Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 1538: Wan Hua Gui Yuan Lu, the essence of true spirit


Li Changsheng recognized it at a glance. This jade rabbit was obviously the queen's demon pet, and there was no sign of life.

Li Changsheng did not relax his vigilance because of this. There was no way. The Emperor's legacy came out. As the wife of the Emperor, who knows whether the Emperor will repeat this process.

Unexpectedly, Tian Hou did not set any test, and Tian Hou's legacy did not undergo any changes like the Tiandi's legacy.

From beginning to end, neither the Tianhou sloughed nor the jade rabbit in her arms moved, and it seemed as if she was sleeping peacefully.

"Diva, offended!"

Li Changsheng said softly, and then stretched out his hand and waved, the queen's phoenix crown, phoenix hairpin, neon feather coat, bracelet, crested crutch, inheritance jade piece and ring have all escaped from the queen's legacy and floated in front of Li Changsheng.

In addition to the neon clothes and feathers, the Queen of Heaven also wore a palace-dressed phoenix robe inside, so there is no need to shy away from it.

This palace costume Fengmingyi also entered the world's wonders level. Li Changsheng's appearance is not so ugly, so naturally he will not lie down.

Looking at the few treasures floating in front of him, Li Changsheng used the feedback of his mental power to understand their ranks.

Among these treasures, the highest rank is the crested crutches. Like the dragon-head crutches, it belongs to the best Langhuan treasure, represents the power of the queen, and is also a heavenly treasure.

Not only that, but the dragon-head crutch and the crested crutch also resonate. Judging from the inheritance of the emperor, these two treasures are a pair of treasures that suddenly appeared when the heaven was born, symbolizing the authority of the emperor and the queen.

Not only that, if the two crutches are out at the same time, the power will be increased a lot, similar to a combined treasure, but there are also limitations.

If males use crested crutches, they will not be able to fully exert its power, and they will not be able to obtain the increase of the crested crutches, and vice versa.

This means that the leading crutches must be held by the male, and the crested crutches must be held by the female in order to exert their maximum power.

Among these treasures, only the crested crutches is the best Langhuan treasure.

However, the rest of them all reached the Langhuan Supreme Treasure level, and no matter how they were, they were also queens.

Among them, the neon garments belong to the highest grade Langhuan, the highest grade, the phoenix crown is the highest grade Langhuan, and the phoenix hairpin and the bracelet are the lower grade Langhuat.

The next moment, Li Changsheng opened the space ring. Like the space ring of the Heavenly Emperor, the soul mark of the heavenly queen space ring has long been dissipated, and the space is also very large.


Like in the Emperor's Palace, Li Changsheng took out all the treasures in the ring and piled them up into a big mountain.

Using the peculiarities of spiritual power, Li Changsheng quickly picked out the treasures that had reached the level of the world's wonders.

Both quantity and quality are much inferior to Tiandi.

Even so, it is still a bumper harvest.

These treasures did not assist in breaking through the Demon Emperor's treasures. This is reasonable. After all, the queen is not the emperor of heaven, and her strength is much inferior. Unless she just got this kind of treasure and fell before it can be used, it must have been used up long ago. , It is impossible to stay.

In addition, there is no treasure that has reached the rank of Langhuan, unlike the emperor's ring, which also has a Qiankun Ding.

However, there are still some treasures that are useful to Li Changsheng and his wife, such as bloodline metamorphosis and quality growth treasures.

Li Changsheng looked at a treasure in a treasure box that resembled meat Ganoderma lucidum. What was peculiar was that its surface shone with divine light of different colors from time to time, which happened to be the ten most common attributes.

Essence of the True Spirit: The Treasures of the Purple Mansion will definitely allow the demon pet to evolve to the stage of an ordinary beast, and slightly increase the probability of the demon pet breaking through the demon emperor level.

According to the inheritance of the star emperor, the so-called true spirit refers to the sacred beast, and the essence of the true spirit is naturally related to the sacred beast, because it is the product of the evolution of the corpse of the beast.

It looks a bit like the blood phoenix Ujin, but the coefficient of difficulty is greater, because only the corpses of the ten kinds of beasts can evolve the essence of the true spirit, and the death time of these ten kinds of beasts cannot exceed one month. The conditions are quite harsh. The key is not necessarily born.

The conditions for the birth of the true spirit essence are so complicated that they can almost only be born artificially, and only the strongest can have this ability, but the difficulty coefficient is still very large, and the gains often outweigh the gains. I am afraid that the entire heavenly court is only such a piece.

There are several treasures that can improve the quality of demon pets, namely Hell Origin, Sunflower Water Origin, Gengjin Origin, Golden Spirit Grass 5 and two bottles of Wanhua Guiyuan Dew.

Needless to say, the origin of **** is an advanced version of the origin of darkness, and the gate of light and darkness can be born.

The last Wanhua Guiyuan Lu is made by collecting all kinds of spiritual flowers and refining them through special techniques. Like the flat peaches, it belongs to the Yaochi specialty, but it is far more rare and precious than the ordinary flat peaches.

The effect of a piece of Wanhuaguiyuanlu is not as good as that of the origin of time and space, but it is above the origin of Gengjin, and is somewhere in between.

In addition to these treasures, there are also three artifacts.

The rest of the world's wonder-class treasures are quite a lot, but most of them are raw materials and are of little use.

The Four Seas Dragon King greedily watched this treasure mountain, and his mind completely drifted onto this pile of treasures.

"First of all, discuss their contributions!"

The process is the same as last time. First, determine their respective contributions, and then use the contribution to select treasures. The highest contribution has the priority to choose.

Going to Yaochi was proposed by Li Changsheng, and the blood emperor was also shot by Li Changsheng. The escape of the emperor was also related to Li Changsheng, and the forbidden formation encountered here was also closed by him.

No matter how you look at it, Li Changsheng's contribution is at least half, and Ning Bizhen has not yet been added.

Soon, everyone finished counting their contributions.

Among them, Li Changsheng and his wife accounted for 70%, and the Sihailongwang 30%.

In addition, under the suggestion of Li Changsheng and his wife, the Four Seas Dragon King had to agree to select the treasures as a whole, instead of being as scattered as the Emperor's palace.

The advantage of this is that you can accumulate all the contributions of the Four Seas Dragon Kings, and you can choose high-level treasures. The disadvantages are also obvious. The number of selections is greatly reduced, and it is easy to miss some good treasures.

"I choose neon clothes feathers!"

"I choose Phoenix Crown!"

Li Changsheng and Ning Bizhen made the decision to take the lead in choosing the two highest-ranking treasures besides crested crutches.

The crested crested cane, as the best Langhuan Zhibao, is worth several times that of the best Langhuan Zhibao, and the contributions of the Four Seas Dragon King cannot be exchanged.

The Four Seas Dragon King discussed for a while, and finally chose the low-grade Langhuan Bracelet.

"I choose Fengchai!"

"I choose two bottles of Wanhua Guiyuan Dew!"

The effect of two bottles of Wanhua Guiyuan Dew is naturally better than a copy of Hell Origin, the key is that there is no attribute restriction.

Four Seas Dragon King discussed again, they did not choose the origin of hell, but chose a water system artifact.

The reason is very simple. The dragon race without the dark attribute is now in troubled times. It is better to choose the water system artifact to strengthen the combat power and have a greater certainty to survive the world of great controversy.

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