Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 1439: When the breakthrough is in progress

Until the next morning, Li Changsheng finally completed purification and obtained nearly ten cans of Kunpeng blood.

If you count the previous inventory, the blood of the kunfish is still a bit short, but there are Lan Yukun's corpses, I believe this can be made up, even if it is not enough, it can also be obtained from the many Lanyukun, Mingluokun, etc. Draw blood for refinement.

Compared with the corpse of Kunpeng, the corpses of the remaining goblins were obviously much easier to handle, and it only took more than half an hour to refine all of them.

Kunpeng's essence and blood are just enough, but there is no need to harm those fairies who have the blood of Kunpeng.

As for not using it again in the future, it's hard to say?

Li Changsheng may include a top beast with distinctive characteristics like Kunpeng in "Xuanji Nine Changes".

At this time, Li Changsheng stretched out his hand and Hetu Luoshu fell into his hands.

Kunpeng's soul still exists, but it is a lot of illusion. This is not important. The key point is that there are two groups of pockets and gossip-like gas in the Hetu Luoshu. This is the innate gossip gas.

From this point of view, Kunpeng has absorbed a lot of innate gossip before, and even most of it has entered his stomach. It is no wonder that you can easily find a breakthrough route in the Burning Divine Sword Array, I am afraid it is not only He Tu Luo The book is also related to the absorption of a large amount of innate gossip.

In any case, as long as these two innate gossip auras are used well, Li Changsheng's strength can increase a lot.

The next moment, Li Changsheng called Ning Bizhen over, and the two summoned many demon pets.

These are all demon pets that have not yet broken through the demon emperor rank, since after all, the number of Jiutian Qingqi is relatively limited, and does not include temporary demon pets.

Most of these nine days of fresh air came from Kunpeng's seizures, and the rest came from the output of the nine days of fresh air cylinders. This auxiliary medium-grade world wonder object only needs to be exposed to sunlight for 30 days, and a nine-day fresh air will be born.

Due to the time delay ban, Li Changsheng would always be in the sun, and by the way, put the Jiutian Qingqi cylinder beside him, so that the speed of the birth of Jiutian Qingqi increased sharply, almost three times the output, which is equivalent to ten days. Can give birth to a nine-day refreshment.

As for the weather factor, reaching the state of Li Changsheng can easily disperse the dark clouds in some areas.

Li Changsheng: Big head, chubby, red luan, leiqilin, chilong, five-color dragon god, four-clawed silver dragon, four-clawed yellow dragon.

Ning Bizhen: Long-eared cold jade rabbit, nine-day Xunfeng cat, blue-eyed golden-eyed beast, ten-armed naga, eight-eyed mink, bright dragon horse, eight-tailed snow fox, Gengjin golden scale beast

The Gengjin Golden Scale Beast just broke through the Demon Saint a few days ago, and it was completely breakthrough with a large amount of resources.

This time, Li Changsheng was planning to engage in wave-building activities and used up all the precious resources accumulated in his hands in one fell swoop.

Before that, first of all, these demon pets need to raise their realm to the 9th level of Demon Saint.

Among these demon pets, some demon pets have tried to break through and failed, but they don't need nine days of fresh air, so that these nine days of fresh air are just allocated.

The rest of the demon pets began to refine the Nine Heavens Cleansing Qi, according to their realm, some one, some two, in short, they can successfully reach the 9th demon sage.

This process didn't last long, and all the monster pets reached the breaking point.

At this time, it is time to allocate precious resources.

Big head: Kunpeng essence and blood, innate gossip qi

Red Luan: The Rule of Fire Crystal

Thunder Kirin: Crystal of Thunder's Rules

Four-Clawed Silver Dragon: The regular crystal of secondary water, the qi of innate gossip

Rumbling: the crystal of the rule of the secondary wind, the purple sky thunder yuan pill?? 3, the moon soul wins the star pill?? 5

Gengjin Golden Scale Beast: The Crystal of Gold

Long-eared cold jade rabbit: the crystal of ice

Other demon pets can only rely on their own breakthroughs, and whether they can be promoted to Demon Emperor level can only depend on their own accumulation and luck.

