Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 1353: Iridescent dragon

  Chapter 1285 Rainbow Dragon (second more, ask for all)

  As for the sunset sect people who are still left in the blessed land, it can only be blamed on them.

  Li Changsheng is not a defender, and the best way to keep a secret is to be a dead man.

  The key, they don’t even have a name!

  Sunset Blessed Land has been operated for nearly a thousand years. There are many wild fairies living here, and rare fairies can be seen from time to time.

  Most of these wild goblins possess a certain degree of wisdom, even if they are stupid, they also possess instinct.

  After hearing Li Changsheng’s words, some wild goblins immediately pupa rushed to the nearest passage, and the rest followed their instincts and followed.

  Since there is a way to survive, they are naturally unwilling to die with the sunset.

  Of course, there is still a certain amount of chaos. Many wild goblins fight for positions, hoping to get out of the blessed sunset that is about to collapse as soon as possible.

  Because there are too many wild fairies, Li Changsheng can only expand the channel as much as possible, so that more wild fairies can be sent to the secret realm.


  At this time, as if prepared, giant dragons were teleported in almost at the same time.

  A total of more than one hundred giant dragons, although there are not many in number, what surprised Li Changsheng was that it was an iridescent dragon who took the lead, and it was still a monster emperor.

   Rainbow Dragon is also one of the three legendary dragons. Its strength is second to that of the time dragon, which is equivalent to the power dragon, which is also a legendary dragon.

  On the head of this iridescent dragon, Li Changsheng found a contract imprint of a secret path, and in the record about the king of falling, iridescent dragon was such a beast-level demon pet.

Obviously, this iridescent dragon is the demon pet of the Fallen King. Like the Natural Disaster King, it is also the core demon pet that the Fallout King can become the top double-character king. It has established itself in the process of killing the Three-legged Golden Crow. contribution.

  After the fall of the Fallen King, the Rainbow Dragon did not leave, but stayed in the sunset blessed land for cultivating and became the guardian of the sunset sect.

  At the time when Sunset Sect was alive and dead, King Yi didn't think about asking this rainbow dragon for help, but before it had time to implement it, Li Changsheng broke the ban on the dust of Liangyi.

As soon as    teleported to Li Changsheng’s secret realm, the rainbow dragon flew high into the sky, overlooking everything in the secret realm.

  The next moment, Rainbow Dragon took a group of giant dragons and flew towards the direction of the Central Medicine Garden.

   Obviously, this rainbow dragon came in maliciously, trying to destroy Li Changsheng’s secret realm.

  Unfortunately, it is doomed to fail.

  In a moment, Li Changsheng's figure suddenly appeared, blocking the direction of Rainbow Dragon.

  He was holding two cats in his arms, acting like a baby in Li Changsheng's arms, giving people a sense of harmless humans and animals, at least Rainbow Dragon did not feel threatened from the two cats.

  This is the extraordinary thing about the blood of the grey cat. Unless you observe it carefully, you can’t feel it at all.

  "Reptile, you will endure the anger of the great Alpas, and death is your best destination!"

  Alpas’ huge longan is murderous, and he feels sad for the collapse of the sunset blessed land, and sad for the sunset sect created by his master.

   "Iridescent dragon, there is a cause and there is an effect, you dare to help the abuser, then don't blame this seat for being cruel. Don't talk nonsense, just have a testimony chapter."

  While speaking, Li Changsheng also got the information of Rainbow Dragon.

  This is a half-step iridescent dragon of legendary quality. It has taken three kinds of heaven, material and earth treasures to enhance combat effectiveness at the same time, which is very powerful.


  The rainbow dragon opened its mouth, and a rainbow-colored dragon's breath gushed out, rushing straight towards Li Changsheng.

  Li Changsheng did not move, allowing the dragon's breath to approach.


   Suddenly, his head was exposed from his arms during the day, and countless light energy energies instantly condensed into a huge shield, blocking the dragon's breath.

  This is a skill inherited from Seraph. It has a strong defense power. If the attack strength does not reach a certain level, it can also rebound energy.

  In a short time, the dragon's breath fell on the light shield.

The rainbow dragon tried its best to maintain the dragon's breath, but it was shocked that even if it tried its best, its dragon's breath still did not break the Shield of Light.

  Of course, there are also a lot of cracks on the Aegis of Light.

  The races of the two sides seem to be different. The rainbow dragon has an advantage in a small realm, and it has a quality advantage during the day, but the small realm advantage of the rainbow dragon cannot completely offset the difference in quality.

  The rainbow dragon was obviously startled, never expected that its offensive was blocked by a cat that seemed harmless to humans and animals.


  Without giving the Rainbow Dragon any time to think about it, the head of the dark night came out of Li Changsheng's arms and stretched out his right paw towards the Rainbow Dragon in the air.

  In an instant, a huge cat's claw condensed by countless dark energy appeared above the iridescent dragon's head. Before the iridescent dragon could take any action, it was forcibly shot down from the air in one fell swoop.

   "It's up to you, but I want to live."

   Following Li Changsheng’s order, the two cats turned into two afterimages and rushed towards the iridescent dragon that fell to the ground at a very fast speed.

  As it approached the ground, the rainbow dragon immediately fluttered its wings and flew almost wiping the ground.

  Suddenly, a black lightsaber fell down.

  The rainbow dragon subconsciously evaded to the other side, but unexpectedly another white lightsaber condensed out. Before the rainbow dragon could react, it cut off its right dragon wing.

  The two cats cooperate perfectly. The night attracts the attention of the rainbow dragon and takes the opportunity to attack during the day.


  The iridescent dragon wailed, and countless hot dragon blood splashed in all directions and fell from the air again.

  The iridescent dragon that lost the dragon wing on the right, threatened greatly, how could it be the opponent of the two cats.

  While two cats rubbed and abused the iridescent dragon, Li Changsheng held his hands on his back and looked at the more than one hundred lingering dragons.

   Suddenly, the leading Demon Saint-level secondary ancestor Red Dragon roared and rammed Li Changsheng straight.

  Among this group of giant dragons This is the only red dragon of the secondary ancestor red dragon that reaches the demon saint level.

  Because of his bad temper and not wanting to live under people, the second ancestor Red Dragon wanted to take advantage of the two cats to deal with Rainbow Dragon, and defeat Li Changsheng in one fell swoop.

  Unfortunately, it is too simple.

   "It seems we still have to give you a long memory!"

  As Li Changsheng's voice just fell, the Dragon Slashing Platform flew out of Li Changsheng's sea of ​​consciousness, and a dragon chant full of pain, despair, and fear resounded throughout the world, accompanied by a huge power.


  Under the power of the Dragon Slashing Platform, all the dragons in the sky were affected, including the iridescent dragon that was rubbed and abused by two cats.

  Of course, the Rainbow Dragon has little influence, and its combat power has not dropped much.

  In the sky, just like laying dumplings, countless dragons felt that their bodies were soft, and they were directly shocked by the breath of Dragon Slashing Platform, and they fell from the air.

The status of the   Demon Saint-level secondary ancestor red dragon is much better, but the combat power is also not lightly damaged, and the dragon’s eyes are full of fear.

  (End of this chapter)

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