Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 1454: Congenital Kwaishui Shenguang

With the intensity of the battle at the time, the Dragon King of the East Sea had no time to destroy the inner space of his body, and was killed by many demon pets.

Of course, this was also related to the situation faced by the Dragon King of East China Sea. At first, Li Changsheng and others wanted to capture it alive, but the Dragon King of East China Sea obviously also felt it. As a result, the King of People and others came too quickly, and they had to change their plans temporarily. He was caught off guard by hitting the Dragon King of East China Sea, and finally killed him directly.

Before long, everyone came to an empty basin. Li Changsheng opened the entrance of the secret space, and countless corpses fell in the basin one after another, piled up like a mountain.

In addition, there are also captured dragons and Yalongs such as Yijuan and Baxia.

At the same time, Chilong flew out, and it was its hard work to maintain that the space inside these corpses did not collapse for the time being.

Just a scan of their mental power, the three of them have already counted them.

Including the Dragon King of the East China Sea, there are a total of 38 dragon corpses. There are tens of thousands of aqua corpses, mainly including patrol Yaksha, shrimp soldiers and crabs, and mussel girls.

It took a while, and the three of them took out the corpses with internal space alone, and then Li Changsheng and Chi Long took out all the items.

Emperor Wen and Emperor Wu were not afraid of omissions, because after taking out the objects, the space inside the corpse could no longer be maintained and collapsed and disappeared.

Soon, it was the turn of the East China Sea Dragon King.

As a five-clawed golden dragon with legendary quality of the Demon Emperor, its internal space is much larger than an ordinary demon pet, and it also contains a large number of treasures, which feels like a treasure house.


Under the joint efforts of Li Changsheng and Chi Long, countless treasures fell on the ground like it was raining, and piled up into a treasure mountain tens of meters high, which is magnificent.

This old dragon has lived for an unknown number of years. He has served as the Dragon King of the East China Sea for more than 10,000 years. It has been the lord of great power since ancient times. With so many years of accumulation, coupled with the wealth of the East China Sea, the number of treasures can be imagined. And know.

In terms of the number of treasures, even the Emperor of Humanity does not necessarily surpass the Dragon King of East China Sea.

It seemed as if they had some sense, suddenly, the three of them all focused on a jade box.

Li Changsheng is based entirely on the feedback of spiritual power, while Emperor Wen and Emperor Wu are based on their unique aura.

Seeing that the eyes of the three of them fell on the same place, Li Changsheng stretched out his hand, and the jade box flew into his hand.

After opening the jade box, I saw two crystals exuding mysterious aura in the jade box, one gold and one black. If you look closely, you will find that there are some different colors in the two crystals.

The Crystal of the Lesser Avenue of Fire!

Crystallization of the Lesser Dark Avenue!

Unexpectedly, there will be two secondary avenue crystals in the inner space of the East Sea Dragon King, which can be said to be the most greedy treasure of the 9th-order Demon Master.

All Langhuan Supreme Treasures, Merit Spirit Treasures, basically have to go back in front of the Dao Crystal, no matter how good these strange treasures are, they are not as real as the demon pets.

Of course, if it is a special existence like the Gate of Light and Darkness, the Gate of Good Fortune, and the Nest of Light, then say another thing.

Li Changsheng is not very excited, because he is still the King of Double Characters, even if it is given to him, he can only keep it temporarily. What's more, he still has a secondary ice avenue crystal and the 9th rank golden pill in his hand, the latter is more valuable than the genuine avenue. The crystallization is on par.

Compared with Li Changsheng, Emperor Wen and Emperor Wu could hardly conceal their excitement. Their breath became thicker, and their eyes stared at the two secondary avenue crystals with unusually fiery eyes.

Li Changsheng shook his head and offered to offer: "Two elder brothers, Dao Crystal is temporarily useless to me, you should still work together!"

Emperor Wu took a deep breath, suppressed the desire in his heart, and said: "With the progress of Brother Li, I believe that I will become an emperor within a few years. Isn't this... OK?"

"Emperor Wu is right, Brother Li, there will be no such shop after passing this village, and no one will have too many treasures like Dao Jing."

Emperor Wen also forced himself to calm down. He knew very well in his heart that if the distribution was not good, the relationship between the three might be cracked.

This is not just to talk about it. There have always been many cases of brothers’ anti-purposes due to uneven distribution of spoils.

It is precisely because of this that Li Changsheng resolutely abandons the crystallization of Dao Dao, which is also related to his better choices.

Although the three of them did not have the so-called superiority or inferiority, Li Changsheng was the main one, and Emperor Wen and Emperor Wu were also very convinced by Li Changsheng.

No way, Li Changsheng saved their lives, not to mention Li Changsheng was the first in terms of strength.

"I have decided, not to mention that other treasures may not be as crystallized as the Dao. The two elder brothers should allocate it quickly. If you are stronger, our group can go on better."

Seeing that Li Changsheng's expression did not seem to be fake, Emperor Wen and Emperor Wu glanced at each other, but they said in unison: "Anyway, Brother Li, you choose first!"

"Then I'm welcome!"

Under the two nervous eyes, Li Changsheng stretched out his hand and a treasure box appeared in front of him.

There is a water-blue light stored in the treasure box. From the perspective of mental power, this is a top-grade Langhuan treasure. The key is a one-off. It is no wonder that the East China Sea Dragon King has never used it, and when he wants to use it, It was too late, and Li Changsheng was finally in vain.

Congenital Kwaishui Shenguang: One-time top-grade Langhuan treasure, forcibly sealing a certain foreign treasure, the best effect on water-based foreign treasure. Note: The sealing time is related to the rank of the sealed foreign treasure. The higher the rank of the sealed foreign treasure, the shorter the sealing time, and vice versa.

Li Changsheng was also the first time he saw a sealed treasure. The key to his innate Kui Shui Shenguang rank was as high as the top-grade Langhuan Supreme Treasure. I believe that even the top-grade Langhuan Supreme Treasure will be temporarily sealed.

However, Congenital Kuoshui Divine Light is not a foreign treasure, and I do not know whether it can be integrated into the five-color light of the five-color peacock. If possible, the Kuishui Divine Light of the Five-Color Divine Light may advance to the Congenital Kuishui Divine Light.

Only in this way, it is also possible to break the balance of the five-color divine light.

However, I have to try again.

After Li Changsheng had made his choice, Emperor Wen and Emperor Wu sighed with relief. They did not immediately make a choice, but discussed it. After all, they might not have demon pets that meet the crystalline attribute requirements of the Dao.

After a few breaths, the two made a decision. Emperor Wen chose the crystallization of the Dark Avenue, and Emperor Wu was the crystallization of the Avenue of Fire.

The two of them couldn't conceal their inner joy, because if luck is good, some of them might take this to become the emperor. As for whether the queen will come from behind and become the dominant, the key is strength.

"It's my turn again!"

Li Changsheng looked at the remaining two Langhuan treasures, the Ancestral Dragon Crown and the Sea-Covering God Pearl.

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