Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 1387: Top grade Lang? Seed curtain Α⒐Φ aluminum catalpa?/a>

Li Changsheng stared closely at the core space of the secret realm, not letting go of any changes.

In less than a minute, the core space suddenly appeared in a colorful cluster of lights, reflecting the entire space extremely gorgeously.

Compared with the last time, the volume of the light cluster this time has increased more than ten times.

Li Changsheng once again faced two choices, either choose the gate of light and darkness and let the gate of light and darkness strengthen again; or put in some materials to breed a thing of enlightenment again.

Because of the relationship between the blessed land and the promotion to the sky, as long as the second enlightened thing is bred, the upper limit will reach the Langhuan Supreme Treasure level.

Well, as long as the materials meet the standards, Li Changsheng is very likely to obtain an enlightened object of the Langhuan Supreme Treasure level.

Li Changsheng has many top materials in his hands, such as the broken Queen Mother's mirror, the broken mysterious yellow seal, the Demon Emperor-class Zixiao Qilin Horn, etc., which all meet this standard.

In these two options, if you are not satisfied with the first enlightened thing, you will often choose to gamble and re-bring the second enlightened thing.

Li Changsheng was not generally satisfied with the Gate of Light and Darkness, but very satisfied. Naturally, he chose to continue to strengthen the Gate of Light and Darkness.

The gate of light and dark belongs to the combination type of exotic treasures, and the combination level is the low-grade Langhuan Supreme Treasure. If split, a single gate of heaven or **** belongs to the highest-grade purple mansion treasure.

This time the opportunity of sublimation, the gate of heaven and the gate of **** will almost certainly reach the Langhuan Supreme Treasure level, and the combined level will be even higher.

If you put in the damaged Queen Mother's mirror and other materials, it is reasonable to say that the level of the light and dark gate may be higher, but it is likely to cause the function of the light and dark gate to change, and then the gain will not be worth the loss.

As far as Li Changsheng knew, the Gate of Light and Darkness was probably the only treasure that could purify the consciousness of the abyss. He would only invest in materials when he was stupid.

Without hesitation, Li Changsheng resolutely threw the gate of light and darkness into the light cluster in the core space of the secret realm.

In an instant, the pupa of the Celestial Powerful Bee in the secret realm poured into the light group, and was quickly absorbed by the light group.

As always, the more quasi-gods, demigods, and beasts living in the secret realm, the greater the contribution.

In this regard, Li Changsheng has changed a lot. He has Kailan, day, night, four-clawed yellow dragon, round ball, red luan, five-color dragon god, thunder qilin and other divine beasts, including Bai Ze who is aged in secret.

The only pity is that there is no top beast.

Since it does not include the demon pets contracted by others, Ning Bizhen's demon pets are not counted.

In addition to these nine-headed beasts, there are dozens of semi-divine beasts, many of them are sub-ancestral dragons, and there are thousands of quasi-gods. After all, the light dragon has 800 heads, except for the dragon. The total number of other quasi-god fairies is actually no less than that of dragons.

So many sacred beasts, semi-sacred beasts and quasi-gods can add a lot of points to the gate of light and darkness.

It was also at this time that each of the divine beasts, demigod beasts, and quasi-gods began to float out strange light spots, and finally gathered in the core space of the secret realm, merged into the light group, and disappeared.

As more and more light spots are absorbed, the light cluster is expanding at a speed visible to the naked eye. When the change stops, the area of ​​the entire light cluster has almost doubled.

In addition, it is naturally indispensable to have the profound and yellow energy of merit. The more you invest, the better the effect. If enough, there is a chance to turn into a spiritual treasure of merit or even the ultimate treasure of merit.

Not only that, the qi of Xuanhuang merit will also maximize the effectiveness of the gate of light and darkness in a guiding way.

In the next moment, a mysterious yellow light belt with a length of more than a thousand meters was continuously thrown into the light group. This was also all the power of the mysterious yellow merit that Li Changsheng had accumulated in the recent period.

After merging in a large amount of Kungfu Xuanhuang Qi, the surface of the original colorful light group was covered with encrusted black yellow gas, and the light group began to beat regularly. Each time it beats, the volume of the light group would decrease by a little, the Xuanhuang Gongde Qi. It becomes thinner and thinner.

Li Changsheng waited patiently, using his mental power to carefully follow the changes in the gate of light and darkness.

Judging from the feedback of mental power, the light spots representing the gate of light and darkness have become brighter and brighter.

No accident, the Gate of Heaven and the Gate of Light and Darkness reached the Langhuan Supreme Treasure very smoothly, and the light spot combined by the two also jumped to the Middle Grade Langhuan Supreme Treasure grade, and it continues to increase.

Behind it is the skill of the water mill. According to Li Changsheng's estimation, the Gate of Light and Darkness is very likely to reach the highest grade Langhuan Supreme Treasure level.

Li Changsheng didn't waste any time and turned into a five-color peacock, with five different colored tail feathers shining brightly, continuing to comprehend the Big Five Elements technique that he has not yet started.

Of course, the homework of tempering mental power every day can't be left behind.

Time passed slowly, and five days passed in a flash.

On this day, Li Changsheng woke up from entering concentration and looked at the light cluster in the core space for the first time.

At this moment, the light group had obviously shrunk by more than half, and the gate of light and darkness could be seen floating in it, exuding a two-color halo.

Top grade Langhuan treasure!

After feeling the feedback of spiritual power, Li Changsheng couldn't help showing a smile. Even after so many years in the fairy world, the top-grade Langhuan treasure is still scarce. After all, even the Queen of Enlightenment mirror of the Ancient Profound Empress has not reached it, which shows the difficulty of it. .

Not only that, but Li Changsheng could feel the strong virtuous atmosphere of the black yellow merit, not inferior to the original black yellow seal.

"Gongde Lingbao!"

Li Changsheng's smile was even greater. He never expected to become the greatest merit in one go. There is no way. The amount of the Xuanhuang merit is limited, and it is far from reaching the point of achieving the highest merit.

Even so, the significance to him is extraordinary, and this is also the first spiritual treasure of merit in his hand.

It didn't take long for the light group to be absorbed by the gate of light and darkness.

Compared with before, the Gate of Light and Darkness has undergone some changes.

The images of angels and fallen angels carved on the two portals have changed from six wings to eight wings. Due to the fact that they have become spiritual treasures of merit, there are still many mysterious yellow stripes on the portals.

The next moment The two portals turned into two streamers, one black and one white, and they poured into Li Changsheng’s Yintang acupoint, reaching the deepest part of the sea of ​​consciousness, a little deeper than the position of the purple pole gold starry sky crown. .

In an instant, a message came from the gate of light and darkness.

Gate of Light and Darkness: Combination type top-grade Langhuan Supreme Treasure, Merit Spirit Treasure, with extremely powerful purification and swallowing functions, within the scope of effect, it can greatly accelerate the recovery speed of your own demon pet's injury, and greatly increase the negative state of the opponent's demon pet. The probability of, and greatly enhance the combat power of the light and dark demon pets, every other year can give birth to a heaven origin and a **** origin.

The number of functions of the Gate of Light and Darkness has not increased, but many functions have been powerful, especially the purification and swallowing effects.

The combat power of the demon pets of the light and dark elements could only be greatly increased, which means that the demon pets of the two lines have directly increased their combat power by 50%.

As for the effects of the spiritual treasures of merit, they generally have the following effects: killing people does not affect cause and effect, suppressing personal luck, keeping all evils away from evil, and enhancing the killing effect against evil.

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