Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 1337: Upgraded 10-Rank Star Palace Lotus Terrace

After sealing the original python, Li Changsheng took back the demon pet and immediately removed the Hunyuan Heluo ban.

Ao Qin had been paying attention to the situation here from a distance. After the Hunyuan Heluo forbidden formation disappeared, he retreated subconsciously, for fear of the big python rushing from inside.

No way, how long has passed since, Ao Qin does not think that Li Changsheng defeated the original python so quickly, after all, judging from his uncle’s letters, Li Changsheng is similar to his uncle Ao Run, and Ao Qin thinks that the original python is not inferior to Ao Run. From the side, it also means that the strength of the two sides is not much different, so how can the battle be resolved so quickly.

In Ao Qin's view, there must be something tricky.

"The boa constrictor is gone. Could it be that it has gone underground again?"

At first glance, Ao Qin did not see the original giant python. He thought of a possibility and rushed straight up.

More than a month ago, Ao Qin had suffered such a loss. At that time, the original giant python had been lurking in the cave and was covered by a large amount of silt. When Ao Qin passed by, it suddenly burst out and rushed out.

At that time, Ao Qin was caught off guard, bitten by the original giant python, and tried his best to break free from the python's mouth, but he was also hit hard and almost became the opponent's food.

It was precisely because of such encounters that Ao Qin looked like a frightened bird, and was full of shadows on this original giant python.

Before Ao Qin rushed out of the sea, the four-clawed yellow dragon came first and kept pace with Ao Qin.

Until this moment, Ao Qin could not help calming down when he saw Li Changsheng on the head of the four-claw yellow dragon.

"Ao Qin, this seat has sealed it!"

As Li Changsheng's voice just fell, Ao Qin hurriedly stopped the upward trend, and immediately looked at Li Changsheng with suspicion, which was completely different from what he expected.

Seeing Ao Qin's skepticism, Li Changsheng was too lazy to explain, and returned with Ao Qin, pointing to the large altar standing on the bottom of the sea and saying, "Hey, it will be sealed under this altar, I believe you can feel it. "

Li Changsheng has not set up the interest-holding ban for the time being. There is no way, the original python is too big, and a large-scale interest-holding ban must be arranged.

Not only that, but also to seal the earth veins to avoid the possibility of the original python breaking the seal.

Ao Qin felt it carefully, and immediately noticed the breath of the original python. This breath is very strong and the key is still flowing. Obviously, just like Li Changsheng said, the original python was sealed here.

Thinking of this, Ao Qin became excited. For more than a month, he was trembling every day, walking on thin ice, hiding in the heavily guarded Dragon Palace every day, for fear that someday the original python would come to him again until he received Letter from Uncle Ao Run.

Here comes the problem. The letter clearly states that Li Changsheng is not under his uncle Ao Run's strength, but Li Changsheng seals the original python, who is no less inferior to Ao Run, what is going on?

"It seems that Uncle wrote this to save his face. Well, it must be like this."

Ao Qin thought he had found the cause, but he didn't know that Ao Run did not expect that Li Changsheng would improve so quickly, and he would make such a mistake when he had already left him so long.

However, it doesn't matter.

At this time, Ao Qin thought of a question and asked: "Under the crown, why not just kill it?"

"Its resilience is too strong, it can only be sealed!"

Li Changsheng casually found an excuse. Generally speaking, there are roughly two reasons for sealing the enemy. Either the opponent has a nearly immortal body and cannot be killed no matter what, or the difference between the strengths of the two parties is small and there is no absolute certainty to kill the opponent. Or it may take a huge price to retreat and choose the seal.

"That's it!"

Ao Qin was silent for a while, and could only choose to believe in Li Changsheng. After all, he could not let Li Changsheng open the seal and test the original python's resilience on the spot.

Li Changsheng continued: "This seat will also set up a large-scale interest-grabbing forbidden formation. In the future, you'd better send your men to patrol nearby to avoid damage to the seal."


The safety of life is at stake, and Ao Qin will naturally take it seriously.

It didn't take long for Li Changsheng to complete the arrangement. This time, the large-scale interest-grabbing forbidden formation covers a radius of several thousand meters, which is not difficult for him.

"Wait a minute, under the crown of the king, this is the North Sea Pass. You can move around in the North Sea at will."

Just when Li Changsheng was about to say goodbye to Ao Qin, Ao Qin hurriedly stopped him and took out a token carved with the image of Zulong from his arms.

Li Changsheng did not refuse Ao Qin's kindness. Although he could also be active in Beihai, it was always the site of the Dragon King of Beihai. If he went deep into the hinterland of Beihai, it would be very troublesome.

With this Beihai Pass Order, it is different, which means that he has been recognized by the Beihai Dragon Clan, and it is naturally much more convenient to move around in Beihai.

To put it simply, the Beihai Passing Order is exactly the same as the token Li Changsheng obtained from the Royal Mansion, that is, the area covered is different.

Li Changsheng did not stay in the Forgotten Strait for a long time. After bidding farewell to Aoqin, he quickly returned to Langya.

This time out, Li Changsheng gained a lot. Not only did Ning Bizhen succeed in being promoted to the King of Double Characters, he also gained the friendship between Xingqiong Yuye and Ao Qin, but also the original giant python and its descendants.

Well, in the eyes of Li Changsheng, the original giant python that was sealed was his bag.

After returning to the Yecheng Palace, Li Changsheng was about to be promoted to the Tenth-Rank Star Palace Lotus Platform.

In order to be promoted to the eleventh-rank star palace lotus platform, in addition to some new techniques and techniques, it also needs five world powers, a middle-grade star core, and a star dome jade liquid.

All these requirements have been met by Li Changsheng, and he naturally cannot wait to be promoted.

Li Changsheng took out the tenth-grade star palace lotus platform, which quickly grew larger suspended in the void three feet above the ground.

Among these three materials, the power of the world is still used to make up for the source of the loss of the lotus platform, and the middle-grade star core and the Xingqiong jade liquid are used as the energy source for upgrading.

After he was ready, Li Changsheng focused his efforts on the center, reaching out and pointing at the tenth-grade star palace lotus platform.

At the next moment, the lotus platform of the Tenth-Rank Star Palace spun around and resonated with the Zhou Tian stars in the night sky. Under the dazzling stars, the closed buds began to bloom.

When the buds are fully bloomed, the middle star nucleus falls into the buds and the buds begin to close together.

At the same time, Li Changsheng opened the jade bottle containing the Xingqiong jade liquid. Drops of the Xingqiong jade liquid flew out and landed on the lotus flowers, just the number of the week.

Without waiting for long, 365 starlight plants with only arm-thickness dropped down and landed on the corresponding petals.

The brilliance of the lotus platform of the tenth star palace skyrocketed, and each lotus petal turned into a translucent shape, showing the image of the stars that it represented.

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