Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 1392: Strongly defeated

When the door of light and darkness slammed, Rose Queen suddenly felt a strong sense of crisis.

He wanted to hide, but he was entangled by two cats.

At the critical juncture, a black stone stele appeared on the top of Rose Queen's head, exuding a strong devilish energy, and wanted to intercept the gate of light and darkness.

The black stone stele is a defensive artifact specially refined by the queen of spiders. It uses precious materials from the abyss, which actually consumes a lot of divine and mental energy.

In the next moment, the black stone stele was turned into a nine-layer stone stele, each of which was separated by a short distance, forming a nine-layer defense (similar to Naruto Rashomon).

This is also the special feature of the black stele, which can explode in a short period of time far beyond the usual defensive power, but the cooling time is relatively long.

This nine-fold stone monument, only the last one is the entity, even if the first eight layers are destroyed, it will not harm the stone monument body, but the defense power is weaker by the entity.

In an instant, the gate of light and darkness hit the first stone monument.


There was almost no stagnation, the Gate of Light and Darkness easily shattered the first stone monument, without any pause, it crashed into the second stone monument.

The spiritual treasure of merit is the nemesis of evil, and the four words that all evils are not close are not just talking. In addition, the gate of heaven in the gate of light and dark also has a restraining effect. The heavy stone tablet is weakened before the two sides touch it. Most of it was disintegrated, and the rest was not much different from tofu dregs.

Although the Gate of Light and Darkness is not the ultimate treasure of killing and cutting, and it has no means of attack, it is ultimately the ultimate treasure of Langhuan of the highest grade. When the ranks are placed there, the power will naturally not be much inferior to the strange treasures of the same rank.

Bo Bo Bo Bo Bo Bo Bo Bo Bo ~

So under the horrified gaze of the spider queen Rose, the Gate of Light and Darkness broke through the seven-layer stone tablet again, which was only a few points away, but it still slammed heavily on the stone tablet body.


Accompanied by the dull voice, the gate of light and darkness slammed heavily on the body of the black stele.


On the body of the black stone stele, wisps of cracks surfaced, and the queen of spiders, Rose, felt distressed.

Beyond the spider queen's expectations, why did the crack on the black stone tablet continue to expand when she clearly borne and resolved the impact of the gate of light and darkness.

Without it, the merits of the gate of light and darkness are eroding the black stele.

Not only that, the gate of **** is devouring the magic energy on the black stone tablet, and the gate of heaven is constantly purifying these magic energy.

Under the combined force of the three, it is like the creature is losing blood continuously, this is the situation facing the black stele.

Once it continues, it won't be long before the black stele will be completely destroyed.

As the queen of spiders, Rose, who has existed for an unknown number of years, he can naturally see the situation of the black stele, but his situation is also very uncomfortable. The two cats cooperated carefully, making him feel embarrassed and unable to withdraw his hands.

What's more, once the black stone stele is taken back, he will have to endure the merits and brilliance attached to the gate of light and darkness, fearing that it will be over.

However, before the spider queen Rose decided to make a decision, Li Changsheng lifted his hand, and the two swords of the blue and yellow springs merged and turned into a stomping sword dragon, which instantly blasted on the black stone tablet.

Kakacha~Hua la la~

A large number of cracks appeared in the black stone stele, and then couldn't bear it anymore, and suddenly collapsed into several fragments.

Under the angry gaze of the spider queen Rose, a strong suction came from the gate of light and darkness, and instantly swallowed all the fragments of the stone tablet.

The Sword Dragon's remaining momentum diminished slightly, and he continued to rush towards the queen of spider Luo Si.

The spider queen Rose hurriedly shook the black long whip on her right hand, entwining the stegosaurus layer by layer, barely maintaining a balance with the stegosaurus.

However, the queen of spiders, Rose, dispersed some of her strength, how could the two cats let go of this opportunity, and immediately two lightsabers, one white and one black, attacked from both sides.

The spider queen Rose tried her best to avoid, barely avoiding the white lightsaber, but was still cut off by the black lightsaber.

Not only that, the two lightsabers flickered at the same time at this moment.


Under the frightened eyes of the spider queen Rose, the two lightsabers exploded suddenly, and Rose's screams resounded from it.

In an instant, an embarrassed figure rushed out from the center of the explosion, avoiding secondary damage, and wanted to escape.

At this moment, Rose was extremely embarrassed. Not only did she lose one left hand, her whole body was also full of scars. In many places, bone scars were visible, and she was obviously severely injured.

The two cats were trying to win and pursue, but Rose did not hesitate to expend a lot of supernatural power to temporarily restrain them.

As a price, Rose's breath became significantly weaker.

He just stopped the two cats, but facing the door of light and darkness that hit it again, Rose had no choice but to reduce the loss as much as possible.

In an instant, a golden crystal came out of the head of the descending body quickly, with the black long whip on his right hand turned into a stream of light, and wanted to escape from the scope of the Xumiluo net and return to the kingdom of God in the abyss.

Although the Xumiluo net has fixed the space and made the space extremely stable, as long as Rose regardless of the cost, it can be broken in one or two breaths.

But in the current situation, even though the time for one or two breaths is short, Rose has no such opportunity at all. If he really does this, he will probably be killed two or three times during this period.

Just when Rose wanted to reduce the loss as much as possible, Li Changsheng would naturally not let go of this opportunity. With his pinch, 365 stars suddenly appeared in the void, but before the battle began, he secretly clothed him. Well, Hunyuan Heluo is forbidden.

All of a sudden, the world overturned, the galaxy reversed, and the world within a hundred miles completely changed.

The golden crystals formed by Rose rushed from left to right, but there was no way out.


A stomping dragon suddenly appeared, and before Rose could react, she slammed into the golden crystal.

Click ~ Wow!

Although the golden crystal was hard, how could it withstand the blow? The two froze for a while, and they were smashed into pieces by the stegosaurus, and Rose's scream of anger was heard from it, and then stopped abruptly.

From beginning to end, the spider queen Rose didn't even say the opening remarks, and she was completely defeated without even knowing who the opponent was.

Li Changsheng stretched out his hand, and the spider queen Rose's crystal fragments and black long whip were taken away by! "

At this time, the night elf queen couldn't hold it anymore, and Kailan slapped her on her pretty face with a sword, and directly shot her to the ground.

The night elf queen struggled a few times before fainting directly.

As for the other legendary powerhouses, all of them have fallen without exception.

On the other side, Emperor Wu, who turned into a giant, lay on the emerald green dragon out of breath, and after some close hand-to-hand combat, he finally defeated it.

At this point, the high-levels of the Dark Night Empire have been almost completely wiped out, and the rest is also insignificant. From a certain level, the Dark Night Empire will be included in the territory of the IELTS city-state.

It is not far from the unification of the Dark Region. I believe that Narrow defeats the power of the Dark Night Empire, and the remaining countries, city-states, and races in the Dark Region can be described as watching the wind.

Next, it's time to harvest.

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