Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 1519: 10 big monsters

In just a few breaths, 365 planets converged by stars are on the verge of a limit.

Among them, Ziwei star is the largest, the sun star and the lunar star are the second, located in the central position, and the remaining stars guard these three main stars according to their functions.

Not only is Zhou Tian Xing Dou forbidden, but every strong one summons demon pets in advance and prepares to attack the heaven and earth barrier with Emperor Wen, Emperor Wu, and Sihai Dragon King. This is also a huge force, but because of the large number, The power is scattered.


After the preparations were completed, Li Changsheng gave an offensive order.

At the next moment, the 365 planets slowly revolved. They did not deviate from their trajectories, but shot out a beam of light condensed by countless stars.

During this process, Hetu Luoshu appeared above Li Changsheng's head, trying his best to maintain the Zhoutian Star Dou forbidden formation. With the assistance of Ning Bizhen and Luo Yuanjun, these starlight pillars gathered on the way, and finally merged into one.

In an instant, this extremely strong pillar of starlight fell on the heaven and earth barrier.

The demon pets of Emperor Wen, Emperor Wu, Sihailong clan and other strong men are also launching an offensive at the same time.

For a time, countless space cracks filled, and the whole world seemed to sway slightly.

As the target of the attack, the heaven and earth barrier fluctuates strongly, but it can be maintained in a short time under the energy supply of the heaven.

In the heavenly court, the human emperor watched the ten people surrounding him and the army further behind.

They are not humans, but the ten chiefs of the Heavenly Court, of which three are at the head of the Demon Emperor, and the remaining seven are all of the Demon Emperor.

The so-called Ten Heavenly Court is composed of the descendants of the Ten Great Demon Commanders of the Ancient Heavenly Court.

Among these ten leaders, a beautiful woman who is fascinating and beautiful is headed.

This is a Demon Emperor-level Shang Yang. She has personally experienced the battle for hegemony between the world and the earth. The key is one of the ten great demon-masters in ancient times, and the only demon-master who has survived.

Shang Yang is not a beast, nor does it have the characteristics of a sheep. It is a kind of spiritual bird.

Among the Ten Demon Commanders, Shang Yang is not the best able to fight, nor is he the smartest. In this respect, he is not as good as Bai Ze, but he is born with the ability to predict bad luck. He will always be able to predict bad luck or bad luck. Dancing on one foot is also the astrologer of the ancient heavenly court.

Since the Emperor Human entered the Heavenly Court, he searched for the Heavenly Emperor's inheritance for the first time, but when he found it, he was discovered by the Ten Tribe chiefs of the Heavenly Court.

Ever since the ancient emperor of the heavens has cut off the connection between heaven and earth, the heaven has been completely isolated. Once isolated, it lasts tens of thousands of years.

At the beginning, Heavenly Court fell into chaos, competing for resources.

Among them, headed by ten clans.

The ten tribes attacked each other and joined together, but in the end no one could help each other, because whenever one tribe became stronger, it would be suppressed by other tribes.

After a long period of time, the ten tribes suffered heavy losses. In the end, after deliberation, a power institution similar to the parliament was formed, and the head of the ten tribes controlled the heaven.

When the war subsided, the Heavenly Court finally settled down. After recuperating, the ten tribes gradually became stronger, and they had the style of ancient times.

The only shortcoming is the lack of upper-level combat power. Due to the isolation of heaven and earth, it is impossible to communicate with each other, resulting in a lack of some important materials.

That's all, because of the isolation between the world and the earth, many important resource points no longer produce resources, including one of the most important avenue crystallization resource points.

As a result, without the resources to assist in breaking through the Demon Emperor Rank, the top ten tribes can only rely on their own breakthroughs. As a result, after so many years, there are still only three Demon Emperor Ranks, which still counts as Shang Yang.

Shang Yang came out more and more, shouting to the Emperor: "Humans, this is not the place you should come!"

The reason why he did not immediately attack the Emperor is mainly because Shang Yang felt a strong sense of crisis from the person in front of him.

In the end, they are the ten great monsters in ancient times. Their knowledge is naturally extraordinary. Shang Yang can feel that the human emperor is not as threatening as the emperor, but it is almost the same as the star emperor. Even in the ancient times, the emperor was on the same level as the star emperor and others. figure.

Shang Yang knew very well in his heart that with the strength of the ten tribes, although he was sure to repel the Emperor, it was difficult to keep the opponent, and he would definitely suffer a huge loss, so he did not act rashly.

Even if he was surrounded by ten tribes, the emperor still did not show any tension.

At this moment, there was a flag in the hands of the emperor. One side of the flag was embroidered with the big sun, and on the other side were countless reduced figures.

"Ten thousand demon banners!"

As soon as he saw the banner flag, Shang Yang's expression suddenly changed, and he secretly said that he was not good. He never expected that there would be a ten thousand demon banner in the hands of the emperor.

Although the Ten Thousand Demon Banner is not a treasure of the heavens, it seems that it is a relatively ordinary middle-grade Langhuan treasure, but it is of great significance to the heavens.

That year, when the Heavenly Court was first opened, the Heavenly Emperor strongly conquered Kunpeng, the Ten Great Demon Commanders and many other powerhouses to form the Heavenly Court, and incorporated a trace of their true spirit into the Ten Thousand Demon Flags, thereby controlling the Ten Thousand Demon.

Perhaps it is to be afraid of the ten great demon commanders and avoid the big tail. At that time, when refining the ten thousand demon banners, the emperor used special methods. Therefore, the ten thousand demon banners have a strong restraint effect on the ten great monsters and other tribes.

As long as the Ten Thousand Demon Flags are activated, even if the true spirit is not integrated into the Ten Thousand Demon Flags, the descendants of the Ten Demon Commanders will still be greatly affected. Depends on the realm.

The restraint effect of the Ten Thousand Demon Flags is similar to that of Li Changsheng's Dragon Slashing Platform, except that the restraint effect of the Ten Thousand Demon Flags is better because of the higher level.

"not good!"

Shang Yang looked flustered, and subconsciously wanted to escape, the emperor randomly threw out the ten thousand demon banners.

Ten thousand demon banners instantly turned into a size of thousands of Huge shadows enveloped all sides, countless black gas was released, and instantly enveloped dozens of miles.

At this time, Shang Yang, who wanted to escape, let out a scream, fell to the ground in pain, involuntarily transformed into a real body, and turned into a one-legged blue bird.

A trace of Shang Yang's true spirit is still in the Ten Thousand Demon Flags, and life and death are completely controlled by the Ten Thousand Demon Flags.

Not only Shang Yang, but the Demon Emperor Ji Meng was also forced to turn into a real body, but he was also controlled by the Ten Thousand Demon Flags and lost his combat ability directly.

This demon emperor-level Jimeng was not the top ten demon commanders, but it was also a strong man of the Jimeng tribe at that time, so a trace of his true spirit was also included in the Ten Thousand Demon Flags by the Emperor, and still did not escape the control of the Ten Thousand Demon Flags.

In this way, only the demon king-level heroes are left with the power to fight again, but they are also affected by the ten thousand demon flags, and their combat power is probably still 80%.

The demon king level's heroic moves are not bad, those demon saint level, demon emperor level ten tribes are more affected.

Among them, the Demon Saint level not only couldn't show even 50% of the combat power, many of them were in a state of shrinking.

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