In addition, Li Changsheng still had several Moon Soul Retaining Star Pills in his hands. Since occupying the Heavenly Spirit Empire, he could easily obtain the Moon Lotus, allowing Kailan to refine several Moon Soul Retaining Star Pills.

Due to the relationship of the Purple Heaven God Thunder, the Zixiao Thunder Yuan Pill had accumulated a batch of materials in such a short period of time. Kailan was completely refined one by one, and finally produced three pellets.

The remaining Moon Soul Star Removal Pill was prepared by Li Changsheng for the Big Head and the Four-Clawed Silver Dragon. If they fail to reach the legendary quality, he will use it.

The current big head is still in epic quality, but it is relatively close to the half-step legendary quality. This evolution will definitely reach the half-step legendary quality, plus an innate gossip, it is possible to achieve the legendary quality.

As for why the four-clawed silver dragon is given, the main thing is to increase the probability of the four-clawed silver dragon breaking through the Demon Emperor level. Only when the four-clawed silver dragon is stronger can the time delay forbidden formation be maintained more greatly. I am afraid that the event flow rate will be more than three times. Up.

In view of the fact that the Purple Lightning Thunder Pill can only make the demon pet reach half-step legendary quality at most, Li Changsheng finally chose the epic-quality Chuan Chuan, and by the way, it increased its probability of breakthrough.

In the next moment, many demon pets tried to break through.

For a time, more than a dozen huge **** of light appeared above the secret realm and on the ground.

Li Changsheng mobilized the energy in the secret realm, making the nearby energy abundant abnormally.

In the end, it is a cave sky, the energy is not generally abundant, and the speed of absorbing external energy is even more abnormal. There is no need for Li Changsheng to crush the demon core to maintain the energy concentration, so that the energy concentration here has never dropped.

After the big head swallowed Kunpeng's essence and blood, the bloodline concentration began to rise sharply. When the Kunpeng bloodline concentration reached a certain level, the big head began to vomit blood, but any excess blood mark in the body was forcibly expelled, and the vacated place was immediately by the Kunpeng bloodline. Supplement to occupy.

When the body was completely occupied by the Kunpeng bloodline, the rich and abnormal evolutionary white light began to flood the surface of the big head, quickly covering the big head.

In this process, the size of the big head skyrocketed at an extremely fast and exaggerated rate.

It's just that it hasn't waited for the big head to complete the evolution, and the momentum is skyrocketing at an astonishing speed.

Kunpeng belongs to the top sacred beast and can break through the demon emperor level 100%.

Not far away, Lei Qilin had an amazing aura. In less than two minutes, he completed the process of condensing and polishing, and he became a demon emperor-level demon pet directly.

Behind Lei Qilin is the Long-eared Hanyu Rabbit. With the help of the rules of crystallization, it finally completed a breakthrough, and finally successfully became a demon emperor class demon pet.

Soon, Yuankuanglu digested the Moon Soul Star Reaching Pill and the Purple Lightning Thunder Pill, and successfully reached the half-step legendary quality. With the help of the crystallization of the rules of the secondary wind, it also completed a breakthrough.

However, Li Changsheng's attention was mainly focused on the four-clawed silver dragon, and his mental power was always paying attention to its changes.

In the feedback of spiritual power, the light spot representing the four-clawed silver dragon became more and more bright. The innate gossip is worthy of a rare treasure of the Purple Mansion. The effect is far from the origin of the time and space, and the four-clawed silver dragon is directly from the half-step legend. The first stage of quality has reached its peak, only half a step away from the legendary quality.

Li Changsheng immediately opened the four-clawed silver dragon's mouth, and directly stuffed a few Moon Soul Star Reaching Pills into its mouth.

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