Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 1546: 0 dragons

This seal is based on five-needle pine, coupled with the connection to the sea and earth veins, so that the power of the seal technique can be used to the extreme.

Of course, there are large-scale bans on the periphery.

"What is sealed here?"

Emperor Wen turned his head to look at Li Changsheng. There are roughly three possibilities, which are nothing more than monsters, powerful demon masters, and evil treasures.

"A hundred dragons!"

Li Changsheng did not hide it, nor did he want to hide it, because he had the idea of ​​opening the seal.

Of course, he didn't have the idea of ​​conquering a hundred giant dragons, some just wanted to kill it.

Hundreds of giant dragons belong to the unique giant dragon category of beasts. From its name, it can be seen that this is a monster with a hundred heads of giant dragons, and its strength can be said to be quite powerful.

Judging from the inheritance of the Emperor of Heaven, this hundred-headed dragon is named Ladong. When the Emperor discovered it, it was guarding the golden apple tree whose origin had not been damaged.

Naturally, the emperor couldn't let go of the golden apple tree intact, and at the same time, like Li Changsheng, he had an inquiring idea about the only kind of beast.

As a result, the Emperor of Heaven and the Hundred Dragons broke out in war. In the end, the Emperor of Heaven played a game higher. It was not that the Emperor did not have the strength to kill the Hundred Dragons, but that he was unwilling to kill and wanted to keep the Hundred Dragons to study slowly. Sealed it in the secret realm.

Before the Emperor of Heaven could study any results, the Heaven and Earth Hegemony started, so there was no need to talk about the rest.

Li Changsheng wanted to kill Ladong, one was to fuse the secret realm of the emperor; the other was to obtain research materials; the third was to integrate the souls of a hundred dragons into the dragon-slashing platform; and the fourth was to eliminate the troubles.

If you want to merge with the secret realm of the Emperor of Heaven, a hundred dragons must be released, otherwise, during the process of fusion, they will break the seal and escape.

As a unique beast, the strength of the Hundred-Headed Dragon is naturally not that strong, and even the Emperor of Heaven at its peak did not defeat it in a short period of time.

Li Changsheng analyzed it, this hundred-headed dragon might be able to single-handedly defeat the Emperor of the Peak, provided that the Emperor does not let go of the clone.

In order to prevent accidents, Li Changsheng plans to distribute the benefits first, so that the outbreak of the war will not affect those spiritual plants, mineral veins and wild elves, and it will be heartache and hard to breathe.

The distribution of benefits in the Secret Realm of the Emperor of Heaven is naturally based on previous contributions.

Li Changsheng and his wife are 50%, Wendi, Wudi and Qingdi each are 10%, and the Sihailongwang is 20%.

The distribution method is also very simple. Those spiritual roots, mineral veins, and wild goblins that can't be on the table don't need to be taken out, and everyone will pack some at that time.

The main distribution is the top-level spiritual root, which is very important for both the demon master and the dragon clan.

Although the dragons are not able to create secrets like the demon master, the top spiritual roots win in the long run and benefit the future. It can be said to be a symbol of heritage.

This time, there were two top-grade top-grade spiritual roots, two middle-grade top-grade spiritual roots, and 13 low-grade top-grade spiritual roots.

In terms of value, the total value of the two top-grade top spirit roots accounted for a full 50%.

Among them, Huangzhongli is 30%, five-needle pine is 20%, the tree of life and the golden apple tree are each 10%, and the remaining 13 low-grade top-level spiritual roots are only 30%.

Of course, this does not include fruit.

The other fruits are okay, but the fruits of Huangzhong Li are too precious. In their eyes, the value of these nine fruits is probably not inferior to Huangzhong Li itself.

There is no way, no one present can tell that he can live another 30,000 years, especially the emperor, it seems that there is no upper limit to the number of life, but due to the relationship between the five decay of heaven and man, often only a few thousand years.

The average age of the Four Seas Dragon King can reach this number, but no one can say that there will be no accidents during this period, such as the last East Sea Dragon King who stood on the wrong team and fell.

"According to the contribution, we can get four and a half yellow plum fruits. So, we only need four. The remaining half can be exchanged for the fruits of the five-needle pine and golden apple tree. Need it again."

Li Changsheng said in a negotiating tone that in terms of value, the value of a single yellow plum can even be worth all the fruits of five-needle pine and golden apple trees.

Li Changsheng exchanged half of the yellow plum fruit in exchange for it, plus no other top-level spiritual root fruits. Everyone silently calculated it and found that there was no loss, naturally they did not refuse. They wished that Li Changsheng could divide the yellow plum fruit less.

After the Li Changsheng and his wife had divided the four yellow plums, the remaining five yellow and plum fruits, under the coordination of the Li Changsheng and his wife, quickly came to fruition.

Among them, Emperor Wen, Emperor Wu and Emperor Qing took one each, and the Four Seas Dragon King took the last two. As for the distribution of the Four Seas Dragon King, that is their business, nothing more than the coordination of interests, I am afraid it is also closely related to the top spiritual roots behind the distribution.

Li Changsheng took the five-needle pine fruit again, but did not take the fruit of the golden apple tree. When everyone asked curiously, he just smiled and did not speak.

He wants to fuse two golden apple trees, and the fruit of this golden apple tree may have some changes.

As for whether the legendary quality monster pet can go further, just look at the information about a hundred dragons.

Hundreds of giant dragons always guard the golden apple tree. If its quality is above the legend, it means that the fruit is effective for the legendary quality monster pet.

Except for the fruits of Huangzhong Plum, Five Needle Pine and Golden Apple Trees, the rest of the fruits were distributed soon.

After allocating the fruits, it is the turn of the top spirit roots.

"Everyone, wait a minute, I have a proposal!"

Li Changsheng is interested in several top spiritual roots. In addition to Huangzhongli, Five Needle Pine and Golden Apple Trees, there are also ten branches of the World Tree that he lacks.

But with his and Ning Bizhen's effects only enough to exchange Huangzhongli and Wuzhensong.

If you want to achieve your goal, you must satisfy others.

Everyone focused their attention on Li Changsheng, all of them wishing to hear the details.

"I am willing to use these top spiritual roots and treasures in exchange for contributions. Of course, it all lies with you."

Li Changsheng and his wife also have a few top-level spiritual roots that they don’t need, namely Golden Crow Blood Tree, Xuepo Ice Crystal Tree (the second one.), Yimu Qinglong Tree, Xuanqiong Five-color Glazed Fruit Tree, Dinghai Dragon Blood Fruit Tree, Pantian Bamboo, etc. , As for the sacred tree and the big Zhoutian star fruit trees are still useful, there is no need to take them out.

In addition to these, Li Changsheng also took out several treasures, including a secondary ice avenue crystal.

As soon as they saw the crystallization of the road, everyone couldn't take their eyes away. Among them, the three emperors were the most. They never expected that Li Changsheng still had this kind of treasure in his hands.

The Four Seas Dragon King reluctantly retracted his gaze. If it is the secondary avenue crystal of the water system, it would be good to say that although there are dragons in the ice system, the number is too small, and their children and nephews do not have outstanding ice dragons.

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