Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 1507: The Lost and Found Glory Nest

But without waiting for Ao Yu to take action, the North Sea Dragon King suddenly appeared behind Ao Yu and slashed his neck with a hand knife.

However, Ao Yu showed white eyes, just shook, and was not stunned by the North Sea Dragon King at all. Instead, the red light in the dragon's eyes became more and more conspicuous.

Ao Yu subconsciously wanted to escape, but in the face of absolute strength, he was easily subdued by the North Sea Dragon King and brought him to Li Changsheng.

"Under the crown of the King of Ten Thousand Saints, is Ao Yu seized?"

"It should just be controlled, but his soul may have been seeded, and it may be replaced by the Emperor Xuan in the future."

Li Changsheng said so, but the probability can be said to be minimal, but there is still a possibility.

"Can it be detected?"

"With my means, his safety cannot be guaranteed, and if it is sufficiently concealed, it may not be able to be detected."

Li Changsheng shook his head. He only had the original light in his hand, and he did not cultivate the soul avenue. Even with the inheritance of the star emperor, the level of understanding of the soul is still not up to the top.

"How can that be good?"

"Ao Yu is your subordinate, and how to deal with it is your business. I can at most give advice, but it is best to guard against it. Maybe someday Xuanhuang will be able to resurrect with Ao Yu's body."

Li Changsheng waved his hand. This kind of thing has happened in history. The representative is the Emperor Ming. It is precisely by virtue of this ability that he is also known as the Emperor of Immortality.

It may be precisely because of this ability that Emperor Ming's mentality swelled, and eventually turned into a little expert, died on the road to death, and never returned.

"I see!"

The Beihai Dragon King nodded solemnly. He didn't want the Profound Emperor to use Ao Yu's body to come back to life someday, it would be troublesome.

"Ao Yu, after you die, you will raise your wife, so don't worry about it!"

"no, do not want!"

Ao Yu's voice suddenly sounded, and the dragon's eyes regained a bit of clarity, and he couldn't help shaking his head desperately.


The North Sea Dragon King glanced at Ao Yu pityingly, then cruelly crushed Ao Yu's neck bone.

Ao Yu's dragon body twitched violently, and did not move again.

The death of Ao Yu shocked the other dragon sons and grandsons. They did not dare to conceal anything, and hurriedly took out all the treasures they had looted.

The Dragon King of Beihai respectfully handed Ao Yu's space ring to Li Changsheng. The area of ​​this space ring is not very large, and it does not have Ao Yu's soul imprint.

Li Changsheng poured out all the objects and grabbed the grinding disc-shaped treasure.

The millstone trembled suddenly, and a wave of consciousness was about to invade Li Changsheng's sea of ​​consciousness, but it was a pity that he couldn't even break through the defense layer of the sea of ​​consciousness, so he did useless work directly.

"It turned out to be Eternal Ming Spar. No wonder it can store part of the soul of the Emperor Xuan."

Li Changsheng took a look and immediately recognized its identity.

Evergreen spar is extremely rare and belongs to the soul-type raw material, and the rank is even closer to the rare treasure of the Purple Mansion. It is no wonder that it can accommodate part of the soul of the Profound Emperor.

With the power of the soul of the Emperor Xuan, even if it was only part of the soul, ordinary soul-like materials could not contain it at all.

This eternal spar can be used to upgrade the original light.


Li Changsheng seemed to have discovered something again. He used brute force to directly pull the Evergreen Spar into two sections. The center of the Evergreen Spar was actually hollow, revealing a honeycomb-shaped treasure, but it was not the Glory Nest.

Li Changsheng thought that the Glory Nest was destroyed in the self-detonation just now, but it appeared here, which made Li Changsheng feel surprised. The Xuanhuang's methods really opened his eyes.

If it were not for Li Changsheng to be cautious, he would definitely be able to successfully complete the seizure with the strength and means of the profound emperor's soul, and then with the strength of the Glory Nest, it would not take many years to use his new identity to occupy the throne of an emperor.

In addition, Li Changsheng estimated that Emperor Xuan had left resources for a comeback outside.

After being exposed, seeing that the Glory Nest was about to turn into a streamer, Li Changsheng caught it.

Li Changsheng used the original light to experiment, and wanted to search for the memory of the Emperor Xuan, especially the method of cultivating giant dragons.

It is a pity that Xuanhuang's soul is too strong, even in the weak stage, the original light still can't recall much.

In this case, Li Changsheng also gave up such thoughts.

Although the method of cultivating giant dragons is good, it is really not very useful for him now, not to mention that it takes a lot of time to accumulate to see the effect.

Thus, under Li Changsheng's meticulous control, the strands of real fire from the sun drilled into the honeycomb-shaped radiant nest and rushed towards a crystal at the core of the radiant nest.

That was the soul crystallization cut down by Emperor Xuanhuang. As long as it was completely destroyed, Emperor Xuanhuang would lose the chance of rebirth, and he would still disperse his soul.

If Yum King knew about it, I would definitely feel very pleased.

Under the burning of the real fire of the sun, the soul crystal trembled violently, and the illusory figure of the Emperor Xuan appeared.

"Halloween King, you are so cruel..."

The Emperor Xuan's eyes were full of unwillingness, but before the words were finished, the soul crystal was burnt to ashes by the overbearing real fire of the sun and disappeared.

Li Changsheng used the Hetu Luoshu to deduct it again. This time, he never deduced the existence of the Emperor Xuan. This also meant that the Emperor Xuansheng had completely disappeared in this world.

After letting go, Li Changsheng put away the two treasures in his hands.

Li Changsheng was very excited when the Glory Nest was lost and recovered.

Although Xuanhuang possesses several Langhuan treasures, it is definitely the most valuable one in the Lair of Glory, because this is the best Langhuan treasure, not to mention the offensive and defensive ability, the mysterious essence of production alone is enough to bring out its value.

As for other gains, in addition to the items in the Xuanhuang space ring, there are also a lot of corpses, treasures, and foreign treasure fragments.

In the process of attacking Xuanhuang this time, although the Four Seas Dragon King played a lot of soy sauce, he finally helped a little. Li Changsheng was not monopolizing, and finally distributed the spoils according to his work.

Among them, Li Changsheng scored 80%, and the remaining 20% ​​belonged to Sihailongwang.

As for Emperor Wen and Emperor Wu, they naturally divided the wealth of Emperor Ruan, but Emperor Ruan had just become the emperor after all, and his wealth was not much better than that of the top double-character king.

In this case, Li Changsheng even distributed some treasures that he could not use to the two of them.

The two did not shy away, but accepted it carelessly.

After Emperor Xuan's death, Emperor Tuan had already accepted his fate, but he looked quite open, and his mood wasn't too bad. Since he couldn't escape death in the end, it's better to finish the last part of his life, and he would be considered worthy of his life.

However, Emperor Ruan still made one condition.

"I can do my best to cooperate with you, but I hope you don't target my descendants!"


Li Changsheng did not hesitate, and directly agreed.

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