Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 1560: Fusion Golden Apple Tree

The refining method is similar to the previous refining of the Dragon and Phoenix Burning Heavenly Ding, except that the quality of the materials after returning to the original source is better, and it is still a complete dragon soul and phoenix soul.

In addition, the flame temperature of Phoenix is ​​significantly higher, and more magazines can be extracted, which improves the refinement level to a certain extent.

Even so, in this respect, it is still not as good as the Demon Emperor's Three-legged Golden Crow of the Heavenly Emperor. Perhaps only after the Phoenix's Vermillion Bird's essence blood reaches Consummation, the flames of the fusion of the two fire type beasts can be compared.

After being returned by Qiankun Ding, the dragon and phoenix contending ruler turned into two liquids, one black and the other white, each residing in the dragon soul and the phoenix soul.

The two swords of Biluo and Huangquan were also returned to their origins, but the color was one yellow and one green.

After finishing the tempering of the magazine, under Li Changsheng's control, the white liquid and the cyan liquid were fused, and the black liquid and the yellow liquid were fused.

Before long, it merged into a dark green liquid and a dark golden liquid.

In the next moment, countless silver seal scripts fell into the two masses of liquid, and they interlocked with each other to form a mysterious and unpredictable restriction, in order to inspire even more powerful power.

Li Changsheng stretched out his hand and pointed, and the two groups of liquid quickly twisted into shape, turning into a blade shape, without a hilt, just like a flying sword.

He has a sharp spear and a dragon head cane. There is no need to use the blue and yellow swords for melee. Without the hilt, he can make the sword faster and more flexible.

Soon, the two swords condensed and formed, flying out from the Qiankun Ding, winding upward like a dragon and snake, the dragon-shaped phoenix shadow clinging to the sword body, and the sound of dragon and phoenix contending resounded throughout the world.

In an instant, the two swords fell in front of Li Changsheng, and the shadows of the dragon and the phoenix were all restrained and disappeared.

However, the clear appearance of dragons and phoenixes appeared on the clear swords of the two swords, which added a touch of magnificence to the two swords.

Li Changsheng stretched out his fingers and flicked the dark green flying sword, and a clear sword groan swiftly stirred for a long time.

He can clearly feel that the hardness and sharpness of the double swords are obviously better than before.

From the feedback of spiritual power, Li Changsheng found that the two flying swords had all entered the ranks of Langhuan's treasures, and they barely became the middle-grade Langhuan's treasures, and the two swords combined were the top-grade Langhuan's treasures.

Judging from the rank, it is at the same rank as the Double Swords of the Blood Slaughter Prison.

Li Changsheng expressed his satisfaction. He didn't want to change his name either. He saw that with a stroke of his hand, two ancient characters, Biluo and Huangquan, appeared on the two flying swords.

After the refining was temporarily over, Li Changsheng activated the time delay forbidden formation, once again immersed in the inheritance of the Emperor, looking for information about the golden apple tree.

He owns two golden apple trees, but both of them are not complete in origin. What is certain is that the two golden apple trees were originally one, just like Sanqing was originally a family, but at the time they were separated. 'NS.

How to integrate golden apple trees, Li Changsheng can't be sloppy.

In just half a day, Li Changsheng woke up from contemplation.

The emperor’s inheritance is all-encompassing, and there are many materials about the golden apple tree, but there are very few materials that are really useful to Li Changsheng.

Even so, Li Changsheng found a way to merge.

No way, after obtaining this golden apple tree, the emperor also found that the source of the golden apple tree was insufficient. Naturally, he would try his best to make up for the golden apple tree.

Unfortunately, the Emperor of Heaven fell, and the method naturally became Li Changsheng's.

The method is very simple. Just throw a golden apple tree directly into the celestial pot and return it to its source, and then "feed" another golden apple tree.

This is the advantage of Qiankun Ding, which not only saves time, but also minimizes loss.

Li Changsheng set out to integrate the golden apple tree, and faced the Qiankun Ding with a pinch, and there was a golden apple tree in a cloud of glowing light.

This golden apple tree is Li Changsheng's own, because the golden apple tree of the Emperor of Heaven is full of fruits, once the golden apple tree is promoted to the top-grade top spiritual root, the quality of these fruits may also be promoted.

The golden apple tree quickly became smaller, fell into the heaven and earth tripod, and disappeared.

As the lid of the tripod fell, the phoenix spewed fierce flames, and the raging fire enveloped the tripod, and from the hollow of the tripod, smoke-like gas appeared from time to time.

In the celestial tripod, under the extreme temperature, the golden apple tree quickly dried up and burst into flames, turning into drops of golden liquid.

After half an hour passed, the lid of Qiankun Ding opened again, and a large cloud of golden liquid flew out.

This is the origin of the golden apple tree, which is golden and exudes breathtaking brilliance.

As soon as Li Changsheng waved his sleeves, a starlight barrier firmly covered the golden liquid to prevent the source of the golden apple tree from dissipating, or else he would lose money.

When the temperature of the golden liquid returned to normal, Li Changsheng thought, his figure disappeared instantly, and when he reappeared, he came to the golden apple tree of the Emperor of Heaven.

Under the control of mental power, the golden liquid separated a drop of liquid and dropped onto the trunk of the golden apple tree.

First of all, it is natural to try the effect to avoid accidents.

As soon as the golden liquid fell on the trunk of the golden apple tree, it disappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In a short time, a gleam of light appeared on the surface of the golden apple tree, swaying golden branches and leaves, and the volume rose a little bit visible to the naked eye.

After confirming that it was effective, the golden liquid turned into a water line, which was continuously scattered on the trunk of the golden apple tree.

The golden apple tree absorbs quickly, and the light on the body surface becomes more intense, accompanied by an increasing volume.

During this process, Li Changsheng could'see' the light spots representing the golden apple trees become brighter and brighter, which also made him quite expectant.

I don't know whether the fruit of the golden apple tree can continue to enhance the legendary quality of the golden demon pet after becoming the top-grade top spiritual root.

If feasible, the value of the golden apple tree will skyrocket and even in Li Changsheng's mind can replace the status of the Huangzhong plum tree.

The golden apple tree grew bigger and bigger, and finally slowed down after breaking through three kilometers in height.

At this time, the golden apple tree has smoothly transitioned to the top-grade top spiritual root stage.

Unexpectedly, most of the fruits on the golden apple tree began to shrink, only three fruits became more and more colorful, and the size also increased, each with the size of a basin.

After all, we still have to follow the law of conservation of energy. Obviously, other golden apples have obviously become the nourishment for the promotion of these three golden apples.

When the golden apple tree was completely stabilized, Li Changsheng took a golden apple and solemnly handed it to Ashe.

Whether the golden apple will be effective, you have to try it.

Ashe swallowed the golden apple in one gulp, and under the powerful digestion, the golden apple instantly turned into a golden energy, which quickly flowed through the limbs.

Li Changsheng's spiritual power enveloped Ashe, always paying attention to its changes.

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