Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 1470: Sun, moon and stars

Three days later, Li Changsheng was ready to activate the Eleventh-Rank Star Palace Lotus Platform again and teleported to the Star Palace.

In these three days, Li Changsheng had already refined dozens of East Sea Profound Essence Stones and Dragon Blood Profound Topaz, and "The Nine Revolutions of the Golden Crow" successfully entered the late stage of the ninth round, which made the ** become stronger again.

He now believes that the strength of his own **** is no less than anyone else.

Li Changsheng came to the Crape Myrtle Hall in a light car, and the early warning restrictions set at the door were intact, indicating that no one had entered the Crape Myrtle Hall during this time.

The heritage token left by the ancient star emperor, Li Changsheng didn't know where it was. This was a variable for him.

Once someone enters the Ziwei Temple holding the inheritance token of the ancient star emperor, he is afraid that he can get the inheritance of the ancient star emperor without any test.

However, Li Changsheng believes that after waiting for today, that piece of heritage will become useless.

This is out of self-confidence in his own strength. Now he believes that he is stronger than the Emperor Xuan, and he still has Hetu Luoshu in his hand. In addition, he has some understanding of Zhou Tianxing's forbidden formation. There is no reason to break no one. Zhou Tianxing, who presided over the battle, is forbidden.

Li Changsheng reached the depths of the Crape Myrtle Hall and stepped lightly into the ninth step.

The next moment, the surrounding scenes changed instantly, and Li Changsheng appeared in a vast sea of ​​stars, which can be said to be a different space connected to the Ziwei Palace.

At the moment Li Changsheng appeared, 365 nodes suddenly appeared in Xinghai, which turned into a Zhoutian Xingdou forbidden formation.

Although no one controls it, Zhou Tian Xing Dou's forbidden formation inevitably makes a big discount, but it is not easily broken by an ordinary emperor.

No way, the 365 star palaces are extraordinary, not to mention the accumulation of countless years of star essence, making the star power here almost overflowing.

Li Changsheng sank slightly, but it was not as heavy as the last time. After reaching the late stage of the ninth turn of the "Nine Revolutions of the Golden Crow", the pressure of Zhou Tianxing's forbidden formation was almost resolved invisibly.

Compared with Li Changsheng, the feeling of the demon pet was obviously deeper, and it was inevitably weakened to a certain extent.

Just like the last time, there is no extra energy besides the star power. The demon pets can't use the energy from the outside world, they can only use the energy of their demon core, which is difficult to last.

Of course, Li Changsheng can also break a large number of demon cores, but it can't be sustained either, because the Zhoutian Star Dou Forbidden Array will automatically eliminate all energy except star power.

In an instant of effort, 365 nodes were connected with ancient stars, one by one, as substantive planets appeared, and their respective symbols appeared on the surface of each planet, such as the three-legged golden crow of the sun star and the jade rabbit of the lunar star. and many more.

At this moment, a large planet smashed straight towards Li Changsheng.


Duan stretched out his claws, penetrating the planet like a broken bamboo, and directly tore the planet in half under a burst of force, dissipating into countless star power.

These escaping star forces were drawn back to the node, and the recovery was completed in the blink of an eye.

The next moment, the two planets smashed towards Li Changsheng.

This time, day and night took the initiative to greet them, easily exploding the two planets.

During this process, Hetu Luoshu appeared above Li Changsheng's head.

The two merged into a gossip phantom, exuding an unpredictable aura, slowly spinning in this starry sky.

At the same time, the Tianji Stone and the mysterious turtle shell appeared, and Li Changsheng used big deduction techniques to calculate where Zhou Tianxing's forbidden formation was.

After a few breaths, four planets converged by star power attacked, but they were still easily blown by the monster pets.

When the demon pets resisted, Li Changsheng quickly deduced the general direction of the battle.

The front eye seems to be conscious, and the subconscious wants to change the position.

Suddenly, Hetu Luoshu turned into two brilliances, the mysterious turtle tugtu, and the dragon horse endorsement, forcibly anchoring the area where the front eye was.

Although it was only for an instant, it was enough for Li Changsheng to release an attack.

Li Changsheng, who was transformed into a three-legged golden crow, spewed out a pillar of true sun fire, accurately hitting the position of the array eye.


The flames are burning, and the space is full of strong ripples.

As the most powerful forbidden formation, Zhou Tianxing Dou's forbidden formation's eye protection was naturally tight, and it was not broken by this blow.

Before Li Changsheng could issue the second blow, the front eye finally broke the block of Hetu Luoshu, and the movement was completed in an instant.

At this time, dozens of planets began to collide from all directions.

Li Changsheng was not worried. These own demon pets worked together to resolve them. According to his estimation, even if 365 planets attacked together, it would be difficult for him to get him in a short time.

He continued to concentrate on searching for the formation. Since he couldn't break it once, he didn't mind coming the second or third time.

Soon, the same scene as before appeared, and Hetu Luoshu once again settled in the area where the battle eye was.

This time, Li Changsheng specially launched an attack with two cats, and three beams of light attacked from three directions.


This time, a crack appeared in the front eye, revealing the tip of the iceberg.

There is a play!

Li Changsheng's fighting spirit is high, and he continues to deduct the line. Judging from the strength of the line, it is difficult to withstand the next attack.

Suddenly, 365 planets were connected, turning into a huge barrier, enclosing the center of the array. This was also a change in the Zhoutian Star Dou Forbidden Array.

If you want to break the front line, you must first break the barrier.

As long as it lasts a moment and a half, the gap that was broken in the front will be completely restored.

However, at this moment, Li Changsheng turned into a giant with a hundred arms, and at the same time exerted great supernatural powers on himself-big and small.

The hundred-armed giant, which was already huge as a mountain, grew sharply and turned into a sky-supporting giant thousands of meters high.

In the next moment, the hundred-armed giant shook countless fists, exploding dozens of planets that were obstructed in front of him.

Not far away, the demon pets also went all out to open a big gap with Li Changsheng.

Jiyan also wanted to continue to transfer In a short time, Hetu Luoshu once again showed off his power, and once again held the battle.

Until this time, the Fallen Sky Pillar turned into a size suitable for a giant human body with a hundred arms, and was smashed by a stick when Li Changsheng held it in his hand.


Under this stick, even the space reinforced by Zhou Tianxing Dou's forbidden formation was violently shaking and distorting.

A large number of spatial cracks appeared. Under this stick, the front eye could no longer be supported, and it was blasted and protected by a stick.

In an instant, a picture of the sun, moon and stars flew out of the array's eyes, and was about to flee.

Obviously, the map of the sun, the moon and the stars is the treasure of the Zhoutian and the stars forbidden to suppress the array.

Naturally, Li Changsheng did not let go of the truth. Because the Zhou Tian Xing Dou forbidden formation collapsed, the eight-clawed golden dragon easily broke through the space and instantly contained the sun, moon, and stars.

When the Zhou Tian Xing Dou forbidden formation collapsed, Li Changsheng had already appeared on the nine steps, and in front of him was the remains of the Star Emperor sitting on the throne.

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