Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 1401: King Bodhi feels he can do it again

Before the big formation was broken, Luo Yuanjun successfully predicted the Ten Thousand Kings Formation, but this Ten Thousand Kings Formation, not to mention the low-profile version, is afraid that the poor version will not reach it.

However, as a top banned formation, the Ten Thousand Kings Formation is still very desirable, for example, it can gather the power of this group of people, or share the damage.


In just two or three breaths, the large forbidden formation that enveloped the palace was finally broken.

Luo Yuanjun and the others felt tight, but had to bite the bullet and greet them.

What I have to say here is that the formation of kings composed of people also has the advantage of being able to move at any time.

Looking at the Ten Thousand Kings Formation moving towards him, Li Changsheng was too lazy to pay attention to them. Although he was confident to break the formation, it would undoubtedly take some time, and now the most important thing is time. After all, the Emperor, the Emperor of the Phoenix, and even the Dragon Clan are always possible. Come to support.

Before Luo Yuanjun and the others approached, Li Changsheng raised his hand to the void. Under the bewildering gaze of Luo Yuanjun and the others, 365 star clusters appeared, but they surrounded them.

In an instant, the battle turned and the stars moved, the dragon and the snake rose on the land, and the surrounding scenes changed drastically, turning into the scene of the ancient fairy world.

For a time, it became a battlefield, but the two were hostile.

In order to hold on for a longer time, Li Changsheng specially used the 11th-Rank Star Palace Lotus Platform as the front eye, prompting the Hunyuan Heluo banned formation to greatly increase the power.

For a time, even though Luo Yuanjun and the others controlled the attack of the Ten Thousand Kings Array, they were unable to break through the Hunyuan Heluo Forbidden Array in a short time.

After besieging Luo Yuanjun and others, Li Changsheng and Ning Bizhen immediately led the demon pets to the depths of the palace.

At this moment, in the Hall of Kings, the throne belonging to King Bodhi suddenly flourished. Its position moved forward rapidly and landed on the top position, successfully replacing the fallen spirit emperor to become an emperor.

After becoming an emperor, it also means that the strength of the Bodhi King has increased sharply. Not only can his demon emperor-level demon pets display their full strength, but his secret realm, spiritual power, and physical strength have skyrocketed. The strength can be described as multiplication. .

However, Li Changsheng is still not afraid.

Not long ago, his strength was no worse than Emperor Wu, not to mention now, not to mention Ning Bizhen's assistance.

In addition, the newly promoted King Bodhi must be inferior to Emperor Wu, and there is a gap in the number of demon emperor-level demon pets between the two.

Almost all the demon pets of the veteran emperors are demon emperor-level demon pets, and there are often only six emperors who have just been promoted.

With the promotion of King Bodhi to the emperor, heaven and earth naturally celebrated it. The entire fairy world is full of visions such as the purple gas coming from the east, the sky is full of flowers and rain, the emperor flowing pulp, the golden lantern of Qingyun, the phoenix coming to the ceremony and so on.


After becoming the emperor, King Bodhi uttered a hearty laugh. At this moment, he felt full of power, his spirit and spirit reached the climax, and it seemed that no one could stop him anymore.

Well, after being frightened back by Li Changsheng, King Bodhi felt that he could do it again now.

As for the title of King Bodhi, Heaven is still checking his life.

However, at this moment, Li Changsheng and Ning Bizhen led the demon pets over.

King Bodhi's expression changed, like a frightened bird, and he subconsciously had the idea of ​​running away.

"No, the deity has become an emperor. Are you still afraid that he will fail? Otherwise, where is the dignity of the emperor, not to mention that the Emperor Feng will soon be here. As long as the deity and Emperor Feng will join hands, the King of Ten Thousand Saints will definitely not be an opponent, and it may be possible to kill him. Li Changsheng has a big secret in him. If he is killed, the deity may be able to increase his strength in a short period of time."

At this moment, King Bodhi thought a lot, and immediately stopped the thought of running away. He felt that he could kill Li Changsheng.

Seeing that King Bodhi did not run away, Li Changsheng was naturally happy to be unable to himself. He was really afraid that King Bodhi would turn around and run away. Otherwise, even if he catches up, he will be delayed for a long time.

For the first time, Li Changsheng threw out the Four Ding Ding, and the Zi Ning Ding, Blu-ray Ding, Indigo Ding and Red Qiong Ding sat at the fourth level, suppressing the whole world.

At the same time, Ning Bizhen threw out the Xumiluo net to seal the world.

Under the simultaneous suppression of the four tripods and the Xumiluo net, the space within the scope became extremely solidified, and King Bodhi and his demon pets should not want to break the void.

On the other hand, King Bodhi secretly said that he was not good, especially when he saw the lineup of Li Changsheng and Ning Bizhen's demon pets, he discovered that there are no vain people under the reputation, and the sixth sense also sent him a feeling of extreme danger.

It’s just that the arrow has to be sent on the string, let alone he didn’t


Before the two demon pets met hand in hand, the big bronze bell above King Bodhi's head sounded like a death knell, and the ripples visible to the naked eye vibrated in the void and spread out quickly.

At this moment, the Jiutian Qingqi Pagoda appeared above Li Changsheng's head, and it spun around, turning into colorful energy waves, colliding with sound waves.

For a time, the two sides were deadlocked.

Suddenly, Li Changsheng waved his hand, two loud sword chants sounded, Biluo Huangquan double swords rushed out of the high sword box, the two swords combined, and shot at King Bodhi at a speed beyond imagination.

"not good!"

King Bodhi was shocked, and the sixth sense sent him a strong sense of crisis.

Without hesitation, King Bodhi nodded the big bronze bell above his head and stood in front of him.

Not only that, but King Bodhi also asked several demon emperors and demon pets to release their defensive skills, trying to block the blow.

However, the Biluohuangquan Swords came too fast, and these demon emperor-level demon pets had not had time to release, the Biluohuangquan Swords hit the bronze bell.


Accompanied by the sharp ringing of the bell, immediately under King Bodhi's shocked gaze, the Biluohuangquan Swords only paused, then punched through the bronze bell strongly, and continued to rush towards him with a slight reduction in power.

The big bronze bell was Langhuan's most precious treasure, and it was pierced all at once, shocking King Bodhi.

However, it is not the time to think about this. The big bronze bell stopped, and King Bodhi hurriedly took out a golden cauldron and blocked it in front of him like a shield.


After piercing the big bronze bell, the power of the Biluohuangquan double swords eventually lost most of their power. Although the remaining power was strong, they did not penetrate the golden cauldron anymore, only dented the cauldron a bit.

"Golden Dragon Ding!"

As soon as he saw the golden great tripod, Li Changsheng immediately recognized it, which was one of the nine tripods, the Golden Dragon Tripod.

Although it is long, it is a matter of a moment.

Until then, Li Changsheng and Ning Bizhen's demon pets began to besiege King Bodhi's demon pets.

Li Changsheng was very precise about the time. Before the demon pets released a ranged attack, the gate of light and darkness emerged, prompting the strength of the light and dark demon pets to skyrocket.

Due to the command just now, King Bodhi's demon pet can only passively defend one wave.


In an instant, a strong explosion sounded, and the colorful energy tide spread rapidly from the center of the explosion, and screams could be heard faintly.

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