Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 1328: Wanyuluo Fruit, Meteorite Pillar

"Star Core!"

Li Changsheng had once obtained a low-grade star core, so he recognized it at a glance. After all, the energy nature of the star core was unique and easy to identify.

Compared with the inferior nucleus previously obtained, the volume of this nucleus is much larger, and the brilliance it emits is more gorgeous, which obviously exceeds the scope of the inferior nucleus.

However, there are still some gaps from the top-grade star core.

According to Li Changsheng's estimation, this is a middle-grade star core. His tenth-grade star palace lotus platform wants to advance to the eleventh grade, and the middle-grade star core is one of the main materials.

In addition to the middle-grade star core, five parts of world power and one part of star dome jade liquid are needed.

Since the Gate of Light and Darkness was promoted to Langhuan Supreme Treasure, the speed of gaining the power of the world has been much faster than before. In just two or three months, Li Changsheng has collected no less than ten powers of the world.

As for the Xingqiong Jade Liquid, I am afraid that I can only find Aoqin, the four-clawed black dragon, lord of the Forgotten Strait.

Li Changsheng once asked Ao Run, the Dragon King of the North Land, that Ao Qin was his cousin. After learning that the Xingqiong jade liquid needed by Li Changsheng was in Ao Qin's hands, Ao Run gave him a handwritten letter and token. As for whether it was useful, I still have to meet Ao Qin.

Li Changsheng is more inclined to trade Xingqiong Jade Liquid. After all, Ao Qin is also Ao Run's nephew, and the North Sea Dragon King as the backstage. It is not easy to offend, and it is best to solve it peacefully.

After collecting the middle-grade star core, Li Changsheng looked at the remaining two wonders of the world, a fruit and an ore.

This is an inky black fruit, which contains a lot of pure and extremely devilish energy. Its devilish energy is of special nature. As long as you look at it, you will have a desire to eat it.

Li Changsheng didn't dare to eat this fruit. Under Puskas's introduction, he knew that this fruit was a specialty of the third layer of the abyss-Wanyu Luohuo.

Rumor has it that on the third floor of the abyss, there is a magic tree that is thousands of feet tall. It is engraved with the faces of various creatures’ pain, sorrow, fear and other negative emotions to absorb the growth and results of various creatures’ negative emotions. Luhu Guo is the product of this magic tree.

Judging from the feedback of mental power, the energy fluctuation of Wanyu Luohuuo has been close to the wonders of the middle-class world.

It is rumored that as long as you consume Luohuguo, you will fall into the ocean of desire and cannot extricate yourself. In theory, it will have an effect on the 9th-order demon master or the demon king-level demon pet, but I don't know how the effect is.

Li Changsheng harvested the fruit of all desires. If one day encounters an enemy that is difficult to match, it may be useful.

The final ore has four colors: ocher, blue, red and cyan.

Judging from the energy fluctuations it emits, this ore is composed of four elements: earth, water, fire, and wind. The weird thing is that these four elements not only have no conflict, but give people a sense of harmony and symbiosis.

It was also the first time Li Changsheng saw such an ore, and there was no record of such ore in the memory of powerful people such as King Yum, King Qiankun, and True Monarch Sun.

One thing is certain, that is, it does not come from the fairy world.

In this situation, Li Changsheng looked at the demon leaders who had surrendered to him.

Puskas and other demon leaders racked their brains and couldn't think of what it was. They could only bite the bullet and replied: "We don't know, but it is certain that this is definitely not something in the abyss, it may come from the main matter. Plane."

Li Changsheng didn't say much, and solemnly collected the four-color ore.

Because from the feedback of mental power, this four-color ore, which is only the size of a washbasin, emits energy fluctuations that have reached the Zifu rare treasure level.

He had obtained a lot of exotic treasures and Lingzhi of the Zifu Treasure level, but the raw materials were obtained for the first time.

For a master craftsman, raw materials of this level are unavailable, and there may be a chance to refine Langhuan's most precious treasures or artifact-level treasures.

However, the prerequisite is to know the information and properties of this four-color ore, otherwise it will be difficult to maximize its effects.

Soon, under the leadership of Puskas and other demon leaders, Li Changsheng began to enter the depths of the sea and saw a huge and dark castle, this is Bernama's castle.

With Bernama's size, the size of the castle need not be said.

Without accident, Li Changsheng began to search the castle.

However, Bernama's treasures are basically carried with them, and there are very few left in the castle, and they are all huge treasures.

Li Changsheng looked at the nine meteorite dragon pillars in front of him. These meteorite dragon pillars were a thousand meters high, and the dragon souls with distorted faces appeared from time to time on them.

The dragon soul in each meteor dragon pillar is no less than three digits, and the key point is that Li Changsheng also saw the dragon soul of a powerful dragon.

The strength dragon, the time dragon, and the rainbow dragon belong to the three legendary dragons. They are weaker than the time dragon, and are equivalent to the rainbow dragon, and belong to the category of mythical beasts.

Even if only the dragon soul remains, it still possesses great value.

However, including the strength dragon soul, the dragon soul on the nine meteorite dragon pillars has no consciousness, only the original instinct remains.

Not surprisingly, Bernama was afraid that such a situation would occur because of the frequent concoction and abuse of them.

The only effect of these nine meteorite dragon pillars is to please Bernama, and can be used to deter subordinates from time to time, and increase Bernama's force.

"It can greatly enhance the rank of Dragon Slashing Platform!"

Li Changsheng threw the Dragon Slashing Platform out and landed in the hall.

The next moment, Li Changsheng pointed to the nearest meteorite dragon pillar.

The entire meteorite dragon pillar, which was a thousand meters high, was broken and fragmented. The dragon souls that were bound in the meteorite dragon pillar recovered their freedom. They obeyed their instincts and subconsciously wanted to fly out of the hall.

However, at this moment, the Dragon Slashing Tower was bleeding brilliance, and all the dragon souls seemed to be frozen, unable to leave the hall at all.

In an instant, the ten-odd dragon souls that fell in the end were dragged down and forcibly integrated into the Dragon Slashing Platform.

Just like taking Dabu Pills, Dragon Slashing Station's power has greatly Then more dragons and dragon souls will be dragged and swallowed.

Judging from the feedback of mental power, the light spot representing Dragon Slashing Station has increased extremely rapidly, and it has quickly reached the low-grade world wonders level, and it is still improving.

As long as there are enough dragon souls, Li Changsheng believes that this special growthable treasure is likely to grow into Langhuan's greatest treasure.

Li Changsheng continued to destroy the Meteorite Dragon Pillar, allowing the Dragon Slashing Platform to continue to rise.

As the stage increased, the speed of digestion of the Dragon Slashing Platform became faster, and it took less than a quarter of an hour to absorb all the dragon souls in the second meteor dragon pillar.

After devouring the dragon soul of the third meteor dragon pillar, the Dragon Slashing Platform went one step further and reached the mid-range world wonder.

Li Changsheng was looking forward to it more and more, and there were still six meteorite dragon pillars left. Zhanlongtai definitely had great hopes of becoming a treasure of the Purple Mansion.

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