Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 1544: Top 10 branches of the World Tree

Without waiting long, the Three Emperors and the Four Seas Dragon King returned together, staring at the void in front of them with scorching eyes.

There is the entrance to the Heavenly Emperor's Secret Realm!

"How's it going?"

"Except for the Thunder Emperor, I didn't meet the Human Emperor and the Blood Emperor, nor do I know where they went, or they were already in the lower realm. However, we left some emergency measures before leaving the habitat of the top ten tribes."

Hearing what Emperor Wen said, Li Changsheng was relieved a lot, but his heart was still full of vigilance. He decided to rectify the heavens as soon as possible, leaving only a portal like Nantianmen for the time being to prevent the emperor and others from sneaking in.

"Everyone is ready, we should open the Secret Realm of the Emperor of Heaven!"

After Li Changsheng finished speaking, he took out a token from his arms. This token came from the Heavenly Emperor Space Ring, a control token belonging to the Heavenly Emperor's Secret Realm.

After inputting enough mental power, the token buzzed and vibrated, and immediately shot a beam of light, instantly falling into the void in front of it.

In the next moment, a portal with a height of several tens of meters emerged.

"Go in!"

Li Changsheng didn't relax his guard. On top of his head, the sun, moon and stars, Hetu Luoshu, Qiankun Ding, stepped on the twelfth-grade star palace lotus platform, several layers of light curtains appeared on the body, and stepped into the portal.

Emperor Wen and others followed closely and stepped into the secret realm of Emperor Tian.

After a while, Li Changsheng and others appeared in a spacious and bright secret realm.

Even if tens of thousands of years have passed, the Heavenly Emperor Secret Realm is still a cave in the sky, with abnormally abundant energy.

According to common sense, if it has not been taken care of for so many years, the area of ​​the Heavenly Emperor's Secret Realm should not be so large.

"There must be a top-grade top-level spiritual root, and there is more than one!"

Li Changsheng secretly said in his heart that he briefly checked the resources of the Heavenly Emperor's Secret Realm from the Heavenly Emperor's Inheritance, and naturally he knew better than the others present.

There are nine pieces of land in the Secret Realm of the Emperor of Heaven. There are seas between them, and they are not connected. The land and the sea each occupy half of the area.

Whether it is nine pieces of land or sea, each has its own mystery and possesses many top spiritual roots.

As the lord of the heavens, and the only big boss in history who possesses the qualifications of the Dao, the number of top spiritual roots possessed by the emperor can be said to be the highest in the world, absolutely exceeding double digits.

"Follow me!"

Li Changsheng took the lead and flew towards the nearest piece of land. Emperor Wen and others followed behind, looking curiously at the secret realm of the Emperor of Heaven.

After a few breaths, everyone hovered in the center of this continent, looking down at the scene below.

This piece of land is quite barren, with a large thundercloud floating above it, and lightning strikes down from time to time, making the land full of strong thunder energy.

In the center of the land, stands a bare purple giant tree, nearly a thousand meters high, flashing purple thunder from time to time, containing amazing thunder energy.

"Purple Sky Thunderwood!"

Zixiao Sky Thunderwood is one of the ten branches of the World Tree. It is a low-grade top-level spiritual root. It does not bear fruit, but the branch wood is a very good Thunder material.

There is only one top spirit root like Zixiao Tianleimu, in addition to that, there are also a large number of thunder system spirit roots, which are of incalculable value.

The crowd didn't take the Zixiao Heavenly Thunderwood, as for the other spiritual roots, they didn't look at them, and they would use them as gifts when they made a choice later.

Before long, everyone came to the second continent.

The second continent is still relatively barren, with a large number of golden spiritual roots planted on it, headed by the Gengjin Bodhi tree, which is also the ten branches of the World Tree.

The third continent is the continent of fire, planted with the roots of the fire system, and the head is still the red fire dragon scale tree, which is the ten branches of the world tree.

The fourth piece is the land of earth...The tree of the earth is headed.

The fifth piece is the Continent of Ice...The first one is the Snow Soul Ice Crystal Tree.

The sixth piece is the Continent of Wind...The headed one is the Jiutian Sunda Wind Tree.

The seventh piece is the Bright Continent... The headed one is the sacred heaven tree.

The eighth piece is the Dark Continent... The Dark Purgatory Tree is headed.

Each of these eight continents has ten branches of the World Tree, which is worthy of being the lord of the heavens. He is really rich in wealth.

At this time, Li Changsheng led everyone to fly towards the ninth continent.

This is also the land in the middle, with an area of ​​1/3 of the total land area. The actual core land is also the most quintessential part of the Heavenly Emperor's Secret Realm.

The scene of the central continent is more comfortable, you can see three suns hanging in the sky.

If you distinguish them carefully, you will find that two of the suns are illusory, and they are relatively close to the land. It is faintly visible that there is an anomaly in the two suns, probably the image of two birds with their wings folded.

"Three-legged Golden Crow!"

With just a glance, Li Changsheng could tell the truth about the two'suns'.

Judging from the induction of spiritual power, these two three-legged golden crows did not give back at all. They have obviously fallen, and it is very likely that they have fallen during the battle for hegemony between heaven and earth.

Li Changsheng mobilized the secret realm token, and the bodies of two three-legged golden crows fell from the sky.

These are two three-legged golden crows, one big and one small, which looks like the difference between an adult and a child.

Li Changsheng, who has the inheritance of the Heavenly Emperor, knows very well that these two three-legged golden crows are both mature, but they are different in realm, the big Demon Emperor level and the small Demon Emperor level.

Among them, the Demon Emperor-class three-legged golden crow is still the demon pet of the Emperor of Heaven. It has a huge penetrating wound on its abdomen, and its head is sunken. These are also its two fatal injuries.

The Demon Emperor Level three-legged Golden Crow was almost split in half by a sharp blade, killing him in one blow.

"I'll collect it first, and count it later!"

With a wave of his hand, Li Changsheng put the two three-legged golden crow corpses into his secret realm, and then led everyone to the center of the central land.

On the way, Li Changsheng and others found several more demon emperor-level corpses, all of which were killed in battle.

In addition to his destiny and main demon pet, UU reading also has many temporary demon emperor class demon pets.

It is a pity that Emperor Xuan and Empress have Feng Clan and Qilin Clan to help, which not only offsets their numerical advantage, but also wins. This is also one of the reasons for the defeat of Emperor Xuan.

On this central continent, Li Changsheng saw ten energy pools, corresponding to ten attributes, and the area far exceeded the energy pool from Yum King. He could receive energy from all major energy planes all the time, ensuring the secret realm. The lower limit of energy.

Of course, this is not the point.

In the central area, there is a very large medicine garden. Although it has been deserted a lot because of no one to take care of, the number of spiritual roots is still very considerable, far exceeding the other eight continents.

In the center of the medicine garden, there are several spiritual roots of different shapes, all of which are top spiritual roots.

Judging from the feedback of mental power, there are one high-grade, two middle-grade and four low-grade top spiritual roots, which are worth far more than the sum of the other eight continents.

Among them, the two middle-grade top-level spiritual roots naturally contain the tree of life, one of the top ten branches of the world tree, but the eyes of everyone present are on the top-grade top-level spiritual root.

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