Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 1396: See flowers in the mist

These churches are well versed in how to protect themselves, and they are especially good at business. Unless the relationship is particularly good, the churches will hardly choose to stand on the sidelines until the situation becomes clear.

The church of the Spider Queen Rose is the state religion of the Dark Night Empire. When the Dark Night Empire was in crisis, he had to help with all his strength, and the rest of the churches were not necessarily.

However, the Youye Church was inexplicably targeted by the new ruler, which was of a different nature, which made the rest of the churches full of a sense of crisis.

Fortunately, Li Changsheng announced the reason, which made these church leaders breathe a sigh of relief, otherwise they would not have other ideas.

At this moment, these church leaders can be sure that the churches in the original Dark Night Empire are about to face a major reshuffle, and this is their opportunity.

The Spider Queen Rose Church is already standing on the opposite side of the new ruler, and the brilliant Youye Church that runs it somehow offended the new ruler. These two churches are afraid that they will die, at least in the gloomy region.

When these church leaders watched the show, King Hades and others were also leading the army to besiege the nightclub church in full swing.

The resistance of You Night Club Church is not unrelenting, but they are in a weak position regardless of their number or personal strength. Even with the help of the geographical advantage of the church, they are still completely suppressed and can only retreat steadily.

In terms of strength, the upper legendary powerhouse is equivalent to the demon emperor level demon pet, but even if all these high levels add up, it is not the opponent of the king of the dark blue, after all, she has more than one demon emperor level demon pet.

In the crisis, the archbishop of the church can only pray for the help of the **** of the night.

The next moment, the sky was dim, and it was difficult to see the five fingers when you stretched out your hand, and then a golden beam of light burst into the air, covering the archbishop completely.

The archbishop's power was soaring at a speed visible to the naked eye, and King Hades felt uncomfortable, and immediately commanded the demon pets to attack, but he could not break the golden beam of light.

In the blink of an eye, the golden beam of light disappeared, and the archbishop's aura skyrocketed several times, and his appearance changed drastically. The original gray-haired appearance became a middle-aged man with a majestic face. His eyes were more strange and his left eye Gold, silver with right eye, blood-colored cloak, crown on his head, a balance in his left hand, and a sword in his right hand, majestic and majestic.

Like the spider queen Rose, the **** of the night also chose to descend.

"The Emperor!"

Seeing this familiar face, King Hades and King Kun were all taken aback. Although they felt that the **** statue of Youye Church was very similar to the Emperor of Humanity, looking at the statue was the same thing, and the feeling of facing a real person was completely different.

"King Hades, why are you here?"

Like the two, the God of You Ye was equally taken aback.

As for Kun Wang Yan Wanling, the **** of You Ye did not recognize it, but he saw that this was a king.

The two were timid before fighting, and subconsciously wanted to avoid their sharp edges.

Suddenly, two figures suddenly appeared in front of them. It was Li Changsheng and Emperor Wu who had been watching.

"Emperor Wu!"

The God of You Ye looked at Emperor Wu in amazement, just like Kun Wang Yan Wanling, he glanced at Li Changsheng, and immediately turned his gaze on Emperor Wu, as if he did not know Li Changsheng at all.

Obviously, although Human Sovereign and the God of You Ye are connected, the God of You Ye is more like an independent individual, because the thinking of the two is not unified, otherwise it will not be unable to recognize Li Changsheng.

"Emperor Wu, why are you here?"

Emperor Wu raised his brows and shouted fiercely: "Tsk, it seems that the guy from the Emperor didn't tell you, or the guy concealed something from you!"

The God of You Ye could feel that Emperor Wu had a strong malice towards him that could not be resolved, which made him very uncomfortable. I don't know what the original body did offend Emperor Wu.

However, the God of You Ye is very clear, that is, unless the main body descends, it is impossible to be the opponent of Emperor Wu.

Due to the restrictions of the rules, the **** spirit body cannot enter the dawn plane at all, and even the clone has a lot of restrictions.

Without hesitation, the **** of You Ye turned into a stream of light and wanted to leave.

"Since you are here, don't leave, lest we have no way of hospitality."

As Li Changsheng's voice just fell, 365 star pans looming in the sky appeared, with the 11th-rank star palace lotus platform as the eye, instantly forming a Hunyuan Heluo forbidden formation.

In addition, a Xumiluo net emerged in the void, which made the already stable space to a small step again.

The streamer shattered, and the **** of You Ye stepped back embarrassedly. His expression was very ugly, and he said, "Hunyuan Heluo is forbidden!"

"Take Him!"

In an instant, the two cats in Li Changsheng's arms seemed to turn into arrows from the string, and suddenly appeared in front of the God of You Ye.

The God of You Ye was taken aback, and hurriedly drew out the sword in his right hand, turning it into a splendid sword light, and instantly enveloped the two cats.


When it was too late, he bit the hilt of the sword in one bite during the day and stopped its trend.


Just when the **** of You Ye was surprised by the power of the day, black light appeared in the pupils of the eyes of the night, and the **** of the night had no time to avoid his eyes, and he was hit on the cheek by the black light.

Zi Zi Zi

Two small holes were pierced in the cheeks of the night god, and a lot of black liquid was attached to it, which quickly corroded his flesh and bones.

At this time, Emperor Wu rushed up and waved his hand as a punch. This guy didn't even summon the demon pet, and seemed to like close hand-to-hand combat.

The God of You Ye hurriedly threw out the balance, which was obviously an imitation of the balance of order, but its function was obviously different.

A black and white halo appeared on the pseudo-order balance, transforming into a spinning yin and yang fish, guarding the **** of secluded night.


However, facing the attack of the three, the yin and yang fish released by the pseudo-order balance were directly blown up, revealing the more ugly expression of the **** of the night.

He was very puzzled, how did the Emperor offend Emperor Wu.

Just when the **** of You Ye was in a panic, Li Changsheng also rushed over, his speed was one point faster than Emperor Wu ~ obviously caught the **** of You Ye by surprise.

Li Changsheng's left hand hooked the neck of the **** of the night, and his right hand was the right hand that grabbed the **** of the night and held the sword.

The God of You Ye was shocked, and subconsciously wanted to struggle. As a result, Li Changsheng's power far exceeded his expectations, making him unable to break free.

Without giving the God of You Ye a chance, Emperor Wu blasted the God of You Ye with a punch, and the two cats joined hands to open his chest and abdomen, revealing a big **** hole.

At the next moment, a golden light floated from the head of the **** of the night that was blown out. Before he turned into a streamer, Li Changsheng imprisoned him in the void.

Jin Guang swayed from the left to the right, but remained motionless, but before the two of them acted, Jin Guang suddenly exploded.

The two only had time to gather a few strands of golden glow, but most of the golden glow dissipated directly.

The expressions of the two of them are not very good, but it is not without gain.

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