning Bizhen immediately let it away from the battlefield.

Just as Bernama was about to continue to expand the results, suddenly, Li Changsheng's incarnation of a giant with hundreds of arms rushed forward, dozens of outer arms stretched out, and one after another collided with Bernama's four tentacles.

Click~ click~ click~ click~

In the blink of an eye, nearly 20 outer arms broke, but Li Changsheng also effectively delayed Bernama's movements.

Taking advantage of this fleeting opportunity, Ashe bit the end of one tentacle in one bite, even if he was slammed on the back by another tentacle.

On the other side, the four-clawed yellow dragon wrapped a tentacle with its slender dragon body.

Bernama, whose two tentacles were restricted, hurriedly opened his big mouth and sprayed a jet of jet black water tens of meters thick, rushing towards Li Changsheng.

The stench came from Li Changsheng's body, and the precious light on Li Changsheng's body flickered, and the Sancai lamp spewed out an almost chaotic flame, which instantly collided with the jet of black water.

It's lala~

The flame temperature of the Sancai lamp is extremely high, but the amount of water jet that Bernama spit is too large, which makes the flame of the Sancai lamp show a tendency to decline.

Suddenly, Li Changsheng picked up the two magnetic mountains, and the harsh sonic boom sounded and slammed directly at the front door of Bernama.

Bernama hurriedly lifted the two unrestricted tentacles, and smashed the two magnetic mountains into the air.

However, the two magnetic mountains are only used to attract Bernama's attention, and the real ultimate move is the double swords of the blue sky and the yellow spring.

The two swords combined with two swords turned into a squat stegosaurus, rushed in through the gap, and pierced Bernama's huge and unusual left eye.

Bernama was obviously taken aback, and hurriedly lowered his head, and then felt a sharp pain from his forehead, but the two swords of Biluo and Huangquan broke through its flesh and blood, and pierced into the hard bones fiercely.

This naturally won't kill Bernama, but it also prevented Bernama from spitting out black water. The flames of the Sancai lamp that had fallen into the wind swept across and spread over Bernama's smaller body.

The flame of the Sancai lamp was like a gangrene attached to the bones, burning on the surface of Bernama's body, and the skin of Bernama opened and fleshed out, and only felt abnormal pain and made a sharp sound.

At this time, the demon pets were about to beat the falling water dog, Bernama hurriedly released a large amount of magic energy, turned into a giant black aperture, and quickly pushed it around.

Some demon pets evaded in time, but there were still some demon pets that were hit by the black halo and flew back some distance involuntarily.

The black aperture is similar to the ring of resistance to fire, but the nature of the two is different. The former has strong corrosion, which makes the demon pets hit naturally very uncomfortable.

Not only that, the black aperture also took the opportunity to liberate two restricted tentacles.


The majesty dragon roar sounded, and the five-clawed golden dragon incarnation of Ning Bizhen rushed over, and the thick and long dragon tail slapped Bernama's head fiercely.

Under tremendous force Bernama was photographed staggering.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, a beam of light spewed out during the day and night, and Bernama waved his tentacles in a hurry, barely resisting it.


Kailan swung a sword again. This time, Bernama reacted fast enough, but only caused the tentacle to be affected without being cut off.


A strong wind and thunder sounded, and Ah Dui flew over, just in front of the tentacle, waved four claws, and cut off a tentacle again.

However, Dumb was also knocked to the ground by Bernama, who was so angry that he smashed a big hole.

Bernama opened her mouth wide, revealing her mouth full of hideous fangs, and wanted to take the opportunity to be dumb.

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