Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 1390: Praying man's arm block car

In front of this emerald green dragon with a wingspan of 100 meters, there is not much difference between an ordinary adult dragon and a baby.

This is an emerald green dragon that has been enshrined by the Dark Night Empire for hundreds of years, and already possesses the realm of the Demon Emperor.

"Little human beings, please bear the great..."

Before the ancestor Green Dragon could finish speaking, Emperor Wu directly cursed: "Close your stinky mouth, reptile!"

The emerald green dragon was furious, and was about to continue cursing. Unexpectedly, Emperor Wu appeared above its head at an unimaginable speed. Before the emerald green dragon could react, he stepped on it.


The emerald green dragon felt a great power surge from the top of his head, and fell to the ground with his head down, splashing a lot of dust.

"Asshole, you don't speak martial arts..."

The emerald green dragon cursed, just as it was just now. Before he could finish speaking, Emperor Wu appeared ghostly behind it again, his arms wrapped around the end of the thick dragon's tail, and he spun on the spot.

Under the stunned eyes of the people, the emerald green dragon was dragged by Emperor Wu to spin. When the rotation reached the extreme, Emperor Wu released his hands, and the emerald green dragon flew straight to the city wall like an arrow from the string. .


With the exaggerated tonnage of the emerald green dragon, the wall of the royal city just paused, and was overwhelmed and collapsed.

Roar~ roar~ roar~

The little brothers of the emerald green dragon saw the boss suffering, and wanted to save them.

"You should stay here obediently."

Li Changsheng threw out a platform at random and turned into a scarlet dragon-slashing platform. Numerous dragons chanted in fear, cowering, and horror one after another, accompanied by a special coercion.

The younger brothers of this group of ancestral green dragons are at the Demon King level at most. As soon as they felt the pressure of the Dragon Slashing Platform, their souls seemed to be frozen. Come down.

Until this time, the night elf queen finally recovered, her face was very ugly, and her heart was full of anxiety.

"For the Dark Night Empire, let's go together!"

With the sound of the night elf queen's voice, dozens of legendary powerhouses began to charge.

Judging from the number of scenes, the Dark Night Empire occupies a clear advantage.

"There are so many people!"

Li Changsheng shook his head and opened the secret passage with Ning Bizhen, King Ming Cang, and Yan Wanling.

Emperor Wu continued to fight the ancestral green dragon, not even summoning the demon pet, which shows his physical strength.

Judging from Emperor Wu's skill, Li Changsheng thought that he could do it. In terms of physical strength, he was not inferior to Emperor Wu, or even stronger.

At the same time, Li Changsheng threw out the Xuankun fortune monument to prevent the demon pets from being too weakened.

As the channels of the four secret realms opened, dozens of monster pets rushed out under the shocked eyes of the night elf queen and others.

For a time, the numbers of the two sides were the same, but in terms of quality, the Dark Night Empire was far from inferior.

The night elf queen had a pretty face and was invisible on the outside because of her dark skin.

"Hurry up and notify the major churches of their support!"

The night elf queen reacted extremely quickly, and immediately signaled the few lower legendary powerhouses who fell in the end to seek reinforcements.

These few legendary powerhouses, like a pardon, hurriedly left the battlefield and returned to the king's city as quickly as possible, seeking help from several major churches.

Li Changsheng ignored them. Instead, he hoped that those churches could take action, so that he had a legitimate reason to clean up these churches.

At this time, the two sides began to fight hand-to-hand.

The night elf queen held a black sword in her hand. She was extremely fast, and instantly appeared above the head of the secondary ancestor red dragon Xier Asuna. The black sword appeared with black flames, and the sword fell.

With the strength of the night elf queen, once Shear Asuna's head is smashed, even if the skull of the secondary ancestor Red Dragon is hard, it is likely to be split in half.

No way, the night elf queen and the natural elf queen have the same race, and the upper legendary powerhouse is equivalent to the realm of the demon emperor. The gap between the demon saint-level Xier Asuna and her is quite obvious, and it is normal to be killed by a spike.

With the exaggerated speed of the night elf queen, Shir Asuna reacted, even too late to avoid the vital points.

Just when the night elf queen was about to hit, suddenly, Kailan stepped on top of Shir Asuna's head at a faster speed, and the dark green lightsaber was raised.


The two swords struck each other, and the space swayed with strong ripples. The two stalemate slightly, the night elf queen involuntarily flew back, dragging tens of meters in the air, and then she could stop, with surprise and uncertainty. Gaze at Kailan.

Regardless of quality or race, compared with Kailan, the night elf queen is all at a disadvantage.

"Kalan, live it!"

At this time, Li Changsheng's voice sounded.

If the blood source of the ordinary night elf queen is the night elf queen, then the blood source of the night elf queen is the elf king.

Well, the Dacheng-level Elf King bloodline, he naturally has no reason to let go.

If you want to become the only spirit king, you have to wait until the fall of the spirit king, but the prerequisite is to have enough spirit king essence and blood.

Without waiting for the night elf queen to take action, Kailan took the initiative to rush over. The night elf queen couldn't match the speed, and wanted to delay the arrival of reinforcements, so she had to bite the bullet.

Jingle bell~

The two beautiful shadows continue to fight each other and enter the fierce fighting stage.

In just a few breaths, the night elf queen shed her head and was embarrassed. Her breathing was extremely rapid, and she was completely crushed and beaten by Kailan.

As for the legendary powerhouses of the Dark Night Empire, how could they be the opponents of the monster pets? In just such a short time, nearly 20 legendary powerhouses have fallen, including a high-ranking legendary powerhouse.

This fallen high-ranking legendary powerhouse is far less powerful than the night elf queen, and the key to his opponent is the two cats, day and night.

Seeing these two harmless, the upper legendary powerhouse could not help being a little contemptuous in his heart, and swung two swords at will.

As a result, only one face-to-face, the two cats with a subtle and ingenious cooperation, smashed this high-ranking legendary powerhouse in seconds.

As for the other high-ranking legendary powerhouse, his situation is also extremely bad, because he was targeted by Ashe.

He can't beat and beat, and he can't escape. This is the situation he faces. If nothing happens, I'm afraid that he will be given the lead soon.

Faced with such a desperate situation, the remaining legendary powerhouses are heartbroken, and there are no desperate thoughts. After all, most of the legendary powerhouses in the gloomy region are evil camps, and there will be no thoughts of giving up for the country.

As a result, deserters appeared on the field, but they wanted to escape, so they had to ask Li Changsheng.

However, just at this moment, a thick golden beam of light landed and fell into the dark night empire king city, accompanied by a powerful pressure like a prison.

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