Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 1549: no way no money

Hundreds of giant dragons swung their tails in time to block the juvenile chrysanthemum first to avoid the possibility of being exploded.

The claws of the eight-clawed golden dragon caught on the dragon's tail, marking eight long and deep scars.

Without waiting for a hundred dragons to react, Ashe, Kailan, day and night launched an offensive from four directions.

Hundreds of giant dragons spin like tops, using each dragon head to harden their offensive.

Even so, several dragon heads were blown up.

At this moment, the East Sea Dragon King, the South Sea Dragon King, and the North Sea Dragon King swooped down from above.

Hundreds of giant dragons hurriedly gathered the wings that covered the sky and the sun, abruptly blocking their impact, but they still staggered and fell from a high altitude.

Suddenly, a harsh wind and thunder sounded, and Ah Dui suddenly appeared under the hundred dragons. Several huge claws seemed to be grabbing frantically, dancing out layers of phantoms, and grabbing at the roots of the dragon wings of the hundred dragons.

Once the dragon's wings are severely damaged, it will inevitably affect the movement speed of a hundred giant dragons, which is not conducive to escape.

With a strong sense of crisis, a hundred giant dragons tried their best to avoid, barely avoiding the dragon wings, but Duan's several giant claws still penetrated deep into its body, making it feel a sharp pain.


Hundreds of giant dragons uttered angry dragon chants, and the dozen or so dragon heads facing Ah-Dai immediately bitten Ah-Dai who was close at hand, instantly biting it all over his body with cuts and bruises, and even a giant claw was directly bitten off.

Such a serious injury would be a serious injury on the body of an ordinary monster pet, and it is likely to lose the ability to fight.

But Dui was different. Due to the relationship between the eternal immortal body, as long as there is a piece of flesh left, he can always recover, not to mention the eternal indestructible body also greatly reduces the pain.

So under the surprised gaze of a hundred giant dragons, Ah Dui not only didn't shrink back, but pulled out the giant claws and grabbed the roots of the dragon wings again.

Because Dui's actions were too unexpected, the reaction of the Hundred Dragons was a bit slow, and when it reacted, it felt that there was a burst of pain from the root of the dragon's wings.

A Duan's several giant claws have grabbed into the roots of the dragon wings, tearing the flesh, bones and meridians with all their might, dripping with blood, exposing Bai Sensen's bones.

Hundreds of giant dragons rushed to shoot out the dragon claws, and under the tremendous force, they slapped the dumb down and hit the ground heavily, almost turning into a mass of flesh.

As a price, the Hundred Dragons endured the offensive of the Three Sea Dragon King and several demon pets, and lost more than ten dragon heads again.

The dragon's wings were damaged, and the dragon's head was nearly half lost, which directly caused the battle power of the hundred dragons to drop.

Like those divine beasts with many hands and many heads, the more they drop, the weaker their combat power becomes.


Hundreds of giant dragons showed their killing eyes. It was very clear that the situation was very unfavorable to it, and it had to get out of it as soon as possible, otherwise it would not be long before life and death would be controlled by others.

At this time, the remaining dragon heads of the hundred dragons breathed the dragon's breath from all angles, causing the Three Seas Dragon King and the demon pets to be in a hurry.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, a hundred dragons wanted to rush to Ashe quickly, and the huge dragon claws were photographed.

Suddenly, a figure that looked like a ball of flesh stood in front of Ashe, facing the offensive of a hundred dragons.


Yuan Kumun turned several somersaults in the air, then stopped, revealing several deep bone scars, and even internal organs were damaged.

However, Chuankuang rushed forward again without hesitation.

Just like Dumb, even if there is only a piece of flesh and blood left, as long as it is given a period of time, it can fully recover, and there is no need to avoid injury.

In addition, their endurance is far beyond that of other monster pets.

On the other side, A Duan stood up from the ground, with a burst of force on his legs, he rushed straight from the ground to the hundred dragons in the sky.

In addition, several demon pets gathered here, namely the big head, the four-clawed silver dragon, the phoenix, the Zixiao Qilin, the five-color dragon god, and the four-clawed yellow dragon. These demon pets launched an endless offensive in an echelon situation. It doesn't give a hundred dragons a chance to breathe at all.

As for the three emperors' demon pets, they used soy sauce on the periphery as the last stop.

Before the hundreds of giant dragons had time to breathe, they were surrounded by several powerful monster emperor class monster pets. It could be said that they were very aggrieved, and they furiously attacked their heads.

The big head did not retreat, raising its claws to meet, and the four-claw silver dragon immediately blessed the big head with time acceleration, allowing the big head's speed and attack speed to be further exerted.

For a while, the big head fell into the wind, but it was not defeated by a single blow.

In this short period of time, other monster pets poured a powerful offensive on the hundred giant dragons, exploding one by one, and its dragon wings were further damaged.

Hundreds of giant dragons hurriedly performed their old tricks, spinning like a top again, and the remaining dragon heads biting wildly around, trying to temporarily drive away the nearby enemies.

It is a pity that the number of heads of the Hundred Dragons is less than half of the heyday, and the deterrent power has been greatly reduced. In addition, Duan and Yuan Gungun have taken the lead to withstand the impact forcibly, making the rotation of the Hundred Dragons slow down.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the East China Sea Dragon King, the South China Sea Dragon King, and the North Sea Dragon King entangled one after another, tightening the wings of a hundred giant dragons, and simultaneously swiping their claws, exploding the dragon heads.

Hundreds of giant dragons were forced to fall from the air. In the process, it hurriedly raised its thick and long dragon tail, trying to smash it at the Three Seas Dragon King who bound it.

Suddenly, Li Changsheng appeared abruptly, instantly transformed into a giant with a hundred arms, appearing between the dragon tail and the three sea dragon king.

The dragon's tail smashed in crazily, and several different light curtains and gas masks appeared on Li Changsheng's body instantly, setting him off like a tortoise.

After all, it is a unique beast of mythological quality. The fighting power of a hundred giant dragons is not weak, even if it is only half of its heyday, it still has a very powerful destructive power.

Under this smash, the star power barrier placed outside the sun, moon and stars map was the first to be broken, but it still blocked the dragon's tail.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Li Changsheng's incarnation of a giant with one hundred arms stretched out one's arms and buckled the tail of a hundred giant dragons.

Hundreds of giant dragons struggled, some relatively fragile outer arms exploded one after another, but it was difficult to break free from Li Changsheng's shackles in an instant.


It is as if a meteor hit the a hundred giant dragons smashed to the ground from a high altitude. Numerous dusts were flying, and a big pit with a basin large was stunned.

Before the hundred dragons stood up, the demon pets got close again and continued to launch a powerful offensive.

The four-clawed silver dragon blessed the time to accelerate the dumb, and dumb blessed him again. The hundred-headed dragon barely wanted to use the dragon's claws to stop it, but was smashed away by the dumb, breaking through its defenses. , Grabbed deeply into its body.

However, the size of the Hundred Dragons was too large, and the giant claws of Ah Dumb could not penetrate deeply into the body of the Hundred Dragons, but they still severely damaged the Hundred Dragons.

Hell heaven!

Until this time, the day and night combination skills were completed, and a huge gray aperture fell.

Li Changsheng and the Three Seas Dragon King no longer restrained a hundred dragons, and hurriedly retreated to the side.

Hundreds of giant dragons also wanted to hide, but were bound by the many restraint skills of the monster pets. Although they were broken away in an instant, they lost the best time to dodge.

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