Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 1541: Evil in the world

This time, the scepters of Li Changsheng and Ning Bizhen flew out of their hands and turned into Zulong and Zufeng again. They entangled with each other and turned into a huge Yin-Yang fish, rotating slowly like a millstone, rushing towards the Emperor Yuan.

Yin Yang fish looks very slow, but in fact it is almost reaching its limit.

The sixth sense of Emperor Yuan sent him an extreme crisis, which was even stronger than the one that came just now.

This time, the blood flame on the surface of Emperor Yuan's Moon God sub-body surface skyrocketed again, burning a large amount of blood instantly, and together with the red hydrangea, it turned into an astonishing blood-colored rainbow, and collided with the yin and yang fish.


At the moment of contact, the Moon God clone exploded instantly, and a strong shock wave hit the Yin Yang fish.

The Yin Yang fish fluctuated violently, and out of Yuan Emperor's expectation, the Yin Yang fish did not collapse, but continued to charge.

Without hesitation, the Star God clone threw out the Alchemy Furnace.

During the flight, a robbery purple flame appeared on the surface of the alchemy furnace, like sparks hitting the earth, slamming on the yin and yang fish.


Touli's alchemy furnace flew back upside down, and there was an additional depression on the furnace body, but the Yin Yang fish was also defeated, turned into two crutches, and flew back to the hands of Li Changsheng and Ning Bizhen.

Emperor Yuan couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, but the next moment his heart couldn't help but raise it.

Although most of Yuandi's demon pets are in a blood-burning state, they are still not the opponents of Li Changsheng and his wife. What's more, there is Zhou Tianxing Dou's forbidden support, and they have been defeated from the beginning.

In just a few breaths, three screams sounded almost indiscriminately, and all of them were the main demon pets of Emperor Yuan.

Ashe lay on the back of the dark unicorn, biting on its neck, and finally biting off its neck bone.

Dumb's giant claws pierced into the chest of the ancestral black dragon, and against the sorrow and indignation of the ancestral black dragon, he pulled out a pounding heart.

The eight-clawed golden dragon suddenly appeared above Qingluan, who was focusing on Kailan, releasing the space blade. Qingluan was caught off guard. When it was too late, its head was sharply sharpened by the space. Cut it down.

The two avatars and the three main demon pets were suddenly missing, which was very unfavorable to Yuandi, and was on the verge of collapse.

I'm afraid it won't be long before this battle will end.

At this time, Emperor Yuan couldn't see that he had lost the possibility of detachment. He had tried his best, but even if he moved out the assassin, he still couldn't change the current situation, and he had already reached the point of exhaustion.

Unless the strongest is rescued, there is no possibility of escape, but is it possible?

Even if the Emperor of Humanity and the Emperor of Blood came to the rescue, I'm afraid they would not take the initiative to step into the Zhoutian Star Fighting Array.

"Halloween King, I surrender!"

In desperation, Emperor Yuan chose to surrender, hoping that Li Changsheng would let him go.

"What did you do early!"

Li Changsheng didn't stop the demon pets at all, and continued to let the demon pets rub against Yuan Emperor's demon pets.

If Emperor Yuan hadn’t used his assassin, Li Changsheng might still have the possibility of recruiting Emperor Yuan. Now it’s different. Emperor Yuan will be able to transform into three cleansings at one go. He also holds a scale of imitation order, which is absolutely closely related to the Emperor.

However, Emperor Yuan had just formed an alliance with the Blood Emperor, which is even more puzzling.

According to Li Changsheng's estimation, this is probably a part of the Emperor's plan, or he wants to influence the Blood Emperor to hold or kill Li Changsheng.

This kind of Emperor Yuan, Li Changsheng naturally did not have the idea of ​​conquering, he still killed him and made him completely alone.

When Li Changsheng was speaking, Kunpeng's beak penetrated the head of the nine-tailed Firefox, and the red and white ones were scattered all over the ground, and Yuan Emperor's demon pet was -1 again.

The Emperor Yuan was very anxious, and hurriedly shouted: "Halloween King, please stop quickly, I am very sincere!"

Naturally, Emperor Yuan didn't want to die, as long as there was a ray of life, he could even give up the dignity of being a human being.

"You should answer me one question first, right?"

The Emperor Yuan didn't know what Li Changsheng thought, and said, "Do you want to ask me what is the relationship with the Emperor? I just said it, he is my father!"

One stone caused a thousand waves of waves. Li Changsheng and Ning Bizhen looked at each other, and they all saw shock in each other's eyes.

The Emperor Yuan was actually the son of the Emperor. Isn’t it rumored that all of the heirs of the Emperor died prematurely?

Obviously, this rumor is not reliable.

This concealment is too deep, how the key source Emperor and Human Emperor look different.

In order to satisfy his own mentality of eating melons, Li Changsheng signaled the demon pets to stop temporarily, but still surrounding Emperor Yuan, launching an offensive at any time.

"Also, for example, what is the matter of one gasification and three cleansing?"

"When I was very young, my father gave me away secretly. He said he died early. Besides me, my three brothers were also sent away together. I was with them in a secret corner. Growing up. When we grew up, my father used the principle of raising Gu to let my three brothers and I kill each other. In the end, I was lucky enough to win."

Emperor Yuan paused, and continued: "If you want to cultivate one Qi to transform three Qings, you must have Innate Taiqing, Yuqing and Shangqing Qi as the medium, but these three innate auras in our world are almost extinct, and my father has exhausted it. I couldn't get all my scheming together, so I started to improve it in a different way."

When talking about this, Emperor Yuan looked embarrassed and did not continue.

"How to improve?"

"King of Saints, as long as you promise to keep me alive, I will tell you!"

Li Changsheng pretended to hesitate for a moment. The method of improvement was very simple. He used his blood as a medium and he had to kill him himself to replace the three innate auras. My three brothers were made into clones by me. But this is not what I wanted. My father forced me to do it all. "

Yuandi finally said threw the black pot to the emperor who was not present.

Li Changsheng and Ning Bizhen looked at each other. They didn't expect that the reform of the emperor's one Qi Hua Sanqing would be so cruel, and they refreshed their three views.

"Then what is the material of your father's three clones?"

"Before my father became enlightened, his brothers and sisters had fallen for many years, so I guess they should be the three brothers who were born before me!"

Li Changsheng sighed, it's no wonder that the emperor's heirs all died early.

At the same time, the cruelty of the emperor really has no bottom line at all. It can be described as innocent, but it was covered up very well before. At that time, Li Changsheng once thought that the emperor was an emperor who was sympathetic to the people and dedicated to the public. Who knows Knowing the person, knowing the face and not knowing the heart, this is simply a beast in clothing.

Settling against Emperor Wu, secretly colluding with the East China Sea Dragon Clan to kill the Spirit Emperor and severely inflict Emperor Wen, and then another blood sacrifice to his ally Feng Emperor and tens of millions of people, and now he must personally kill his three sons cruelly, and let Yuan Emperor be his relative. The son also repeated this process, which is called the evil of the world.

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