Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 1358: Emperor

This means that Luo Yuanjun and Li Changsheng have a good relationship, otherwise they would really not talk about this kind of inside story.

Li Changsheng couldn't help but also had to guard.

"Under Mian, what price did the Emperor Xuan pay?"

Only if the price paid by Emperor Xuan is attractive enough, the Emperor will hesitate.

"I don't know, I am afraid that only your majesty and the Emperor Xuan know. But recently you must be more cautious. If you don't catch anything, you can come and find me."

Luo Yuanjun and Li Changsheng are both friends and have interests. After all, Li Changsheng can continue to rule the secret realm of the heavens, bringing a lot of profound and yellow merit to Luo Yuanjun.

In addition, there is also the relationship of Li Changsheng actively offering the crystallization of rules.


Li Changsheng nodded and continued to inquire about news related to him.

Unfortunately, Luo Yuanjun didn't know much, he only knew that the emissary of the Emperor Xuan was Shura King Yan Changchun, who was a senior double-character king, and he was also a descendant of Emperor Xuanhuang.

With the disappearance of King Hades and the destruction of the Queen’s mirror, Yan Changchun replaced King Hades as the key training target of the Xuanhuang. Once the Xuanhuang does not consider the cultivation of his blood, he may become the top double-character king in the near future.

After confirming that he couldn't find more relevant news, Li Changsheng began to chat with Luo Yuanjun casually, focusing on the exchange meeting to be held tomorrow.

The emperor's appeal is not unbelievable. After all, he has lived for nearly ten thousand years. Perhaps his strength is not the first, but in terms of influence and background, he is definitely the first among the three emperors and six emperors. There is no doubt about this.

It was learned from Luo Yuanjun that, except for a few countries that could barely suppress the gate of the abyss, most countries sent kings and even double-word kings to participate.

"It is certain that Emperor Wu, Emperor Ling and Emperor Feng will also come, and the other sires are not clear."

"As long as Emperor Xuan can't come."

Li Changsheng's words were not aimless. If Emperor Xuan came here in person, he could only leave secretly and was forced to give up participating in the exchange meeting.

No way, lack of strength.

According to Li Changsheng's estimation, he is now equivalent to 0.8 Emperor Wu, even if Ning Bizhen is added, it is still unknown whether he can beat Emperor Wu, let alone the Emperor Wu.

Once the opponent Xuanhuang, there is a high probability that he will be defeated, and whether he can escape is still unknown.

Luo Yuanjun shook his head: "If the King Underworld is still there, maybe she will come. After all, if she comes, even with the aid of a large forbidden formation, once the huge gate of the abyss riots, no one can do it. Suppressed."

Li Changsheng nodded and agreed with Luo Yuanjun's words.

There is a big gap between the senior double-character king and the top double-character king. If the former faces the demon lord, even with the aid of a large forbidden formation, it will not be able to hold the Xuanhuang back. The top double-character king is different, and it must last longer, and if the Emperor Xuanhuang still grants some hole cards, it is likely to be supported until the Emperor Xuan returns.

It is a pity that Emperor Xuan only has a top double-character king like King Hades. Now King Hades is ‘exiled’ by Li Changsheng to the dawn plane, it is difficult to get out to participate in the exchange meeting.

Just not afraid of ten thousand, just in case, Li Changsheng is going to pay more attention to news in this regard, whenever Emperor Xuan has news of going to the Mu Cang Empire, he will immediately flee away.

In addition, he also asked Luo Yuanjun to pay attention to the news in this regard.

"Don't worry, I will notify you as soon as there is news from the Emperor Xuan." Luo Yuanjun paused, as if remembering something, and continued: "And you have to prepare in advance. Your Majesty may summon you. you."

"I know."

Li Changsheng was not surprised that the emperor might want to summon him. Whoever made him too popular lately, not to mention the relationship from the Emperor Xuan, would normally summon him.

Before long, Li Changsheng and Ning Bizhen left the Qingmu Palace and came to the courtyard assigned to them by the Human Palace.

Compared with the Qingmu Palace, the specifications of this Palace are much inferior, but Li Changsheng doesn't pay attention to these aspects, as long as he lives in a comfortable place.

There is a maid, a guard, and a housekeeper in the mansion, but there is no need for Li Changsheng to recruit separately. As for whether there will be spies among them, Li Changsheng doesn't pay much attention to it.

Even if there is a spy, but with his cautious character, the other party will not get any useful information at all.

This night, Li Changsheng and Ning Bizhen spent time in their practice.

The next morning, the two left the palace and entered the palace.

The Mu Cang Empire's palace occupies an extremely large area, and no matter what aspect it is far beyond the Langya Kingdom's palace, the two cannot be generalized.

Not long after, the two came together to the square outside the Chongyang Palace, where the exchange meeting was held.

The area of ​​this square is so large that it is more than enough to accommodate ten thousand people.

From Luo Yuanjun's mouth, I learned that there will be about four to five hundred kings and double-character kings participating this time.

Although it is less than half of the total, it is mainly because many strong people still have to suppress the gate of the abyss and cannot get out of it. This time, so many are almost the limit.

The gathering of so many powerful people can be said to be the biggest event in a century, and there is a high probability that there will be treasures that Li Changsheng urgently needs.

The exchange will take place after ten o'clock. Like other strong players, Li Changsheng and Ning Bizhen quietly wait for the arrival of the emperor.

In the process of waiting, from time to time strong people took the initiative to communicate with Li Changsheng, but more hesitated.

Although everyone can see that Li Changsheng is promising to go further, he has offended Emperor Xuan after all, so there are not many strong people willing to make friends with him.

In the eyes of most people, Li Changsheng offended the Emperor Xuan. It is difficult for both parties to resolve their hatred. They may fall at any time. At this time, if you make friends with Li Changsheng, you may be missed by the Emperor Xuan.

As for those strong men who take the initiative to make friends with Li Changsheng, in addition to the gambler's mentality, there is also the relationship between Li Changsheng and the imperial palace. As long as the emperor is willing to come forward, Li Changsheng's safety will be guaranteed.


At about ten o'clock, a bell rang, and under the background of the three top double-character kings, including the Aomu King, the majestic man wearing a Kowloon yellow robe walked slowly.

As the host, the emperor naturally greeted the distinguished guests in advance. The distinguished guests here are naturally not Li Changsheng and others, but the ninth-order imperial demon master in the same realm as him.

"Meet Your Majesty the Emperor!"

After the human emperor appeared on the stage, everyone present hurriedly bowed respectfully to the human emperor, and some who wanted to kneel and lick the human emperor even kneeled on the ground without regard for their dignity and performed the three worships and nine knocks.

"You don't have to be polite!"

When the emperor's sleeves were folded, Li Changsheng felt a powerful mental force coming and stood up straight.

The rest of the strong are the same. If there are still people who can't support it at this time, they are beating the Emperor in the face.

Just as prepared in advance, after the Empress appeared, the sky of the east and the west appeared purple celestial phenomena at the same time.

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