Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 1335: Primordial Python

Li Changsheng raised his brows and looked at Ao Qin suspiciously.

Ao Qin hurriedly said: "Under the crown, as long as you promise to do something for Xiaolong, Xingqiong Yuye will be yours."

"You speak first."

Although Xingqiong Jade Liquid is the treasure that Li Changsheng needs, if Ao Qin's request is too difficult, Li Changsheng will still refuse.

"More than a month ago, a sea monster invaded the Forgotten Strait. The key is not to go. Xiaolong hopes you can kill or drive away this sea monster."

"How strong is the sea monster?"

Li Changsheng's face was a little more solemn. Since Ao Qin said so, it is obvious that Ao Qin and his power are not opponents of this sea monster.

But why didn't Ao Qin go to invite his fellow clan in Beihai Dragon Palace.

Ao Qin showed a lingering expression, and said: "Demon Emperor rank, but it is very strong, almost not inferior to his uncle. At that time, Xiaolong also led the team to encircle and suppress, but he almost couldn't come back. I still feel a little scared in retrospect. The powerful'evil neighbor' is really in the throat."

"Why don't you ask your people for help?"

"The familiar clan basically can't beat each other, so the uncle and grandfather can do it, but the uncle can't leave the Beiming area. Grandpa has no time recently. Xiaolong waited for more than a month. It was not that he didn't want to wait, he really couldn't wait any longer. The guy’s appetite is so great, the creatures in the Forgotten Strait are rapidly declining, and he may find the dragon someday."

Ao Qin looked very distressed and hoped that Li Changsheng would agree to it.

"Yes, yes, but is there any more detailed information?"

Li Changsheng pondered for a while, and decided to agree, because it was not difficult for him.

When he first became the King of Double Characters, Li Changsheng was slightly stronger than Ao Run, but now it is different, he can easily defeat Ao Run.

Since the strength of this sea monster is equal to that of Ao Run, defeating the opponent can be said to be completely trivial.

"The sea monster is a black giant python. What is amazing is its exaggerated size. It measures two to three kilometers in length. This is the first time that Xiaolong has seen such a large giant python. He doesn't know its specifics. name."

Ao Qin opened his hands vigorously and made such a horrible gesture.

"Two or three kilometers!"

Li Changsheng couldn't help being surprised. The length was obviously longer than Bernama, but the weight and volume were not necessarily the same. After all, one was a long snake and the other was an octopus??.

The python of this length also made Li Changsheng's heart moved, and he had guesses in his heart.

After asking the location of Ming Sea Monster, Li Changsheng left the Dragon Palace and directly summoned the four-clawed yellow dragon.

Ao Qin stared at the four-clawed yellow dragon. He never thought that Li Changsheng had contracted a pure-blood dragon clan, and that Longwei was even more pure and vast than him.

"Yinglong blood!"

Looking at the two bumps on the back of the four-clawed yellow dragon, Ao Qin said that he couldn't accept it. The pure dragon clan with the noble lineage of Yinglong was contracted, and this hasn't been seen for many years.

In the next moment, Li Changsheng drove the four-clawed yellow dragon and quickly rushed towards the destination.

Li Changsheng didn't bother to let the four-clawed yellow dragon control the water, so he placed it directly outside a starlight barrier to forcibly drain the sea water.

With Li Changsheng's physical strength, the seawater pressure here has no effect on him at all.

In the blink of an eye, the four-clawed yellow dragon disappeared into Ao Qin's eyes.

Ao Qin hesitated and turned into a four-clawed black dragon two to three hundred meters long and chased after him.

Compared with the four-clawed yellow dragon, Ao Qin's speed is much inferior. This is not just a blood relationship, the key is the quality gap.

Li Changsheng felt Ao Qin, but he was not worried that Ao Qin would see through the reality, because Ao Qin would never see the battle.

In just a quarter of an hour, the four-clawed yellow dragon approached the destination.

Suddenly, a pair of yellow vertical eyes the size of a water tank suddenly appeared on the muddy seabed, and then a huge and abnormal figure opened a big mouth full of fangs, and quickly bit the four-clawed yellow dragon.

The opponent's speed was beyond imagination, and the key two parties were only tens of meters away. The four-clawed yellow dragon had no time to react and was about to be bitten by the opponent.

At the critical juncture, the universe flew out, slightly slowing the opponent's momentum. Taking advantage of this opportunity, the four-clawed yellow dragon hurriedly rose, successfully avoiding the blow.

Until this moment, Li Changsheng had the opportunity to look at each other.

The opponent was naturally the sea monster in Ao Qin's mouth. Even if he was prepared, Li Changsheng still sighed about the magic of the Creator.

He had only seen such a big python in his life, and he didn't know where the other party came from, and why he stayed in the Forgotten Strait.

Obviously, the giant python didn't have many attacks. After retracting his head, he slammed into the four-clawed yellow dragon.

After taking precautions, the four-clawed yellow dragon's response was obviously much better, and it avoided the python's attack with one acceleration.

At this time, Li Changsheng released his mental power and saw the information of the giant python.

[Fairy name]: The original giant python (mature stage, the power of the rules is multiplied, the power of the skills is doubled, and continuous damage is caused to the enemy; rule guard: exemption from partial damage, depending on the opponent's realm)

[Fairy Realm]: Demon Emperor Tier 9

[Fairy Race]: The middle-ranked beast

[Fairy Quality]: Epic

[Fairy Bloodline]: Earthly Python (Dacheng)

[Fairy attributes]: water + soil

[Fairy State]: Healthy

[Leprechaun Weakness]: None

"You really have the blood of a giant python!"

After seeing the bloodline column, Li Changsheng was not surprised. After all, such obvious characteristics might also be consistent with the earthly python.

Although the Ba Snake is also very large, even the Demon Emperor-level Ba Snake, I am afraid it cannot reach two to three kilometers in length.

When the original python rushed again, Li Changsheng stretched out his hand a little, and the 365 star pans quickly returned to their place, and began to resonate with the ancient stars hundreds of millions of miles away, pulling the next dazzling stars.

Originally, the vertical eyes of the giant python were full of surprises, and subconsciously wanted to escape from the encirclement of stars.

It's a pity Beiming Aurora Magnetic Mountain smashed over, and the original giant python staggered with great force, stopping the forward trend.

In the blink of an eye, Hunyuan Heluo's forbidden formation took shape, and the surrounding environment completely changed. Li Changsheng and the four-clawed yellow dragon also disappeared in the void.

As for Ao Qin, who was hanging far behind, he was blocked from outside the forbidden line, and he couldn't see the scene inside.

To be on the safe side, Ao Qin quietly watched the forbidden formation at a distance of 10,000 meters. Once Li Changsheng was defeated, he would return to the Dragon Palace as soon as possible.

In the forbidden formation, the original python hesitated for a moment, and then ran to the side, trying to forcefully break the forbidden formation.

Suddenly, Round Billow appeared from the void and blocked the original giant python.


The dull physical collision sounded, and the chubby belly was severely dented, and was forcibly knocked back by the original giant python.

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