Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 1489: Mo Qilin

This time, the tribe of dragon, phoenix and unicorn came.

The dragon clan came out all over the place, including the new East Sea Dragon King Ao Sen, the Dragon Kings of the Four Seas are all out, and there are many demon emperor-level and demon-sage-level dragon clan under its control.

The Phoenix clan is led by the patriarch. This is a fire phoenix and two elders of the Phoenix clan. They have brought a lot of Feng clan powerhouses, but the number is less than half of the dragon clan.

The Qilin clan is also led by the clan leader, but this is an extremely rare black unicorn, with a configuration comparable to that of the Feng clan, with two Qilin clan elders and several Qilin clan experts.

The three tribes are just as agreed, the key is to act after the three major human tribes have played.

At this moment, the human race present was very dissatisfied, especially the three major forces of the human race being the most.

Among them, the grumpy Lei Di and Wu Di unabashedly expressed their dissatisfaction.

"Emperor Xuan is the emperor of my human race, why are you here!"

"You three clans are no longer the protagonists of heaven and earth, so what are you doing here?"

Amidst the angry shouts of the two emperors, for a while, the sentiments were enthusiastic, and the swords between the two sides were drawn, and it seemed that they were going to have a battle before the birth of Emperor Xuan's mausoleum.

Facing foreign races, the human race is still very united. Whether it is the three major human forces or other minor forces, at this moment they are all the same haters.

This is also related to the fact that there are too many monks and porridge, the human race is not enough to divide, the three races still blatantly form a group to come, and still wait for the three major powers of the human race before they appear on the stage, it is not strange that they do not detonate.

Li Changsheng's eyes narrowed slightly, his gaze was mainly focused on the patriarch of the Qilin clan, for no other reason, the Taoist Jade Jue in the sea of ​​consciousness was about to move.

Obviously, the patriarch of the Qilin clan was carrying fragments of jade jue seeking Taoism.

While Li Changsheng looked at the patriarch of the Qilin clan, the patriarch of the Qilin clan was also staring at him, a bit more murderous in his eyes.

Both parties met for the first time, but they both had a feeling that as long as they killed each other, they would get what they wanted.

Judging from the response of the patriarch of the Qilin clan, this piece of Dao-seeking jade may not be small, at least it can sense the Dao-seeking jade in the sea of ​​consciousness of Li Changsheng.

In addition to the patriarch of the Qilin clan, Li Changsheng also glanced at a Zixiao Qilin. This was one of the Qilin clan elders. This was also the first time he saw a live Zixiao Qilin. He was probably relative to the corpse of the Zixiao Qilin.

Although the Dragon, Phoenix and Qilin tribes played at the same time, it did not mean that their relationship was harmonious. On the contrary, they were very hostile. After all, many of the leaders of the tribes had experienced the war of the tribes, and this hatred had been buried in the bone marrow.

But just when the human race was fighting against the enemy, the ground shook violently. For a while, the ground moved and the mountains shook, and a lot of cracks appeared on the ground.

The next moment, a huge cemetery broke the space barrier and suddenly rose from the ground.

This cemetery occupies a hundred li, and there are countless identical white tombstones in the key cemetery, all of which are engraved with the word'Xuandi'.

Under each white tombstone, there is also a huge black coffin.

Such a scene makes people really confused about Emperor Xuan's intentions.

What is certain is that in order to obtain the inheritance of the Profound Emperor, the coefficient of difficulty must be very high.

At this moment, everyone's eyes fell on the tomb of Emperor Xuan.

However, no one is the first to enter the cemetery, after all, no one can be sure whether there is danger.

After all, this was the tomb left by the ancient Xuan Emperor, and at least it was an emperor. His strength was not much different from that of the Star Emperor, otherwise he would not leave alive under the Zhou Tian Xing Dou ban.

According to Li Changsheng's estimation, if Emperor Xuandi deliberately embarrassed him, the difficulty of obtaining the inheritance of Xuan Emperor would not be much inferior to that of Star Emperor. The key is that there are so many forces vying for it.

Regarding the inheritance of Emperor Xuan, Li Changsheng didn't care much, his main purpose was to refine the demon pot.

Before everyone could react, the three-headed demon king **** dog from the desert of death turned into a black shadow, and was the first to enter the tomb of Emperor Xuan.

The three-headed Demon Emperor-class Hell Dog disappeared as soon as it touched the Profound Emperor's Mausoleum, and when it reappeared, its orientation deviated by more than ten miles.

Obviously, the Xuan Emperor Mausoleum has a teleportation mechanism, but any creature that enters the Xuan Emperor Mausoleum will be randomly teleported to the Xuan Emperor Mausoleum.

As the three-headed demon emperor-level **** dog entered the Xuan Emperor Mausoleum, many small power masters and the skirmishers You Yong hurriedly entered the Xuan Emperor Mausoleum from all directions.

Like the three-headed demon king-level **** dog, they were immediately teleported to different directions.

"Let's go in too!"

Li Changsheng and the Blood Emperor secretly transmitted a voice, and both sides led their teams into the tomb of the Emperor Xuan.

On the other side, Emperor Xuan gritted his teeth and acted at the same time as Emperor Xuan.

The dragon, phoenix, and unicorn tribe followed closely behind, for fear that Emperor Xuan's inheritance would be ascended first.

Before long, most people poured into the tomb of Emperor Xuan.

After a quarter of an hour, the ground trembled violently again, and the Emperor Xuan's Mausoleum burrowed into the ground again, breaking the space, and hiding it again.

The rest of the people who were still hesitating couldn't help being extremely upset. They tried for a while, but they couldn't find the location of the Xuan Emperor Mausoleum.

In the tomb of Emperor Xuan, Li Changsheng, who had just stepped into it, instantly triggered the teleportation mechanism to be teleported to the cemetery.

But Emperor Wen, Emperor Wu and others have long been missing, which somewhat disrupted Li Changsheng's plan.

Judging from the layout of Emperor Xuandi’s mausoleum, it is like a chessboard full of black and white pieces. The tombstone is white and the coffin is dark.

During this period of time, Li Changsheng initially digested the inheritance of the Star Emperor, and made certain improvements in all aspects, especially in the background.

As a master of formation, Li Changsheng could feel that the Emperor Xuan's mausoleum possessed an extremely complicated formation, and it felt like gossip to him, as if it were divided into eight areas.

When Li Changsheng subconsciously released his mental power, he immediately noticed the difference.

He found that many tombstones or coffins were exuding energy fluctuations, and some of them even reached the level of world wonders.

"Does the Profound Emperor hide all his treasures in the tombstones and coffins? In this way, even those who are not the strongest have the opportunity to obtain the inheritance of the Profound Emperor."

Li Changsheng secretly said in his heart, it seems that he can only explain this way.


Not far away, a pseudo-king carefully pushed open the coffin, and then took out a spar from the coffin. When he saw the spar, the pseudo-king was suddenly excited.

This is a piece of profound meaning crystal, for the false king, the profound meaning crystal is the treasure they need most.

Li Changsheng didn't have the idea of ​​robbing him. He has long looked down upon the crystallization of profound meaning. Generally speaking, unless he reaches the level of the world's wonders, it is difficult to look at.

Only those non-world-class treasures with improved quality can make Li Changsheng a snack.

Relying on mental feedback, Li Changsheng quickly rushed to the first goal.

This is a stone monument, this is a tall and thick stone monument, the center is obviously hollow, and I don't know what kind of treasures are stored.

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