Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 1562: Purify the gate of the abyss

If you add the achievements of the Emperor of Heaven, Li Changsheng has a better understanding of the status of heaven.

Like the news disclosed by the Dragon King of the North Sea, the heavenly status is composed of the world origin, and the world origin is condensed by the power of the world.

However, if you want to obtain the origin of the world, you still need a certain amount of merit to help you get it.

The Emperor of Heaven has condensed the origin of the world, but even if he is the ruler of the heavens, the power of the world is still limited, far less than the number of condensed heavenly ranks.

Although the number of world origins is far from enough, the emperor of heaven has tried to refine the extremely shrinking version of the heavenly status, referred to as the poor version.

It's a pity that the poor man's version of heaven ended in failure.

According to the emperor’s guess, in order to transform the origin of the world into a heavenly position, in addition to the quantity, it also needs enough authority in the heaven and earth.

Of course, these are just guesses, and you have to try them out.

It is a pity that the world power in Li Changsheng's hands has been lost, either to expand the secret realm or to refine the sky-filling five-color stone. Where there is extra world power, it is actually a lot of merits and mysterious yellow energy.

In this situation, Li Changsheng is ready to accumulate for a period of time and gain enough world power.

Before that, Li Changsheng had gone out specially once and handed over some things to Zuo Qiulin.

Zuo Qiulin's status in the Heavenly Court is like the Taibai Venus of the previous Jade Emperor. His status seems to be inferior to the five parties and five elders, but no one dares to ignore him. After all, he is Li Changsheng's side, equivalent to the **** chief of the emperor's side.

These things include collecting the last magnetic mountain, the missing Second Jiuding, the missing orbs of the Nine Heavens Qingqi Pagoda, the wild goblins with the bloodlines of Baihu, Qiongqi, etc., and some collecting materials.

After Zuo Qiulin left, Li Changsheng took out the Primordial Light and Hetu Luoshu, and used the fallen demon pet soul of the blood emperor to infer the whereabouts of the blood emperor.

Since it is already an enemy, Li Changsheng has not let go of their thoughts, no matter the Emperor, the Blood Emperor or the Thunder Emperor. These are all factors of instability.

However, what made Li Changsheng frowned was that no matter how he inferred, he did not infer the whereabouts of the blood emperor.

Without hesitation, Li Changsheng replaced Lei Di's demon pet soul.

After the calculation for a while, he still had no clue, and had to replace the human emperor's demon pet soul again for deduction.

Unfortunately, the Human Emperor, like the Blood Emperor and the Thunder Emperor, also ended in deduction failure.

Judging from the advancement situation, there are probably three possibilities.

1. Using special exotic treasures to cover up, causing Li Changsheng to be unable to figure it out.

2. Went to another world

Three, went to the underworld.

The three of them lived so well. They were definitely not fools. They had independent thinking. Knowing that even if the three of them joined forces, they would not be Li Changsheng's opponents. Naturally, they could not sit still and let Li Changsheng come to the door.

Therefore, Li Changsheng estimated that there is a high probability that the three of them will not be in the world, and they will either go to another world or go to the underworld.

Among them, the environment of the underworld is too special. Unless you have a heavy treasure of the underworld, even if the emperor's body will be assimilated by the underworld over a long period of time, you will not be able to return to the world in the end. This kind of thing really happened in the ancient times.

The heavy treasures of the underworld are similar to the heavy treasures of the heavens. Only the best Langhuan treasures with the Yin attribute can be called the heavy treasures of the underworld. Ning Bizhen's three-life stone and the book of life and death meet this standard.

There are very few underworld treasures, not to mention the underworld treasures that are in the world. Except for the two pieces in the hands of Ning Bizhen, Li Changsheng has never heard of anyone else owning the underworld treasures.

It is precisely because of this that Li Changsheng felt that the three of them were very likely to seek refuge in another world.

As for where he went, the big deduction at the Xiaocheng stage could not be guessed at all.

Li Changsheng didn't worry about them not coming back, because as long as a certain time limit expires, Tiandao will automatically revoke their throne, which is about three years.

"Since they are not here, then take over their territory by the way, and unify the world!"

Li Changsheng made a decision, but he had to do it. After all, without the suppression of the Human Emperor, the Blood Emperor, and the Thunder Emperor, there would be no demon monarch in the three regions.

If the three of them took away all the powerful under their banner, the three major areas would have been corrupted.

However, Li Changsheng felt that the probability was not high. After all, the three people's karma was already very strong. If they did this, Heaven would not let them go. What's the difference between this and Zhijuetiandi.

Li Changsheng asked Emperor Wen, Emperor Wu, and Emperor Qing to take over these three regions in person, and if possible, solve the demon monarchs in the three regions by the way.

Li Changsheng did not sit in the Heavenly Court. He also chose the lower realm, leaving only Ning Bizhen to sit in the center of the town. For safety's sake, he closed the entrance of the Nantian Gate by the way.

Before long, Li Changsheng came to the sky fortress.

Here the world is clear, the concentration of devil energy is extremely low, and the abyss consciousness is even more outrageous.

There is no way, Li Changsheng was stunned here.

This time the lower realm is mainly the abyss consciousness stored in the gate of light and darkness.

The main reason for choosing the Sky Fortress was that Li Changsheng wanted to experiment to see if he could use the gate of light and darkness to destroy the gate of the abyss.

As mentioned in the previous article, this is conducive to the progress of heaven and earth, and as long as it succeeds, there will naturally be a lot of merit rewards.

This time, Li Changsheng suddenly appeared near the gate of the abyss without any notice.

The door of light and darkness appeared above his head, and the devilish energy and abyss consciousness within a hundred miles were swallowed up.

The next moment, Li Changsheng pointed at the gate of light and darkness, and a purifying light that was so strong that it couldn't be opened, hit the gate of the abyss in an instant.


The gate of the abyss shook violently, and the place hit by the light of purification gradually melted and turned into strands of black liquid.

The black liquid is still the abyss consciousness, but it is very concentrated, condensed from countless abyss consciousnesses.

In the process, a strong suction surged, and the black liquid flew up and was swallowed by the gate of light and darkness ~ After feeling a strong threat, the gate of the abyss began to save itself.

In an instant, the door opened from the gate of the abyss turned into a whirlpool, escaping a large amount of devilish energy and abyss consciousness.

Unleashing this ability will damage the origin of the Abyss Gate, but this time it can no longer be taken care of.

However, no matter how much demon energy and abyss consciousness rushed out, the gate of light and darkness was like a bottomless pit, swallowing them cleanly.

After becoming the supreme Langhuan Supreme Treasure, the abyss consciousness that the Gate of Light and Darkness can store is far more than before, enough to cope with such a situation.

However, the gate of the abyss is very important to the abyss after all, and to a certain extent it can even be said to be the root of the abyss.

Before long, a large number of demons rushed out of the gate of the abyss, their eyes were bloodthirsty, they could barely see the reason, and they rushed towards Li Changsheng like life.

Not only that, under the summoning of the abyss, the powerful demons of the nearby abysses also gathered on this layer.

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