Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 1533: Distribute the spoils

The palace of the Emperor of Heaven, accompanied by the screams of the Demon Emperor Chaos before his death, came to an abrupt end, which meant that everything had settled.

The emperor's relic and the three demon emperor class demon pets are not inferior, because under the siege of Li Changsheng and others, they persisted for nearly five minutes.

Of course, this also has something to do with Chaos being too resistant, which made Li Changsheng quite heart-shaped.

As for the remains of the Emperor of Heaven, his body was covered with scars, and his head was separated from the body. What was unexpected was that the moment the Emperor of Heaven fell from his head, the Crown of Heavenly Emperor Jinxian crashed into ashes.

This treasure is like a bound item, every time it is prosperous, every time it is damaged, it will be destroyed.

Li Changsheng guessed that it may be that the spirit of the heavenly emperor entered the virtuous crown possessed the emperor's legacy by a special method, and after the emperor's legacy was defeated, the spirit of the artifact also disappeared, which led to the annihilation of the heavenly emperor's virtuous crown.

Of course, the above are all guesses.

After the dust settled, everyone gathered together, all looking at the emperor's legacy with longing and greedy eyes.

Who in the room has not heard of the great achievements of the Emperor of Heaven? This is probably the first strongest person in history to have the qualifications to be qualified as a Dao. He has ruled the heavens for thousands of years, and has a very powerful influence in the earth. Emperor Xuan, Queen Xuan.

However, it was such a strong man with a hand of King Bomb, who froze a good hand, and finally could only helplessly Jedi Tiantong, retaining the last face.

Even though the Emperor of Heaven is a loser, anyone knows how many trenches the Emperor of Heaven is. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is the first in history, even if it can only be regarded as part of the inheritance of the Emperor of Heaven.

Kunpeng snatched the Hetu Luoshu, and it is now in the hands of Li Changsheng; Xuanhuangbaojian and Ten Thousand Demon Banners were acquired by the Emperor somehow, and now the Ten Thousand Demon Banners have been wiped out; the purple gourd was taken away by the Emperor; .

This is only part of the heavenly emperor's treasure, and the remaining treasure is on the heavenly emperor's body.

There are still nine-claw ancestor dragon robes, Xuanyuan cloud chasing shoes, and dragon head walking sticks on the headless remains of the emperor, all of which are Langhuan treasures.

Among them, the leading cane is the ultimate treasure of Langhuan, and Xuanhuangbaojian, Hetuluoshu, and Jiutianqingqi Pagoda belong to the ranks of heavenly treasures.

In addition to these three treasures, everyone is more concerned about the space ring on the finger of the emperor and the secret realm of the emperor.

Li Changsheng had to divide the spoils now. The main reason for doing so was that the gains were too great. Everyone present couldn't wait.

Although his prestige is not bad if he is forcibly kept, he is afraid of planting mistrust. After all, no one can tell whether Li Changsheng can resist the temptation, whether he will secretly intercept a part of the harvest, or even monopolize it.

People are not sages, and no one can make guarantees. It is nothing more than that the benefits are so great that they don't need principles.

Instead of this, it is better to allocate as soon as possible.

"We are collecting statistics while discussing your contributions. Before that, there is one more thing to do."

After Li Changsheng finished speaking, he turned his gaze on the Demon Emperor Shang Yang who was lying on the corpse, and shouted: "Shang Yang, when do you want to pretend? Of course, you can continue to pretend to be a corpse, but believe it or not. Turn you into a corpse?"

How could one of the top ten demon commanders fall so easily.

The Emperor used the Ten Thousand Demon Flags to eat back the true spirit, and the Demon Emperor-level Shang Yang began to "lie down", motionless, and even lost its breath, looking like a corpse.

If it weren't for the feedback of mental power, Li Changsheng found the tricky, and she was afraid that she would have to hide it, and she didn't know what method this guy used.

Of course, no matter whether it is hidden or not, everyone will deal with Shang Yang's ‘corpse’ by the way, and it’s impossible to waste it.

Hearing what Li Changsheng said, the others looked at the Demon Emperor-class Shang Yang with suspicious eyes.

The Demon Emperor-class Shang Yang moved a bit, and then scratched his head and climbed up from the ground with difficulty, with tears in his eyes, showing a look of weeping.

It is a pity that everyone present is the strongest, and Shang Yang's charm can be said to be greatly reduced. I am afraid that it will be difficult to produce results.

"Well, there is no need to talk nonsense, I just ask, are you willing to lead your tribe to surrender to me?"

Compared with the inheritance of the Emperor of Heaven, the Demon Emperor-class Shang Yang is not important, but there are still some useful things in the end.

The Demon Emperor Shang Yang stopped breathing first, then took a deep breath, and finally replied with difficulty: "Yes!"

"Very well, you can go back now. Maybe Xiao Xiao has the idea of ​​fighting the top ten tribes now. Your task is to save the top ten tribes for me. This bottle of Snow Soul Cultivation Pill will be given to you."

After explaining, Li Changsheng gave the demon emperor-class Shangyang a bottle of Xuepao Shenshen Pill, which is a kind of medicine that can restore the mind and even the soul.

The Demon Emperor-class Shang Yang had no wounds on the surface, but in fact, her soul might have been seriously injured.

"Thank you, sir!"

The Demon Emperor Shang Yang showed grateful eyes, poured out a pill on the spot and took it, and immediately swore to the Heavenly Dao.

Li Changsheng's expression eased, and then he waved his hand, and the Demon Emperor-class Shang Yang immediately flew toward the direction of the tribe, as if he was amnesty.

Before assigning, we must first discuss the contributions of each person.

Due to the limited time, everyone didn't talk much, and quickly settled down.

Li Changsheng and his wife contributed 50%, Emperor Wen, Emperor Wu, and Emperor Qing each contributed 10%, and each Dragon King contributed only half.

The reason why Li Changsheng and his wife contributed so much, first, the heaven and earth barrier was broken by Li Changsheng as the main force, otherwise there would be no other things.

2. Without the leadership of Li Changsheng, it would be impossible to prevent the Emperor from seizing the inheritance of the Emperor of Heaven.

3. Li Changsheng's strength is the strongest, and his personal contribution is absolutely the highest. Ning Bizhen's strength is not worse than that of an ordinary emperor.

4. Li Changsheng is willing to pass on a copy of the Heavenly Emperor he got to everyone present at his discretion.

The discretion mentioned here refers to the fact that apart from a few important secrets, the rest are generously shared, which directly leads to the contribution of Li Changsheng and his wife up to 50%.

The inheritance of the Emperor of Heaven was won by the Li Changsheng and his wife, and it naturally became the spoils of the two, and some of the spoils captured by the people before, as long as they were not collectively obtained, do not need to be shared with others.

Not only that, Li Changsheng and his wife also have the priority to choose, and they still use the two-person method.

"We will put aside the Heavenly Emperor Secret Realm for now!"

Li Changsheng said, everyone understood that the secret realm of the Emperor of Heaven was very large, and it would take a lot of time to explore it.

Li Changsheng opened the Heavenly Emperor's spatial ring. Tens of thousands of years have passed. The soul imprint of this spatial ring has long been dissipated, and it can be opened easily.

Not surprisingly, this is the largest spatial ring Li Changsheng has ever seen.


At the next moment, Li Changsheng directly took out all the treasures in the ring, almost piled up into a big mountain.

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